G-Alarm v1.2.3 (PPC Application)

G-Alarm is an alarm clock with a special mechanism to wake you up. Before the alarm clock stops you need to guide a ball through a labyrinth or solve a mathematical task.


[ADDED] Better support for S2U2
[REMOVED] Option: Add to S2U2’s exception list > no more need for that
[ADDED] Better support for SensorLock
[ADDED] Better support for ThrottleLock
[ADDED] Better support for Pocketshield
[UPDATED] Split the alarm screen and the main program into to .exe
[UPDATED] Maths: You have to wait for 1.5 seconds if you have chosen the wrong result
[UPDATED] Snooze-time is now set in minutes (minimum: 1, maximum: 999 minutes)
[UPDATED] Tilt sensor shake sensitivity
[FIXED] Wrong tilt sensor calibration
[FIXED] Skin issues on non-standard resolutions
[FIXED] Some other bugs
[UPDATED] Languages: arabic, slovak, chinese traditional, japanese, swedish, greek


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WiiApple v0.0.7 (Apple II emu for Wii)

yohanes updated his Apple II emulator for Nintendo Wii.


* Support Wiimote as Joystick (Press A button in Gamecube controller to switch to gamecube joypad)

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PSP3000 exploitet (PSP misc)

Homebrewing is possible now on a PSP-3000! This might also enable a way in the near or far feature to install a CFW? Read on:

Quote from Fanjita:

You’ve probably seen the news that MaTiAz and FreePlay have found an exploit in the ancient game GripShift, which works on all PSPs (including PSP3000) and up to the latest Sony 5.02 firmware.

This is great news, it’s been a long time since a new game exploit was published, and it opens the way for at least user-mode homebrew on the PSP3000. Here at Noobz we saw the bat-signal calling for “someone who has experience in progressing exploits” to help out with developing this one further, and I’m glad to announce that we’ll be joining forces with FreePlay and MaTiAz.

The exploit already includes an SDK to allow porting of homebrew by devs, but that’s cumbersome. Our initial focus will be to make it easier to run standard homebrew via this exploit, by adapting eloader to it. This will be restricted purely to user-mode homebrew, since there is currently no public kernel-mode exploit that could be used here, and compatibility is likely to be patchy due to the security measures in the later firmwares which make determining all the syscalls almost impossible. Still, you can expect that at least some emulators and other popular pure user-mode homebrew will run.

Beyond that, if anyone finds a usable route to kernel-mode then a HEN and downgrader ought to be doable, but we’re not focussing on that at this time.

Pre-announcements aren’t normally the Noobz way, but in this case it seemed worthwhile to let people know, in case anyone was thinking of doing similar work. We won’t predict timescales, especially as everyone is very busy at the moment and there’s a fair amount of work to be done – so please don’t ask.

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MPlayerWii v0.07 (Unofficial Versions) (Wii Application)

MPlayerWii is an audio/video player. It is a native port of the MPlayer media player.

Release notes:

MPlayer r27458 with Spanish language by Duhow.

Added help, more commands, changed buttons (Similar to GeeXboX) and translated in Spanish.

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Web Video Downloader (WVD) v0.0.16.0 (PPC Application)

Web Video Downloader can download .flv or .mp4 videos from various web sites.


Optimize the loading
Fix all random crashes with Compact Framework 3.5
Change the user interface
Add a “invisible scroll bar” like TouchFLO
Now check update in background

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FusionGPSFix v1.0.0.2 (PPC Application)

This app runs after install, and after soft-reset, and immediately starts up the GPS hardware through the WM5+ GPS API. It waits 5 minutes for a GPS lock, or it quits. The GPS polling is limited to every 3 seconds to try to conserve some CPU cycles.

Currently does not use AGPS, but you can turn it on/off at your registry leisure.

This attempts to reduce the Time-To-First-Fix (TTFF) during which the GPS ephemeris almanac is slowly built up. This can take up to 12.5 minutes for a non-QuickGPS/AGPS accelerated device from a cold-start. By kick-starting immediately after soft-reset, subsequent GPS locks for the next ~6 days should be much quicker.

Takes 21K of disk, and ~1K of ram.

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TimeSyncTZ v0.04 (PPC Application)

TimeSyncTZ is a Time Zone aware NTP client that also copes with Daylight Saving Time (DST).


-Changed UI layout (See screen shot) and workflow (Seperate Query and Sync buttons).
-Improved accuracy.
-Fixed Threading problems (hopefully) and a SilentDelay bug.
-New Debug registry option (Change to 1 to enable – Log will be created on the Device Root).

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Custom Firmware Extender v3.1 (PSP misc)

Cpasjuste updated his Custom Firmware Extender.


– Removed the USB autostart feature since the 5.00 fw include a similar function.
– Fixed a bug that prevented the auto-sleep and backlight auto-off features to work.
– Combo button’s are back (change the cpu/brightness, take screenshots with a quick combo key).
– Fully configurable via the menu, changes can be saved. Note that there is now a different configuration file for game and vsh modes.
– Usb streaming recoded, based on the great work of Poison (hostcore). PC hard drive is redirected to the PSP, alowing streaming of homebrews, music, videos, and isos in any mode (sony, m33, umd..). Just select “Remap usb to ms” in the menu then browse your games like you usally do.
– Music player improved, can now be completly stopped from the menu, and/or properly restarted with another music directory source.
– PSP phat compatibility added, but in-game music player is removed for now (not tested).
– Gui colors configurable via the configuration files (“game.cfg” and “vsh.cfg”) in ABGR hex format.
– Added the possibility to prevent the plugin to be loaded (hold L trigger) while starting a game, or load the light version of cfe (hold R trigger) so extra slim memory is not used, preventing some plugins (pspstates) to not work.

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DOSbox v0.72-940fm (DOS emu for GP2x)

sepulep released a modified version of Pickle’s Dosbox port for the GP2x.

Release notes:

(Pickle’s port) compiled with a FM synth running on the 940 core, as well as the sources for this (and an example configuration)

it is alpha, works only for OPL2 synthesis at the moment. It doesn’t do miracles but gives a little bit more speed, I think. OPL3 support is included now, but too slow at the moment (the second core cannot keep up).

to test simply copy over executable (“dosbox”) and put the soundcore file (“code940.bin”) in the dosbox directory.

A source three with all the files different from Pickle’s port is included. The src/hardware/940 directory contains the fm engine and compiles seperately.,0,0,0,72,2721

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TailGunner GBA v1.0 (GBA Game)

TailGunner GBA is a remake of the old Arcade classic with the same name. This remake has been coded by Gener Gabasa, using Visual HAM 2.80.

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