Hamtaro Holidays v2 (PSP Lua Game)

Hamtaro Holidays by leviadragon is a simple virtual pet game featuring the famous hamster Hamtaro! The initial release of this homebrew happend back in 2007.


– Pool! Hamtaro can swim with his friends!
– Mini-Walk! take a little walk with Hamtaro in a lot of (strange) places
– Gift! Give to him a little present
– Ball! Play with a ball
– Cure! Cure our little hamster
– Feed! Feed him with berries found during Mini-Walk.
– Day & Night circle with music associated.
– Now Stable and bug fixed.,7144.0.html

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Pocket Island DS v0.921 (NDS misc)

Pocket Island DS by MJaoune is an unofficial remake of “Pocket God”. There are little guys which you can annoy with your stylus and there are few options to change the weather. It’s not yet a game, but the coder plans to add missions.


* Fixed some sound bugs.
* Fixed some graphical bugs.
* Added a new Icon/Logo.

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Crystal Mines (Source Code) (NES Game)

Dan Lawton and Ken Beckett released the source code to Color Dreams‘ “Crystal Mines“. It was a former unlicensed commercial game for the Nintendo Entertainment System/Famicom.

The game is NOT released to the Public Domain / Freeware pool yet and possibly will never be, but the source code is available for free but bound to “Ken’s License”. All other artwork related to the game is still under copyright, such as the graphics, levels, sounds and music.

The screenshot is courtesy of UVL.

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PDRoms Roundup-News (misc)

Hello everyone,

There been many things the past few weeks and months, so lets have a small roundup.

PDRoms has been relaunched using a new “Content Management System”. While the old custom page coded by celeth was great, it was unfortunately never brought into the shape we wanted to have. Real life and other priorities simply did not allow us to finalize the code. Many features were never realized. The new CMS used is WordPress with a few customizations made by CrazyRaven. By using such a popular CMS we can rely on many plugins, which can extend the functionality in several ways – While on one end it’s time saving it also bears risks, but no solution will be ever perfect. Even migrating from a custom solution to the new one, took us really many weeks – but the result so far is acceptable and good.

Other than that, we have moved to a more powerful server. This step was unfortunately necessary due to WordPress eating all resources on the old server and crashing the machine each few hours, which resulted into down times. As of now everything should run smooth again.

One of the new features is commenting. Registration, which is available upon request, enables you to comment on posts, or when appropriate rights are given, even post your own news on the main page. This might be especially interesting for developers who want to get their homebrew program spread to a large audience.

PDRoms is still just a hobby and having additional costs for setting up a new server plus paying it’s monthly fees isn’t a pleasure, especially as this page has only created costs so far. If you value our work, please consider donating or helping with news.

Another thing being asked many times – We currently do not plan any coding competitions. The homebrew community isn’t hidden in dark corners of the internet anymore and many homebrew pages do run coding competitions as well. There is simply no need anymore – but of course we are still open minded if there is enough serious interest.

Keep on visiting PDRoms and thanks for reading!

Kojote & Team

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OhBoy (20-08-2011) (GBC emu for Dingoo)

OhBoy is a Gameboy and Gameboy Color emulator for native Dingoo, initially made by UBYTE.

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Adamant Armor Affection (AAA) v1.0.0.1 (Pandora Game Port)

Adamant Armor Affection by quasist is an action game where you have to kill terrorists. You are the top agent of an anti-terrorist organization and your goal is to stop some filthy little act of international terrorism. Remember to visit the tutorial level! Ported to Pandora by sebt3!

This game is also available for Wiz and Caanoo!

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Panorama v0.1.271.0 (Pandora Application)

Panorama is an application lanucher written in Qt for the OpenPandora portable gaming platform. The focus lies on creating an extremely portable, modular and extensible system that also is visually appealing and uses little resources. Having intuitive controls and an efficient usage of screen real estate is also a primary goal.


+ New libmilky, fixes upgrades

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Snes9x EX v1.4.2 (SNES emu for Android)

Emulator for the SNES/Super Famicom based on Snes9x 1.43. Snes9x EX is properly licensed and the author will also answer questions related to this app on the official Snes9x message boards.

Snes9x EX for iOS preview using the iControlPad and Wiimotes


* Accurate emulation and similar compatibility to Snes9x 1.43 on the PC
* Full quality 44KHz stereo sound
* Supports games in .smc, .sfc, .fig, and .1 formats, optionally in .zip files
* Super Scope support, touch screen to fire, touch off-screen to push Cursor button
* Mouse Support, see Snes9x EX section on website for instructions
* Configurable on-screen multi-touch controls & keyboard support (needs Android 2.1+ for multi-touch, up to 3 touches supported at once)
* Multiplayer-capable Wiimote + Classic Controller and iControlPad support (no need to purchase a separate app)
* Backup memory and save state support, auto-save and ten manual slots for save states. State files from Snes9x 1.43 should work on Snes9x EX and vice-versa.
* Portrait/Landscape auto-orientation support


* Adjusted sound pitch and interpolation enabled
* Fix a crash setting the on-screen D-Pad off with L/R on it
* Support all possible Android key maps. Note: you must re-configure your keys due to config file changes
* Pause game if active behind another window
* Auto save-states can be saved after 15/30mins
* GPU Sync Hack option to work around broken OpenGL drivers on some phones. Only enable if you experience OS lock-ups
* Increased the bounding box size for the fast-forward on-screen control

Thanks to for the news.

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Reversmii v1.0 (Wii Game)

Reversmii by Chris is a Wii implementation of Othello.


* New graphics and themes, courtesy of SpriteAttack.
* More music.
* Tweaked the AI. It still sucks though 🙁

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fMSX v3.5.7 (MSX emu for Android)

fMSX is an MSX home computer emulator. It will run software written for MSX, MSX2, and MSX2+ computers. Before running fMSX, make sure you place the following MSX system ROMs onto your SD card: MSX.ROM MSX2.ROM MSX2EXT.ROM DISK.ROM.


* Unified framework with other touch based platforms.
* Added option to save screenshots (enabled by default).
* Added option to record music to a MIDI file.
* Added accelerometer support (please, test).
* Bigger, better spaced virtual keyboard and on-screen corner buttons.
* Some on-screen cues shifted to the right for better visibility.
* Sony Xperia Play buttons are fully supported now (please, test).
* Fixed sync frequency computation.
* Fixed TV scanlines effect.

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