Geometry World is a platform for Playstation Portable.
This version contains 19 levels.
No freezes now.
Geometry World is a platform for Playstation Portable.
This version contains 19 levels.
No freezes now.
This is a program designed to let you create your own drill sets for marching bands. If you don’t know, the drill is the movement of the band on the field. This program allows you to add an “X” wherever you want a band member to be for that set, just the way drill sheets look.
– Added stable delete function using CIRCLE
– Added screenshot function using the RIGHT TRIGGER
– Added pause/options menu with working “New Set” feature
TMNT is looking for betatesteres of his latest 2D shooter “Calypso”.
This is just a minor fix for iR Shell 3.81. The previous version didn’t support the new multi-disc popsloader that Dark_AleX has released, but this little update will fix that.
IMPORTANT: This version only supports the *bugfixed* version of Dark_AleX’s multi-disc popsloader and NOT the one included with 3.71 M33-4. You will need to download it seperately:
Extract the contents of the archive to the root of your memory stick, overwrite any files already present when asked.
You may be asking yourself whats EuCi, well it stand for Easy Ultimate Cheat Installer. This is a SIMPLE , EASY, ULTIMATE Cheat installer that installs all the essential cheat programs to use on your PSP but in a clean and satisfying way brought to you from
This program will install the 3 following programs (If you select all 3 of them)
-Cheatmaster v6c
-CwCheat + Legendary Hacker Black Wolfs Private Database
You MUST be on 3.52m33 for all of these to work.
Ever wanted to know the 29 thousand and 33rd decimal place of PI? …
Road Dog is a WiFi scanner for Playstation Portable, coded by Art.
Homebrew coder “Art” seems to be in update mood toda and also updated “Audio Mechanica”.
Release notes:
This is a recompiled version of what I attempted in V6d. Lowered CPU speeds to 133/133/1. This one has Mikmod left in it. Hopefully works on the later firmwares. PHAT PSPs ONLY!!!
This homebrew enables you to protect your PSP with a password.
-PSP SLIM and lite now supported (and so is the HX firmware)
-Added a new function: a historic: it registers in PSP/SYSTEM/hist.txt the day and hour when you logged in and if the password was accepted or not (and if it wasn’t accepted, it tells you what the “thief” typed as a password.
-Now, even if there is no password set, the prx works and writes the connection times in the hist.txt file
-You can now go from “a” to “z” directly.
-In the XMB, press square to accept (to avoid launching the umd by pressing cross…)
Mistabeen has broken his head about different keyboard input methods on Playstation Portable and presented his proof of concept at the boards.
You can read about details in it’s release thread.