LvR (Gameboy Advance)

MinerPSP (Alpha) (PSP Lua Game)

Image provided by: jsharradjsharrad has released clone of MinerVGA for the PSP called MinerPSP. Here are his release notes:

Started working on a clone of an old dos game called MinerVGA, released as public domain in like 1988. Haven’t got much at the moment, below is a screenshot and a very alpha test eboot where you can control the miner, clear the ore (they spawn in same spot every game atm) and walk pretty much anywhere on the screen, even through the road. 😛

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GP2X-F100 Firmware v1.1.0 r2 Rob Brown (GP2x Firmware) is reporting that Rob Brown has updated his Firmware updater. If you have downloaded this already and were not able to appy it yet, it’s highly recommend to get this new release.,0,0,0,42,1052

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GP2x Allegro v0.2 (GP2x misc)

Gfoot has updated his patches for Allegro to make it build for the GP2x. A compiled demo game is also available. Allegro is a free computer game programming library.

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PSP-OSS v0.1b (PSP Application)

PSP-Open Source Shell 0.1b is now available for download. Thanks to Yashamaru for the news. Release notes:

The source code will be released in a few days once licensing has been organised. Please note a post has been made in the forums for feedback in relation to this release please feel free to leave your feedback.A big shout out goes to the coders who worked long and hard on this fantastic release. In a few hours we will also open the skins submission page so that those of you who wish to submit your skins will be able to.

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Vice2x (Test Release) (C64 emu for GP2x)

Snaff has released a test release of Vice2x. This is a port of VICE to the GP2x. Currently there’s no UI, you have to edit the startup script to specify what you want to load.

VICE is more accurate than Frodo so many more things will work, but its also much more CPU hungry – when Snaff ported it to the GP32 it was way too slow and he had to abandon it. Happily though Vice2x is already quite playable on the GP2X. Cauldron 2 and Mayhem in Monsterland are confirmed to work.

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Vexed v0.9 (PSP Lua Game)

Image provided by: CancanVexed is a puzzle game in which your goal is to move similar blocks together, which causes them to disappear. Block can be moved to the left or to the right. When no block in under the current block, the block falls down. Once all the blocks are gone, you’ve solved the level and you’re presented with a new level to solve. You can only access the next level when the current one is solved. [Text taken].Cancan now released a conversation of this game using the scripting/coding language Lua. The sources for Vexed can be found atSourceForge.

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PSP News Coding Competition #2 Reminder (PSP misc)

PSP News are running a PSP coding competition. The deadline is 10th January 2006. Get more information here:

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JzBMSPlayer v051222 (PSP Game)

Image provided by: UnknownJzBMSPlayer is a Beatmania clone for the Playstation Portable.

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The Arenas PSP Magazine Issue #1 (PSP misc)

Image provided by: d-arena.comHere is a PSP magazine in hebrew language. Enjoy, if you can 🙂

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ColecoNation Issue #6 (Colecovision misc)

Nathan Kozlowski and Daniel Bienvenu released the sixth issue of their Colecovision Magazine”ColecoNation”. It’s an online magazine dealing with recent happenings in the Colecovision scene. Content:

THE BLUE SCREEN Who’s making it to Season Two? What’s ColecoNation going to look like in 2006?READER’S SURVEYHelp make ColecoNation better and win a prize!THIS JUST IN…Check out the latest ColecoVision news. We got it straight from the horse’s mouth.IN PLAY ColecoVision Game Pack #2Reviews of the freshest ColecoVision games on the market.IN REVIEW Coleco Head-to-Head GamesHow do the new Coleco electronic games hold up?ROVING REPORTERS Festival Arcadia [11.04-06.05]It’s a big, Coleco-world out there and we’ve got people covering it.REFERENCEAdditional information and links on this month’s articles and topics.

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