Tempus v8 (PPC Application)

This is a animated clock and weather flash theme, it works only of you have flash installed and a today plugin like ANIMATED TODAY.

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STPPC2x (Beta 5) (GP2x Game)

STPPC2x is a GP2X port of Simon Tatham’s Portable Puzzle Collection, a set of 27 addictive logic and puzzle games.

Release notes:

PLEASE NOTE: This release is a bit of a leap in how the collection operates. It is recommended that you create a new folder for this version – the directory structure has changed significantly. INI’s and SAV’s from previous versions are, of course, still compatible but may need a little renaming (same_game.ini to samegame.ini or rect0.sav to rectangles0.sav, etc.)

So, what’s new? First, we have a fantastic menu drawn and programmed by juanvvc.

Many thanks to juanvvc for the great work on that, I think it really makes the collection look much neater and more professional. In fact, it works so well with the games that it is now the default menu, even on my own GP2X. Eventually, it’ll get merged into the program itself so that there’s just one piece of code for the whole thing.

The games are now just one program and one menu to run that program. If anybody still wants to be able to run each of the games individually as they did before, give me a shout, because I still test the games individually on my own machine. If there’s demand, I can do two different releases – one with a single executable, one with an executable for each game.

There are also three new games: Slide, Sokoban and Maze 3D.

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GP2x RIP (GP2x misc)

According to CraigX, one of the biggest retailers of GP2x’s in Europe, Gamepark Holdings stopped producing the GP2x.

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Dear Wraggster, Webmaster and News Thief at DCEmu,

I’ve been silent for a while now and were watching your actions. We at PDRoms are still very happy that you like our quality service and use OUR news for YOUR SITE without CREDITS, most of the time. We would prefer that you give FULL and PROPER credits for every single news post. Not only if you “borrow” things from PDRoms.

If you think news fall off a tree like leaves, you are wrong. We are investigating a lot of time and energy. The least you can do, is giving proper credits.

The following is of interest:
BlobbDS v0.5 – This release from last week was found by Kojote yesterday. Interestingly no other page was reporting about this, but DCEmu did today. How comes you did not find it earlier on your own? Where are the credits?
Totitoes Version 1.5 – same goes for Totitoes, PDRoms were posting about it first, where are the credits?
Eigenmath DS – is even one month old? You were not able to find it on your own in this time? But you post it a day after it was on PDRoms, without credits?

Luckily I am already banned on DCemu, because I pointed out what you are doing in the public. This is how you act on criticsm. You are a plain professional lad, many people love you.

Go and earn shitloads of money with your banners and product palcements. You better not pretend to be a supporter of the homebrew scene, you do things for your own personal profit and to reach this, you ignore sources and misuse others work. Just go and accumulate more news from other sources, because most of us know, you can not create own content anymore.

This is not only what I (Kojote) say, many other of your “former” friends from Consolevision, whom you also banned from your network think the same.

Someone has to speak it out and I just did.

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Auto Lock (CSDEVCTRL) v3.09 (PPC Application)

Auto Lock (CSDEVCTRL) is another auto locking program which utilizes the Windows Locking for partial locking (phone related keys are active) or complete locking (no keys are active).


28/06 – v3.09 – Added option unlocking if locked during a call. Changed bluetooth to check the headset instead.

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Full Screen Dialer v0.27.01 (PPC Application)

Full Screen Dialer is a full screen dialer for PPC’s.


FSD is a more finger friendly dial pad than the WM default one.
FSD is skinable.
FSD does not have any speed dial/redial or anything more complicated than basic number entry.
FSD is a full screen dialer!
FSD will run on WM5/6 or WM2003 devices with .NET CF 2.0.
FSD uses the default dial pad once the call has been started.
Call/End hardware buttons do not work within FSD!
Pressing the call button with no number loads iContact
Pressing the end button with no number quits the app.
Skinning from anywhere!


0.24 adds some basic configuration options (click on the number display area).

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Homebrew Browser v0.1.1 (Wii Application)

The Homebrew Browser allows you to grab the latest homebrew applications and games all through your Wii. No longer will you have to take your SD card out to load the files or transfer the files from your computer to the Wii or even use your computer. Once you install a homebrew application and you no longer want it on your SD card, you can delete it as simple as that!

No more dead links, no more extracting files, no more finding out if there is an icon.png and meta.xml in the homebrew application/game!

Video in action:


Auto updating when your Homebrew Browser version is out of date
One click download and install for each homebrew application
One click deletion of homebrew applications
Able to update your version of a homebrew application once an update comes out
Caching of the homebrew application pictures


Fixed issue with requesting files from server (thanks joedj)
Enabled auto updating (press B when asked if you don’t want to update)
New logo and HBC icon

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WiiPhysics v1.2 (Wii misc)

WiiPhysics is a physics playground for the Wii, much like Crayon Physics or PocketPhysics. It uses Box2D and libwiisprite.


+Removed need for /data directory, compacting wiiphysics into single boot.elf file
+Added Undo Button
+Pulleys, Ropes and Gears (Pin) work great now
+Improved Icons and layout
+Line Drawing works perfect now
+Many Bug fixes, clean up

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Totitoes v1.5 (Alpha) (NDS Game)

Cortes48 updated his NDS homebrew game Totitoes.

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BlobbDS v0.5 (NDS Game)

BlobbDS is a 3D Tamagotchi style game in early stages for Nintendo DS. Make sure to take care of your Blobb! 😉

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