Here comes another “Pandora” installer for Playstation Portable. Be sure to read the full release thread, it’s quite long.
Here comes another “Pandora” installer for Playstation Portable. Be sure to read the full release thread, it’s quite long.
This is grafele’s latest LUA game, called Car Crash. Avoid collisions with the police cars.
Thanks to for the news.
Sinasquax updated his Rubiks Cube game for PSP, previously released for the coding competition. Grab the updated version from his page.
pronto released a drawing tool for the PSP. It supports 20 brushes, the possibility to listen to your favorite music while drawing, and more.
Roll ‘Em Out will be a game in the same type as Super Monkey Ball- you roll a ball towards the goal, trying to avoid falling out of the course.
A preview/demo can be downloaded. Leave feedback here:
JLF65 updated LightMP3 with FLAC support! This is an unofficial update and probably not approved by the original author.
Leave feedback here:
PicoDrive is a Megadrive/Genesis and Sega CD emulator ported to PSP by Notaz.
mp3 code should no longer fail on 1.5 firmware.
added gamma adjustment option.
added .cso ISO format support. Useful for non-FMV games.
it is now possile to force a region after the ROM is loaded.
fixed a sram bug in memhandlers (fixes Shining in the Darkness saves).
fixed another bug in memhanlers, which crashed the emu for some games (like NBA Jam and NHL 9x).
added suspend/resume handling for Sega CD games.
some other small tweaks I forgot about.
Here comes a 3D Tetris for PSP coded by Teacake.
Thanks to for the news.
This tutorial shows you the basic elements of skyboxes. It shows you how to create a very simple and basic skybox and specifies information on how to improve this. Future tutorials on this will include 3D skyboxes.
With this tutorial you can create animated loading screens which show graphics while loading up all your data. Since it uses a different thread it will not slow down or halt when some large file is loaded. With this you can create commercial looking loading screens!