Vero Design Advance v1.0 (GBA Application)

Mike Hawkins has sent me an email containing his Gameboy Advance application “Vero Design Advance”.

Vero Design Advance is a CAD package designed to help you layout Veroboard/stripboard designs directly on your Gameboy Advance. A detailed documentation is available with the download.

The program itself is a little bit aged, but unpublished so far. It was sent to where it never made it to the mainpage and the file archive. Thanks for the release Mike!

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GP2X-SIM v1.0.2 (SAM Coupe emu for GP2x)

GP2X-SIm is a port of the CVS version 0.90 beta 4 of SamCoupe. SimCoupe emulates a SAM Coupe – an 8-bit, Z80-based home computer released in 1989 by Miles Gordon Technology.


– major speed improvements !

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Legend of Beneshov WIP (NDS Game)

Programix is working on a new project called “Legend of Beneshov”. It’s going to be a RPG style game. If you want to help out feel free to contact Programix via email:

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Blackjack DS v0.3 (NDS Game)

Scott MyClymont has updated his Blackjack game for Nintendo DS.

Full release notes:

First off, I made the front page with the previous version of this, woo! Thanks guys!

So this was version 0.2 ( ) that I posted back in November, and after being quite busy with other things over the Christmas/New Year period, have now gotten time to work on version 0.3. And here it is! Main improvements are that you can now split your hand (providing you have the money), and normal Blackjack rules are in place for that (no splitting 10s, only one more card after splitting aces etc.), and there’s also some sprites for cards to further get away from the text-based feel of the previous versions. A fellow member B.J. offered me the use of their card graphics for this game after I posted 0.2, so I’ll be looking to incorporate them into a future version now that everythings in place for the sprites, so big thanks for that! I had hoped to get some sound effects or music working for this version, but that still needs a little more work, so I’ve put that on hold for just now. There’s also a small pause between card drawings just to add a bit of suspense!

As mentioned before, my aim for this is to create a fully customisable Blackjack game where you can tweak all the rules to how the game is played in your part of the world or how you play with friends. Or perhaps just with the rules you want to practice on for fun or for when you want to hit the casino!

I’ll be working a lot more on this now that the holiday season is over with, so it’ll be a shorter gap until the next version. I’m hoping to get a section for the user to tweak some of the more basic rules, maybe keep track of some stats as you play, possibly get some sounds in there and look into the new card graphics. The ones I have now are really just intended as a “first draft” of sorts, so they won’t still be there come version 1.0. I also plan on giving more space on the screen to the cards, which would mean finding a new way of showing any split hands you have. For this first attempt though, you can only split once and if you do then it’s on the screen all the time for you to see.

There’s also a few minor things that need tweaked such as the dealer not taking cards when you already have Blackjack (unless they have a 10 or an ace), but I’d promised to get this out before the end of January, so I had to leave some things til next time.

Any feedback is appreciated as are any bugs that you might find! Splitting cards caused a few niggles, but I think I got them all. Hope you enjoy it!

Thanks! 😀

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SNES9X v1.43 v0.0.7 (SNES emu for GC)

Following news are comming from brakken / :

Askot has released a new version of his modified port of SNES9X v1.43 for the Nintendo Wii/GameCube. SNES9X is a Super Nintendo emulator which allows you to play your favorite oldschool SNES games on your video gaming console.

Please do understand there are two different SNES9X emulators for the Wii/GC. This one is based on v1.43 of SNES9X for the PC and features faster game play, but lacks some features found in v1.51.

What’s New?
– Add SD card subdirectory browsing:
+ Set the cursor over [..] and push A button to browse.
– Modified controls when going into the rom selection menu (DVD or SDCARD): [ala eke-eke style]
+ Use B to quit selection list.
+ Use L/R triggrers or Pad Left/Right to go down/up one full page.
– Some menu rearrangment and a little of sourcecode cleanup:
+ Everytime you pressed B button on any option, playgame started, not anymore until you select Play Game option.

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Homebrew Heaven (misc)

A new user appeared at the PDRoms webboard and pointed at a page called “Homebrew Heaven”. It’s mainly for 3D0 which is not covered by PDRoms and few other systems.

Leave feedback here:

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1.50 Kernel addon for 3.90 M33 (PSP misc)

Here comes an important add on… enables you to use old 1.50 kernel things on your latest M33 firmware.

Release notes:

150 kernel addon for 3.90 M33 (psp phat only)

– Copy 150k_addon to /PSP/GAME
– Get sony 1.50 update and copy it to the root with name “150.PBP”
– Run the program and done.

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PSP Firmware v3.90 M33 (PSP misc)

Dark_Alex seems to get faster and faster. If you like to have a costum firmware on your PSP, then go with this one!

Release notes:

3.90 M33


– Installation requires a PSP with 3.52 M33-3 or higher.


– Copy the UPDATE folder into /PSP/GAME/
– Get the 3.90 sony update from somewhere, and put it in same folder, with name “390.PBP”.
Alternatively, you can let the installer to download for you via wifi.
– Run it, the update will be done by Sony updater. At the end when you are asked to reboot the
PSP pressing X or O, do it.


– 3.80 -> 3.90
– March33 NO UMD: fixed (yet another) bug related with exiting with home. (infinite semaphore wait)

Changes in updater:

– The degeneration check and correction of IDS keys happens too in 3.71 now.
– Added code to download 3.90 PBP from net via wifi.
Note that his code is not yet 100% stable, it may crash when selecting AP. In that case,
reinit the installer.
– L+triangle has been restored as method to bypass battery.
If you already have 390.PBP keep those buttons pressed until you see “Veryfing 390.PBP”.
If the 390.PBP is being downloaded bia wifi, press those buttons at the end of download until
you see the previous sentence.

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Dolphin Reader v0.2 (Beta) (NDS Application)

jamontoast is sponsoring the follwing news ( )…


Just letting you guys know, Chris Liu has updated his chinese ebook reader, Dolphin Reader.

This is a great little reader that now allows multiple books, persistant bookmarking, easy to read fonts (2 sizes) and assignable text and background colours! You can now convert your books to .dr files and Dolphin Reader can read them.

The previous version required you to compile a txt file into the nds, but this release allows Dolphin Reader to access the FAT32 directory from Slot 2 cards.

Avaliable here:

To work:
1. Copy the .nds rom to your card.
2. Place a .txt file in the /Book/ directory
3. run conv.cmd
4. your book should convert into .dr files in the /DRBook/ directory
5. Enjoy your books with sideways reading action!

Cheers Chris!

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LUA iPhone v5.1.3 (iPhone misc)

LUA is a scripting language, which is now available for the iPhone.

Lua combines simple procedural syntax with powerful data description constructs based on associative arrays and extensible semantics. Lua is dynamically typed, runs by interpreting bytecode for a register-based virtual machine, and has automatic memory management with incremental garbage collection, making it ideal for configuration, scripting, and rapid prototyping.

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