Rabbit 2600 has released his first Jump’n’Run game for the Atari 2600 named Jump! Jump!. It features 15 different screens that are randomly chosen. Use the joystick to move left and right and press the button to jump. Get points by completing a screen. Jump to avoid the fireballs!
In Tumulus by yllawwally you are an adventurer, out to stop the fiends coming from Tumulus. This game is inspired by Golden Axe.
Release notes:
Primarily bug fixes. Screen no longer adds extra line if touching an enemy or for moving left and swinging sword. Having trouble finding the cycles to do hit calcs, with the boss stuff added in. I think I can optimize a little more. Will need to move around all Enemies. Added the ability to actually specify each enemie’s life. Before it was based on enemy number, which is why it took too many hits to kill will o wisp.
In Tumulus by yllawwally you are an adventurer, out to stop the fiends coming from Tumulus. This game is inspired by Golden Axe.
Release notes:
It took just shy of an hour. But I think I finally got the will o wisp breaking into 2 creatures fixed. It was related to the RNG. I was using 0 based RNGs, and 1 based lane numbers.
In Tumulus by yllawwally you are an adventurer, out to stop the fiends coming from Tumulus. This game is inspired by Golden Axe.
Release notes:
I’ve been a little busy, and haven’t got as much done the past couple days. I’m trying to add the first boss. A will’o wisp. This creature will jump to a new lane when slain. And has to be defeated several times. However his graphics are giving me problems. For some reason I haven’t figured out yet, he only looks proper on lane 8. On all the other lanes we looks like a deformed fighter. Once I get him added, I’m going to add the ability of monsters to grapple the player. So that when they are grabbed, they are damaged until the player can wriggle out, while the player can’t damage them, until freed. Potions won’t work during grappling, you need you hands free to fight or use magic.