Category: Playstation Portable
LuaPlayerHM v6 (PSP Application)

LuaPlayerHM is a modified Lua Player application.


System.runeboot() Loads and starts a *.PBP File Eg. System.runeboot(“ms0:/Eboot.PBP”)

System.playerVer() Returns the LuaPlayerHM version Eg. ver = System.playerVer()

System.cfwVersion() Displays the CFW Firmware Version Eg 3.90 or 2.50 Doesnot include M33 addon

System.loadPrx() Loads a Prx file and starts it. Warning it could cause the player to not function properly or crask the system

System.nickName() Returns the psp’s nickname Eg. name = System.nickname

System.message() Prints a message to the screen with Yes,no,back options. Eg. System.message(“Hello”,0) has only back option Eg. System.message(“Hello”,1) has Yes,No and back options.

System.buttonPressed() Performs an action from the option selected in the System.message() function Eg. button = System.buttonPressed() If button == “yes” then System.Quit() end

System.copyFile() Copys a file from one place to another Eg.
System.copyFile(“oldfiled”,””, 1) Will copy the file from one place to another and delete the replace 1 with 0 to not delete the

System.suspend() Puts the PSp into suspend mode

System.shutdown() Shuts down the psp

System.startUMD() Load and runs a UMD in the UMD Drive. If no UMD then a message is displayed and tells there is no UMD in the Drive

System.startISO() Loads and runs a ISO image from the memory stick.
Eg. System.startISO(“ms0:/ISO/game.iso”) UMD MODE SET TO OE isofs

System.startPSX() Loads and Starts a Ps1 game from the playstaton store (PSX)

System.startOSK() Displays the On screen Keyboard. Eg outputtxt = System.startOSK() screenprint(1,1,outputtx t,red)

System.startGameSave() Saves game data Eg System.startGameSave(“Nam e of savegame”,”Name of game”,”Details/message”,data to save)

System.startGameLoad() Loads the save data selected Eg data = System.startGameLoad()

System.usbDevFlash0() Sets the USB device to be Flash0

System.usbDevFlash1() Sets the USB device to be Flash1

System.usbDevFlash2() Sets the USB device to be Flash2

System.usbDevFlash3() Sets the USB device to be Flash3

System.usbDevUMD() Sets the USB device to be the UMD Drive. If no disk it will tell you and use the memory stick insted. The UMD will be read as a ISO image

System.getModel() Reterns either PHAT or SLIM

%%%%%%%%%%%%Wlan Functions%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Wlan.init() Initates the wireless and Netdialog selection screen
Wlan.term() Terminates the wireless
Wlan.getIP() Returns the IP address

%%%%%%%%%%%%Socket Functions%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Socket.connect() Connects to a host and port Eg. Socket.connect(“www.googl”,80)
Socket.createServerSocket () makes a socket usable Eg Socket.creatServerSocket( 80)
&&&Socket methods&&&
Socket.isConnected() Returns a 1 if connected
Socket.accept() will accept conections
Socket.send() Will send http calls
Socket.recv() Will receve data from a send
Socket.close() Will close all sockets that is open
&&&Socket meta&&&

%%%%%%%%%%%%Adhoc Functions%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Adhoc.init() Initates the Adhoc

Adhoc.connect() Connects to the adhoc or makes a adhoc connection

Adhoc.getState() Returns the state of the connection 1=ok 0=error

Adhoc.send() Sends data Eg Adhoc.send(“hello”)

Adhoc.recv() Receives data send from another psp as a string Eg data = Adhoc.recv()
Adhoc.term() Terminates the Adhoc

Adhoc.getMac() Returns the mac address of the psp. The Adhoc does not need to be Init to use it.

%%%%%%%%%%%%UMD Functions%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
UMD.init() initiats the UMD drive and checks for a Disk. If no disk it displays a message and does not load the UMD drive. UMD drive is “disk0:”

UMD.term() Stops the Umd drive

UMD.checkDisk() Checks if there is a disk in the drive.


Following functions are only for Fw 1.52 and Lower

Following functions are only for Fw 2.00 and higher
All Adhoc
All Wlan

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Reverzi PSP (PSP Game)

This is a PSP adoptation of Othello/Reversi clone, Reverzi, by Jakub Drnec.

PSP Features:

– Basic sound support
– Music support for tracker (s3m, xm, mod) and Ogg-Vorbis files.
Just rename the file in one of those formats to and
drop it in to music directory if you want music on the background.
– 3 difficulty levels settings for AI
– modable design – just edit the graphics in the img folder to create your own skins.

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Jazz JackRabbit v0.02 (PSP Game Port)

deniska has updated his port of the Jazz JackRabbit engine to GP2x.


– Added support for Slim PSP
– bundled with shareware version of the game

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PSPlockpick (Alpha) (PSP Game)

Quote from Miclow:

My first psp game!
I got the idea while morning the “indefinete delay” of PSP’s Oblivion. It is a clone of the lockpick minigame.

LEFT and RIGHT move the lockpick
UP starts the picking
X sets the picking
The idea is to press X when the locking mechanism is at the top to set the mechanism. If you press it too late it will not set. If you press it way too late then all the mechanisms will reset.

The game is in alpha stage and has some bugs and needs some major improvement. I used this project to learn how to program in C and on the PSP. I know the BGM messes up a little. Anyhow, let me know what you think!

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Universal Theme Flasher (PSP Application)

This program as its name suggests attempts to be a Universal Theme Flasher.

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PSPlorer (PSP Application)

PSPlorer is a file explorer for PSP:

The main functionalities:
– File exploration on the memory-stick, flash0, flash1 and umd
– copy, delete, move, rename of files and directories
– dump and securised flash of the NAND. WARNING, even if the flash has been tested on several PSP, the flash of the nandBackup
is still a risky thing. I won’t accept any responsabilities in case you brick your PSP.
– Umd backup
– USB connexion
– creation of new files and new directories
– file hex-edit
– file transfert from PSP to PSP via wifi

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CFDump v1 (PSP Application)


Hey guys u might remind me by making a program called CNDump,iF NOT DOESNT MATTER.CFDump is a program which installs the neccessary files to boot the Firmware of devhook this version works up to 3.02 but there will be a newer version to download hopefully up to 3.40.There is a problem with the 1.5 theres a 50/50 chance but it will be hopefully fixed in the CFDump v.2.



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PSPiton v0.2b (PSP misc)

PSPiton gives PSP useres the basics of how to down/upgrade a PSP and/or use cheats in games.

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OSLib MOD v1.0.0 (PSP misc)

OSLib MOD is a modified version of OSLib v2.10 originally coded by Brunni.

The following changes were made by Sakya:

-Added: oslSetReadKeysFunction(in t (*sceCtrlReadBufferPositi ve)(SceCtrlData *pad_data, int count));
You can pass to it a function from a kernel prx, so you’ll be able to read all buttons (VOLUME_UP, NOTE…)
oslUnsetReadKeysFunction( );
-Added: All USB.c functions now works
-Added: OSL_VERSION to know the current OSLib MOD version
-Added: oslSetHoldForAnalog to make the HOLD button work also for analog
-Added: support for intraFont.
-Added: Dialogs (message, error and net conf), many thanks to InsertWittyName for the sdk samples 😉
-Added: On Screen Keyboard
-Added: Save and load
-Fixed: Tagged MP3 and ATRAC3+ now works
-Fixed: osl_keys->analogToDPadSensivity now works correctly

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NEO Spring Compo 2008 Winner announcement (PSP misc)

The winners of the recently held “NEO Spring (Coding) Competition” are announced. Head over to the linked pages for more details.

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