Category: Playstation Portable
This program is designed to prepare your PSP Memory Stick to be used with the Pandora Battery. Unfortunately this program can not change your Battery to Pandora, however it will copy programs to the Memory Stick in order for you to do this yourself.
v3.3 (2009-12-21)
– Added XGEN Installer v5
– Updated the following Support Tools:
CXMB (for 3.71-5.50 Firmwares) (XMB)
Hold+ 3.8 (XMB)
PSP Filer 6.4 (XMB)
Thanks to for the news.
Xenogears has updated his Custom Firmware Enabler.
– Improved uninstalling system.
– Improved the internal patching.
– Fixed internal errors.
– Code restructured.
– Patch MHUSpeed.
– Menu of change of custom.
– Mac switch menu customized.
– Menu MHUFS.
PSP CheatUp is an application designed to simplify the task of updating the cheat codes through the use of the PSP’s Wifi and a wireless internet connection.
Added: Region filtering (EU, US and JP) for GameList.
Added: GameList search function (if search term is a Game ID available cheats are listed).
Fixed: Problem extracting files from ZIP archive which aren’t compressed.
Other: CMF and NitePR cheat files are only extracted if the file size is different to the file in the archive.
Other: Will now load on 6.xx custom firmwares.
Wagic is an Heroic Fantasy battle game reproducing the rules of a famous Collectible trading card game. In Wagic, you fight against an AI with your deck of cards. Each time you win, you earn credits to buy more cards in the shop, and improve your deck. Wagic runs also on Windows and Linux.
– More than 1500 new cards. Wagic now allows you to play with 5149 cards, from more than 50 expansions, including Magic 2010, Zendikar, Revised, Alara, Conflux, shadowmoor,…
– Added a “cheat†mode (don’t ask, I didn’t add it, I can’t tell you how to unlock it )
– Deck statistics improvements
– Bug fixes with audio
– InGame music
– Language is now an option, no need to wait for patches, you can choose English, German, Italian, French, Spanish, or Portuguese
– New parser abilities: PreventAllcombatDamage, becomes…, horsemanship, myTurnOnly, asSorcery, myUpkeepOnly(and similar…), 0 mana activated abilities now work, equipment, threshold, cycling, protection from(target), nofizzle, autohand, autograveyard
– Minor AI improvements, and bug fixes
– New theme: final Saga (thanks to Ilya B)
– New theme: Christmas (thanks to Lakeesha)
– External rules system now allows you to create your own rules. Check mtg.txt in res/rules
– “Purple Screen of despair†issue solved, thanks to Raphael and Yeshua.
– New feature: Trophy Room
– New feature: Tasks. Get more credits by fulfilling the quests given to you by the shopkeeper!
– hundreds of bug fixes for specific cards
TimeBatteryPercent is a plugin for PSP. It allows you to show the percentage amout of available battery energy left, directly next to the battery icon.
*Fixed launching games and homebrews with cxmb activated
LuaPlayer Euphoria is another enhanced LuaPlayer for PSP.
Release notes:
Via :
It has been a long time since the last LuaPlayer Euphoria release. In my absence a user named Walar has committed the following changes :
New Features / Changes :
[+] Added Zip file System.
[+] Wrote a new IntraFont system.
[+] Wrote a new Sony osk system.
[+] Wrote a new Sony Message Dialog system.
[+] Added Zip lua samples[*] Updated intrafont, osk and Dialog lua samples[*] Blit image to image fixed. (Note you need to un-swizzle your images prior to blitting or it won’t work.
He doesn’t have time to commit to the project full time, however, I am going to be devoting a lot more time to the project within the next few weeks (after the Christmas period) so don’t worry I will be back to normal service soon and have the following planned :
* Wifi support with Sony interface : AlphaDingDong is working on this and should be done soon.
* Sony SaveData support : With interface.
* Xm, sm, mod etc support re-added : But keeping the same usage as the Wav, Ogg, MP3 and At3 functions for ease of use.
* VLF library support.
* + Plenty more 😀
Functions, Features & Guides List :
A new wiki has been set up to make accessing LuaPlayer Euphoria’s documentation a lot easier. The wiki is located here : : It is currently a work in progress. All guides, functions and features will be posted there in time.
There are new samples in the download to demonstrate usage of all the new functions and the improved ones also.
See new_functions2.txt for a full list of all the new/changed functions (located in the download).
Thanks and I hope you enjoy the release!
As usual please post all bug reports or feature requests here :
Download @ :
Note : There are now two downloads. FULL is the version to get if you have never downloaded LuaPlayer Euphoria before or want to get the new samples…
Update is the version to get if you already have LuaPlayer Euphoria and just want the latest binary files.
Source code for this version currently is not committed to google code. It has been a while since I last did a commit and just cannot seem to get it to work without it erroring out on me. Will be uploaded as soon as I work out why it won’t allow me to commit.
Act as if you are drinking a nice cool beer out of your PSP. Let your PSP be filled and then press “L” to start drinking.
This plugin allows you to add the day next to the date. If you want you can add battery percent, month name and year, too.
– Fixed bug that the bootsound wasn’t sounds at boot.
Your job is to catch all the presents which are falling out of the sky. But beware! You’re only allowed to loose 10 presents – not more! Can you brake the highscore?
Measure stuff with your PSP, without any ruler! Lay the thing you want to messure on your PSP Display after you’ve started OnScreenMeasure. Then move the dot to the start of the thing and press X. Then move the second dot to the end of the thing and press START to measure. The length will be given in cm! Press SELECT to restart or correct the second dot with the arrow keys.