This version make use of Fenix engine 0.92a (the “old” Fenix uses 0.84 engine), so it has fixed bugs, improvements, etc.
Logically games compiled with 0.84 will not work, so you will have to recompile them.
This version make use of Fenix engine 0.92a (the “old” Fenix uses 0.84 engine), so it has fixed bugs, improvements, etc.
Logically games compiled with 0.84 will not work, so you will have to recompile them.
Boomshine2x has been rewritten to have use of the F200 Touchscreen! Check the Youtube-Video linked below… there is no binary release yet!
Boomshine2x is a relaxing game where the aim is to cause a chain reaction of explosions to complete each level.
Fenix is a coding/scripting language for the GP2x, now with GP2x-F200 support!
Blast Riot! is a fast paced retro shoot-em-up. Two Parts Crossroads, One part Llamatron.
Run around the maze collecting disks. Gather 5 disks to go to the next level. Disks gives you health, and provide power ups.
Blast Riot! is a fast paced retro shoot-em-up. Two Parts Crossroads, One part Llamatron.
Run around the maze collecting disks. Gather 5 disks to go to the next level. Disks gives you health, and provide power ups.
Here you have a new version of Puck2099’s Master System and Game Gear emulator for GP2x.
Fixed problem with FM sound. It should work now with european ROMs that didn’t work before (Out Run, R-Type, California Games…). Thanks to Steve Cain (shiffy) and Bob Forgan for reporting it.
Added support to Tweak RAM Timmings. By default it’s disabled, if you want to enable it just delete file “notweak” (and do the opposite to disable it again).
Added support to alternate control to CLICK button so you can use buttons combinations in new F200 and modded F100. Thanks to Ryo for his prior hack.
Modified main volume to a 50% if it detects that it’s running in a F200.
Deleted battery level and LED if it detects that it’s running in a F200.
Other minor changes.
HeadOverHeels modified Reesy’s PocketSNES.
– Sound frequencies have been changed (8250,16500) to make GP2X F200 compatible.NO more hangs in F200 with sound frequencies.
– 256×240 games resolution problem have been fixed.Super Mario World PAL for instance.
– I have compiled a version where i have changed SPC700 ASM (Notaz) to C. This new C version is more compatible (Terranigma sound now works) and speed diference is minimun.
– Some changes i don’t remember
Guide your spaceship save and avoid colliding with asteroids.
Here comes a GL-Basic project, compiled for GP2x, by Achim called “Space Storm”.
TileWorld is an open source interpreter for Chip’s Challenge levels. Chip’s Challenge remains a popular game today, despite having been introduced in 1989 on the Lynx handheld.
The link holds the source code to the “Beta 1” release of TileWorld2x. It is not meant for end users. The archive includes the original TileWorld 1.3.0 source as well. It includes a Makefile for Linux PC and GP2X targets and builds with the open2X toolchain.