Category: Atari 2600
Blinky Goes Up (Minigame Compo 2012) (A2600 Game)

Blinky Goes Up by Jan Hermanns is a platform game for the Atari 2600, featuring six vertically smooth scrolling levels and superbly animated characters, in a 4kb only ROM.

Blinky Goes Up

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The Sensational Santuci Sisters (Build 36) (A2600 Game)

theloon decided to work on a horizontal scrolling game what is currently turning out to be a “The Great Giana Sisters” inspired platformer named The Sensational Santuci Sisters. The development is still in progress, so expect improvements in the near future.

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Explosive Diarrhea (11-12-2012) (A2600 Game)

If it’s about creative game names, this the Atari 2600 homebrew Explosive Diarrhea by Chris Read would probably win a prize. Guide people to a toilet, while avoiding to hit any mines hidden under earth.

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Liquid Candy (A2600 Demo)

Liquid Candy by Shadow/Noice and Ilmarque/Trilobit is some sort of candy indeed. It’s a breath taking demonstration of what can be done with an Atari VCS system and in this brilliance so far the only of it’s kind.

Liquid Candy/Noice (Atari VCS/2600 demo)

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Prost (A2600 Demo)

Prost by Digital Sounds System is a compofiller “demo” released at Evoke 2012.

Prost by DSS

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Sound Coder

Sound Coder by Digital Sounds System is an Atari 2600 Demo released at Stream 2012 (ranked 2nd in the oldschool demo compo).

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Sound Coder (A2600 Demo)

Sound Coder by Digital Sounds System is an Atari 2600 Demo released at Stream 2012 (ranked 2nd in the oldschool demo compo).

Sound Coder by DSS

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Skjutpung (A2600 Game)

Skjutpung by tjoppen is a mix of Pong and a shooter. While you have to take care of the bouncing ball you, or you opponent, can also shoot bullets. It’s not the most fancy idea in history of video gaming, but here is another game for our beloved Atari VCS. This game was another production entered in the competition pool at Revision 2012. It ranked 6th in the game development competition.

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Stella Lives (A2600 Demo)

Stella Lives! by tjoppen is the winner entry of Revision 2012‘s oldschool demo competition. It shows couple of effects, has music and is overall a great demo to look at.

Stella Lives!

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Self Portrait (A2600 Techdemo)

Self Portrait by tjoppen is a procedural graphics entry released at Revision 2012. It was actually disqualified as the organizers probably did not get the point behind it. The motivation was that it’s a converted picture, not actually a drawn one.

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