LvR (Gameboy Advance)

GP2PSX v0.18 (PSX emu for GP2x)

Zodttd has updated GP2PSX, a Playstation emulator for the GP2x. Changes:

  • This release is a much needed bug fix to the last release (v0.16). I had some timings off. This release should fix games that weren’t loading but did in past releases. This release should also be a bit faster, though as usual, i’m not sure. I don’t have many PSX games to test with. Super Seizure Bros is also no longer seizure-ized.
  • Also note the framerate counter seems to be more accurate now. It’s actually always been accurate, it basically counts 60 frames then calculates the framerate. Only thing is, sometimes the PSX would have it vsync when no change was made to the screen. Not only is this an optimization waiting to happen, but it would report high framerates at times when things looked like they were going slow. This is why I’ve been trying to get timings right.

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    Gnuboy (14-12-2005) (GB/C emu for GP2x)

    K-teto has ported the open source Gameboy/Color emulator Gnuboy to the GP2x! It seems to emulate most games at full speed. More information in spanish language can be found at the original release thread. There doesn’t seem to be a file selector yet, so the ROM needs to be named rom.gbc. Update: There is NO sound and NO possibilty to control anything yet.

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    snesDS (13-12-2005) (SNES emu for NDS)

    snesDS a SNES emulator for the Nintendo DS has been updated. After the SuperCard binary here is the regular one.

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    Hexen32 (13-12-2005) (GP32 Game Port)

    Image provided by: GP32Spain.comA600 also updated his Hexen port for the GP32. Similar to Heretic this is an ego shooter game too.

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    Heretic32 (13-12-2005) (GP32 Game Port)

    Image provided by: GP32Spain.comA600 has updated his Heretic port for the GP32. Heretic ist a first person shooter/fighting game by ID Software.

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    Strat-O-Gems (12-12-2005) (A2600 Game)

    supercat is continuing his work on Strat-O-Games, a great columns like game for the Atari 2600. Release notes:

    Yet another WIP. This one adds a few more Atarivox effects, shortens the level-advance-effect routine by a few cycles, changes the difficulty-switch behavior, adds a little more spit-and-polish to the title screen, and is generally nearing completion. Biggest thing left to go is saving record accomplishments.I would like feedback on difficulty (make sure left difficulty is in”normal”position), gem shapes, Atarivox effects, and anything else people want to comment on.BTW, what do I have to send the Atarivox to kill the current speech playback and start something else? Right now, if a triple scores while the Atarivox is playing”Level seven complete”, the Atarivox can get behind, which really doesn’t sound all that great.There are some more things I’d like to put in if I had the energy, but I wantto get this thing released before (1) Christmas, and (2) I get too burned out on it.

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    Drag Racer v2.0 (PSP Lua Game)

    Image provided by: UnknownWekilledbambi03 has released an updated version of his game”Drag Racer”. This version adds 13 more cars compared to the previous release.,0,0,0,12,1940

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    Super Mario Portable Demo v0.2 (PSP Game)

    312527404 has released a demo of”Super Mario Portable”. It’s in early stages, don’t expect too much.

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    PSP Media Player (13-12-2005) (PSP Application)

    A new version of Jonnys PSP Media Player has been released. The sourcecode is NOT yet available.

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    snesDS SuperCard (13-12-2005) (SNES emu for NDS)

    snesDS a SNES emulator for the Nintendo DS has been updated. This special build is for owners of a SuperCard.

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