AnyRegion Changer v1.1b (Wii Application)

AnyRegion Changer is an application which allows you to make non-temporary changes to various region and language settings on your Wii’s SYSCONF and setting.txt files. You may call this a “Region Mod,” i.e. the settings will persist. It also allows you to install the System Menu of another region if you so desire.


No longer cares whether EULA has been set or not
Now downloads the correct IOS35 from nus, a fix for post 10/23/08

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Super Star Shooter v0.6.0 (Technical Demonstration) (Wii Game)

The japanese coder known as “and” has released a technical demonstration of “Super Star Shooter”, which he already previously released for other platforms such as the Gameboy Advance.

The game is limited to two minutes of gameplay as it’s just a playable technical demonstration yet.

Thanks to brakken ( ) for the news via MSN.

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Nitro Hax v0.90a (NDS Application)

Nitro Hax is a cheat tool for official games running on the Nintendo DS. It supports any Action Replay DS code type with a few important additions.


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Manilla 2D Customizer v0.25.227 (PPC Application)

Manilla 2D Customizer (M2DC) is a tool to customize your Manilla 2D settings. You must have Manilla 2D Installed in order to run this program.


– added new dialog with 1 option “Don’t update Weather Tab”, so you can choose if you
want to use your existing weather settings or use the new weather settings

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MyWeatherForecast v0.1.1 (Beta) (PPC Application)

MyWeatherForecast is an upcomming new weather forecast application. Goal is to make it as finger friendly as possible, and support multiple resolutions (currently running in VGA) while keeping it simple feature-wise.

This version is basically just a test, which does NOT allow you to set a city of choice yet.


– fixed QVGA display
– fixed Farenheit / Celsius conversion

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Pocket Forecast v0.36 (PPC Application)

Pocket Forecast which is formerly known as Pocket Weather has been udpated.

This weather forecast application has the following features:

1. Multiple locations
2. Cached weather feeds
3. Skinnable themes
4. Uses Yahoo/ RSS feed – see to look up location codes (also uses U.S. zip codes)
5. Open source (code posted on forums)
6. Configurable interval for updating weather feed


– Main page fonts changed from bold to normal to reduce ‘fuzziness”
– Today details now show today’s forecast, not current
– Add locations are aligned on screen properly
– Fixed drop down combos to inherit theme colors
– Weather direction for 360 degrees now shows “N”
– Merged image library source, DLL no longer required
– Main page weather icons now inherit theme color
– Background images can be png, gif, or jpg (define in theme.ini)
– Fixed settings crash when location added & went back into settings
– NEW: portrait/landscape (switch back & forth)
– NEW: VGA (I can’t test this)

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Manila Control v1.0 (PPC Application)

Manila Control is a simple program that allows us to switch between 2D or 3D Manila and the “Today” of Windows. Allows you to set our screen “Today” with our favorite plugins and Manila also used simultaneously.


– The application allows the use of today’s windows and 2D/3D Manila.
– To exchange desk, is from Left softkey, but it hardbutoon can assign a, a FTouchFlo and in some models a gesture of activation of the cube. (There’s configure it manually).
– The application does not interpret gestures.
– Close to leave Manila for more available RAM (Right SoftKey).
– Manila You can start at boot or not.
– Eliminates Manila from the list of items today.
– Some entries may appear in Spanish if you do not use a ROM WEE.
– The application does not stay resident in memory so it does not consume RAM.

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Daedalus PSP WIP (27-11-2008) (N64 emu for PSP)

StrmnNrmn who disappeared for a while from the scene, and famous for his Nintendo64 emulator Daedalus, spoke up on his blog recently.

Read on:

No, I didn’t choke on a mince pie 🙂

I’m sorry for the lack of updates, both to the blog and to Daedalus. I’ve been working on Daedalus for about 10 years now, and those that have followed the project from the beginning will know that I have fairly regular periods of ‘radio silence’ followed by bursts of activity. I have lot of inertia, so once my interest shifts elsewhere it can take a long time to get me back on track. That’s just the way I am.

This time around it’s because I’ve been really busy with work. I don’t want to go into specifics, but for the past couple of years I’ve been working on a high profile game, and since January most of my energy has gone into helping to get it finished.

I am unbelievably out of touch with the PSP scene. Recently, Kreationz got in touch to tell me about the progress that has been made with DaedalusX64. I was really pleased to hear that the project was being actively updated, particularly because I have a lot of respect for the people involved. The whole reason for making Daedalus open source was to give people the opportunity to learn from the source code and update it as needed, so it’s great for this to be happening.

I can’t guarantee that I’ll have the time to actively help with DaedalusX64, or even that I’ll be able to regularly update this blog. I thought it would be a good idea to give my public backing to DaedalusX64 so that the team can get on with rolling out updates. I probably won’t be making a PSP release of Daedalus any time soon.

For what it’s worth, I’m currently working on a new port of Daedalus. I’m going to keep the target platform secret for now, but I think it’s very exciting. At the very least it means that I’m working on Daedalus again – I’m hoping to keep merging changes from DaedalusX64 back into the Daedalus source, and hopefully provide DaedalusX64 with one or two fixes of my own.

That’s all for now. Apologies in advance if the next blog post is in December 2009 🙂


Thanks to Maturion / for the hint.

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Open2x Dr4 (WIP) (GP2x misc)

Open2x is an umbrella project to bring open source, community friendly, solutions to the GP2X Linux handheld system. The project consists of a number of complementing sub-projects that work together to deliver things such as the Open2x toolchains, kernel and firmware.

Release notes:

All my enthusiasm has been sapped at the moment due to various changes in the scene, so I am going to throw this out there in the hope that I will get interested again. I’m not sure that many people on here now have even seen a GP2X/GP32 though.

F100 only for now, if (and only if) I see enough interest will I compile the kernel for F200 (I have tested it on an F200, but only messing around with quick kernel builds and much faffing).

Known issues (there are probably more, but I can’t think of any off the top of my head right now):
– Built in music player stutters on MP3s (recommend: install your own on SD).
– Built in video player menu gets a bit messed up after quitting a video (not actually seen this myself but enough people have said so that I believe it).
– Compatibility is pretty damn good, but not everything works. – Try compat, failing that, sorry. I have worked around many, many application specific problems and to be frank, it is boring. If you can nail down the problem precisely, tell me and I will see what can be done about it however. Also, have a look here.
– Very occasionally the sound patches mess up and get locked with no sound. Try pressing X on GMenu2x and watch the icon in the bottom right change.

– Built in GMenu2x
– Faster boot time
– Can have forced sound scaling/muting.
– Safe to install
– Can be installed from all firmwares
– Can revert to GPH firmware with no ill effects
– No need to reflash the bootloader
– Dynamic linking now possible
– Up to date libraries
– kexec syscall in the kernel
– Many, many more! If you discover something I forgot, let me know.

If anybody wishes to help, please come in our IRC channel, #open2x on FreeNode. We don’t just need help from kernel people. Libraries, built in apps, user/developer guides, any extra odds and ends you feel might be useful to somebody all need to be worked on!

Thanks to Orkie himself for the news!

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Doom (WIP) (iPhone Game Port)

zodttd ported Doom to iPhone and iPod Touch.


Doom on the iPhone and iPod Touch, while still a work in progress, is shaping up well. It supports the retail/commercial WAD (game data) files for Doom 1 and Doom 2, assuming you provide them. Constructive feedback is greatly welcome.

More detailed instructions and videos of it in action coming soon! Meanwhile, hop on Cydia and grab the “Doom” package in the “Games” section!

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