Category: GP32
STORY: A little bear Plusha saves his fluffy friend Tukki and their land from aliens. You may collect or buy super items to become Super Plusha. But it isn’t necessary. You have just freed your friends.
MAIN CHARACTERS: Plusha the bear, Tukki (Tokki in Korean version) the hare and Kuzya the cat.
FEATURES: Game supports 6 languages: English, Korean,
French, Italian, Spanish and German. The game contains 6 LEVELS + 1 SECRET LEVEL. Each level contains up to 20 levels of a parallax background. Some levels aren’t linear. In the each level, there is a BOSS.
There are some flying lifts, buttons, switches, hidden triggers, teleports, locks and other items.
You can collect CONES and throw then on your foes. You can crush blocks with some skills / super items. Each super item adds you a super skill (i.e. flying, crushing blocks, etc.).
You can buy some special items at Kuzya’s spiffy shop.
If you have “Snake’s Continue Token” then you can save your game.
It converts all your cones, tokens and super items into the money. Next time you can start playing from the saved level.
The game time is more than 5 hours. (If you don’t count SECRET LEVEL and EXTRA LEVELS)
This game supports downloadable plug-ins: Extra Levels (free & commercial), More languages.
FaMe Soft STAFF: Don Miguel, Musicmen, GraF, Konstantin Chufarov, Victor Malakhov, Alexander Alyaev, Br?n, DAHR
(Some of these guys don’t work with us now but we’re grateful them for their support).
THANKS: Evil Dragon, Aj0, Mr.Spiv, FireFly, Valken Lee, ZardosJones, _mp_, DarkFader, Stifu, Rino, GPZIGI, Bobbyb, Russian WIZ support site: ???? and the GamePark Holdings Co. LTD team for support.
Added Nov 16, 2008, Under:
The commercial GP32 game “Super Plusha” by FaMe Soft has been released for free.
Release notes:
A little bear Plusha saves his fluffy friend Tukki and their land from aliens. You may collect or buy super items to become Super Plusha. But it isn’t necessary. You have just freed your friends.
Game supports 6 languages: English, Korean, French, Italian, Spanish and German. The game contains 6 LEVELS + 1 SECRET LEVEL. Each level contains up to 20 levels of a parallax background. Some levels aren’t linear. In the each level, there is a BOSS.
There are some flying lifts, buttons, switches, hidden triggers, teleports, locks and other items. You can collect CONES and throw then on your foes. You can crush blocks with some skills / super items. Each super item adds you a super skill (i.e. flying, crushing blocks, etc.).
You can buy some special items at Kuzya’s spiffy shop. If you have “Snake’s Continue Token” then you can save your game. It converts all your cones, tokens and super items into the money. Next time you can start playing from the saved level.
The game time is more than 5 hours. (If you don’t count SECRET LEVEL and EXTRA LEVELS)
Added Sep 14, 2008, Under:
Kappa64 released Cuco fruit for the GP32. Eat the fruits and don’t get killed by the enemies.
Thanks to for the news.
Added Sep 13, 2008, Under:
Pong clone for GP32.
Thanks to for the news.
Added Aug 31, 2008, Under:
Slaanesh released a new version of Mame for the GP32 based on MAME4ALL.
Release notes:
This version of MAME4ALL is for the GP32 handheld and is still a BETA version – some things will change for the final release.
Please read the supported.txt included in the download for a list of games that this version supports. The GP32 version does not and will not support all games that that GP2X does.
I’ve worked pretty long and hard on this project – starting many months ago. Getting the sound right and splitting the games was quite time consuming. As it stands MAME4ALL GP32 beta is fairly feature packed and includes most things that you would expect from a capable emulator.
There is no documentation yet nor source code but I will release both of these soon with version 1.0.
For now see the homepage for details.
Special thanks to Franxis as this version for the GP32 is based on his excellent version for the GP2X.
Added Aug 28, 2008, Under:
Wubforge is a basic wave editor for the GP32.
This version of Wubforge can perform copy/paste, delete, mute or reverse operations on the whole or a section of a wav file. 8/16-bit, stereo/mono, 11025, 22,050 and 44100 Khz, uncompressed wavs are supported.
Added Jul 28, 2008, Under:
rlyeh is leaving the GP32/GP2x scene. He is known for a bunch of emulators and his Minimal Library.
Hello GP32/GP2X community,
If you receive this mail is probably because you contacted with me some (long) time ago probably about my GP32 emulators, the GP2X reminiscence port, or maybe the GP2X minimal library SDK.
The bad news is that I won’t finish anything ever. I’m publicly leaving the GP32/GP2X scene as you’re reading this. I got a sexy girl and no time enough for handhelds, I’ve been idling too much since 2005, and I’m more interested lately in other fields (next-gen videogame creation mainly).
The good news is that I’ve decided to release my GP2X Minimal Library SDK v0.C (WIP ) as is it. I’ve created some sourceforge projects for those guys interested at continuing / improving my work. My webpage is also slowing changing to a new version, and focusing on community and opensource mainly. In the next days I’ll be releasing there many emulators and different software I’ve done in the past years.
Hope you don’t blame for all the missing projects I left on the road: f-day, HPL, and a few GP32 emulators.
I’d like to thank the old #retrodev/#gp32dev/#gp2xdev guys for the good old years.
It was ace to code those 14 GP32 emulators at same time when I had the time to do it. I won’t forget ever the support you guys gave me all the time.
Wish you the best, and keep up the good work!
The future will bring exciting things, but that may be another story.
– rlyeh
Added Jul 9, 2008, Under:
Thor released CUBEX for the GP32. It’s a CUBERXTREM remake in full 3D. The game is a mix between Sokoban and Vexed.
CUBEX is a mix between Sokoban & Vexed featuring full 3D graphics.
Push a block to a similar block to make them disappear. Clear all blocks to go to the next level.
This is a remake of CUBERXTREME.
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