Category: Playstation Portable
PSPLock is a security software to keep out unwanted users!
1. Added config file (optional)
2. Allowed text to be output on screen (optional)
3. Allowed manual input (optional)
4. Can be disabled
5. Removed a nasty bug that stopped it working for a couple of people
Ultimate Flash Operation is a flasher for PSP, cfw 3.30/3.40 OE-A, IE-A, LE-A, with many features.
–Fixed major bug, not allowing you to backup your files, and making 3.51 M33 access the wrong files
–Displays 129×99 screenshots now
–Beginning Backup only shows up if you don’t have a backup in the themes folder
–Support for flashing of all files in VSH/RESOURCE
–Above also added in Mix n’ Match mode
–More support for 3.51 M33 Mode – won’t accidentally flash incompatible files.
–Code improvements (more stability)
PSP Filer is a file browser and file explorer for the PSP. It also supports viewing pictures and other things.
Team Emergency Exit bring us a new update to their Quake 2 port for PSP. Detailed information along with the download can be obtained from their page.
Ultimate Flash Operation is a new flasher for PSP, cfw 3.30/3.40 OE-A, IE-A, LE-A, with many features:
— Unlimited Themes
— Flash a countless number of files:
PSP Time Baby is a clock application for the PSP.
– Bugfix to moon phase calculator implementation.
– Added Sunrise and Sunset sub display mode with rooster alarm that sounds at Sunrise.
– Added day of the week sub display mode which also shows the date.
– Added time announcement duration setting to the speech window. This setting is active in all other modes,
and saved with other user options.
– The Triangle button no longer resets the sub display mode, and the current sub display mode is now saved
with other user options.
– All program dialogue is shown in the user selected colour for uniformity of the program interface.
– Added auto detection of iRshell. PSP clock speeds are not set by Time Baby if launched from iRshell.
– HOME button now resets the PSP unit instead of powering it down.
– Minor graphics fixes and enhancements.
– PSP unit clocked at 136/146/1.
– Added a new Easter egg for the most 1337 users to find!
PSPLock – Keep out unwanted users!
Author release notes:
I’ve just made this file that can be used to lock out users. It has to be manually flashed in, but once installed is quite a secure way of keeping people out of your PSP. Its quick, as all that is required is a memory card to be inserted, the PSP does the rest for you, so no lengthy passcodes to be put in.
I’ve included instructions on the readme, and they are pritty straightforward, but if you get stuck (lord help us) then just PM me and I will try to give some assistance.
If you do like this, there is a small list of ideas, if you really want to see any of them implemented, or have any other ideas, just post on here.
Just as a warning, I’m running 3.10OE-A, so while it should work fine on other versions, it could come with problems, but as long as your sensible about back-ups etc, you should be safe.
Some of you probably remember these awesome machines called Amstrad CPC, Atari ST or Amiga.. At this time (1990-1995), a common activity for programmers was to accomplish impressive visual effects demonstrating how powerful their machine was. It’s made of 5 different parts, powered by some awesome musics and original graphics made by Yoyo and Mat.
Mediumgauge has released a new version of his file browser PSP-Filer. Thanks to for the news.
– able to create folders on RAMDISK.
Mathieulh is one of the pillars of the big foundations that is our PSP scene. His journey in the PSP scene spotlight started with his now-defunct team, SonyXTeam. He then went on to work with other scene greats like Dark AleX and the N00bz team, giving us great things in the form of downgraders, custom firmwares and many other things that you and I might not know about.