Garf v0.50 (iPhone Game)

An updated version of Garf is out. The game concept is equal to “Simon”. Remember a sequence and replay it. The sequence gets extended by one each round – so the things to remember will increase.

Release notes:

Garf version 0.50 should be on Installer at some point in the near future.

Things have obviously gotten bigger in this version…the buttons are elder/child friendly.

Also, there are gaming modes. In addition to “Regular Mode”, there is “Reverse Garf” and “AntiGarf”. There are no instructions for these modes…you have to figure them out yourself. (But “Reverse Garf” should be self explanatory).

There is also some added support for firmware version 1.1.3, as well as for version 1.0.2. (I’m not totally sure it will work in 1.0.2…someone please let me know if it doesn’t).

Apparently, this version of Garf works fine with version 1.0.2.

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Mobile Terminal v2.07 (iPhone Application)

MobileTerminal a terminal emulator application for the iPhone. is NOT an SSH client, nor Telnet for that matter. It can however be used to execute a console ssh-client application.


Terminal v207 (preserves TERM environment and logs in as mobile user)

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Castlevania – Devilish Resemblance (NDS Game)

Frosty Chaotix is currently working on a Nintendo DS remake of Castlevania 1 from the old Nintendo Entertainment System.

The game itself is in early stages and “borrows” a lot from the original Castlevania games, along with the name.

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pspME v0.2.1 (J2ME emu for PSP)

This software is a PSP porting of SUN open-source JavaME implementation: phoneME. The words below is copied from phoneME’s website to describe the project:

The objective of the phoneME project is to further expand the usage of Java? Platform, Micro Edition (Java ME platform) technology in the mobile handset market. The project scope includes a focus on the mainstream feature phone segment with phoneME Feature software, and the emerging advanced phone segment with phoneME Advanced software. Our goal in making these technologies available to the Mobile & Embedded Community is to reduce implementation variation, increase the rate of innovation and enable new devices to leverage the power of the Java ME platform.

You can also refer to the original website from here:

The goal of pspME is porting phoneME to Sony PSP game console. As the first step, the authors goal is a phoneMEFeature PSP implementation, which can enable user to run JavaME application on CLDC.


– Enable browse and select JAR from local file system, don’t have to input the full path name of JAR file now.
– A little optimization of RMS speed.
– Separate MIDI config and instrument files from binary bundle to decrease the size, and make you not have to download them for every release.

NOTE: Please download from midi-res package, and you don’t have to download it again for future releases.

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SNES4iPhone v1.0.0 (SNES emu for iPhone)

SNES4iPhone v1.0.0 by ZodTTD is a port of PocketSNES (DrPocketSNES v9) to the iPhone and iPod Touch.

Head to the forums at for more information on installing PocketSNES, as well as source code and beta downloads!

Please note:
Firmwares before 1.1.3 SNES ROMs must go in /var/root/Media/ROMs/SNES/
Firmwares at or above 1.1.3 SNES ROMs must go in /var/mobile/Media/ROMs/SNES/

Also note:
For firmware 1.1.3 users, it is recommended you change ownership of /var/mobile to user mobile by:
1. Log into your iPhone or iPod Touch with SSH user/pass: root/alpine
2. Run this command
chown -hR mobile /var/mobile
3. Thats it. Enjoy a much more stable and compatible 1.1.3!

Thanks to ZodTTD himself for the news.

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Soduky (Beta) (NDS misc)

Bobiwan released a beta version of his Soduko solver “Soduky”.

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Samulos v1.01 (PPC Game)

Samulos is a puzzle game, similar to Tetris and Lumines. The player has to make figures from squares in the same colour to make them explode. Available for free.

Release notes:

Samulos 05.01.2008
Samulos 1.01 for PocketPC and WM SmartPhone is available for download. Added landscape version and bugfixes.

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Gianas Return WIP (GP2x Game)

The Giana’s Return team just posted the following news:

Oh yes! Since today Giana’s Return features WARP ZONES… of course we can’t tell where they are 😉 Every WARP ZONE allows to jump over 3 levels, which should be timesaving a lot.

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Awaker (Final) (PSP Game)

Poison has released the final version of his homebrew Playstation Portable game Awaker.

Leave feedback here:

There are also versions for Linux and Windows!

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Jiggy v0.23 (iPhone misc)

With just Jiggy and a browser, you’ll be able to write an awesome iPhone application in a matter of minutes. JiggyApps run natively on the iPhone, so there is no messing around with HTML and the limitations of Mobile Safari. At the same time, you don’t need a compiler or even a Mac, because JiggyApps are written in JavaScript.


UITextField no longer has all the events it had before
– it only has onBecomeFirstResponder, onResignFirstResponder and onShouldInsertText
– the events it inherits from UIResponder are no longer valid
– this means that if, for example, you had code attached to its onTap handler it will no longer work
Added LKAnimation (you can now do flips, page curls and more)
– you can try it all out with the “superanimation” example (and look at the code)
Added UIView.addLayerAnimation
Fixed LKTransform to be initialized to the identity matrix
Added UIClippedImageView (tap events don’t seem to work)
UIHardware.statusBarHeight is now a read-write property.
Added global Application object
– change status bar modes
– set badges
– launch other applications, etc.
Added UISegmentedControl
Added UISliderControl
Added UISwitchControl
Added UIProgressIndicator
Added UIProgressBar
Added UIAlertSheet
Added UIImageAndTextTableCell
Added UIPickerView
Added UIPickerTableCell

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