LvR (Gameboy Advance)

SMSPlus v1.2 (GG/SMS emu for PSP)

Chris Swindle has updates his port of SMS Plus for the PSP. It is a Sega GemeGear and Master System emulator. Changes:

  • You can now play multiplayer games using the wifi adhoc option.
  • Included in the ZIP file are the source files for the PSP port of SMSPlus, the code specific to the port is all in the psp directory.

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    Hello World for GTA v0.1 (PSP Application)

    A Hello World Demo for Grand Theft Auto has been released by Fanjita. Thanks toPSP-Updatesfor the news.

  • This is a binary loader for the Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories savegame exploit, demonstrating a simple application being loaded.
  • It should be compatible with both EU and US copies of the game, and any firmware version that can run GTA.

    Post modified by Kojote @ 23:23

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    TwinTail Lesson v0.1 (PSP Lua misc)

    Image provided by: EmaThis program teaches you how to use the TwinTail LDE (Editor written in Lua) in a proper way. It can be compared to typing lessons on a real typewriter but just for learning TwinTail LDE.

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    TwinTail LDE v1.5 (PSP Lua Application)

    Ema has updated his/her text editor for the PSP. TwinTail LDE has been written using LUA and requires it’s runtime libs. Changes:

  • fixed key mapping bug
  • removed 106 key mapping

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    LUA Sudoku (Alpha 1) (PSP Lua Game)

    Image provided by: dklaThe aim of the Sudoku puzzle is to enter a number from 1 through 9 into each cell of a 9? grid made up of 3? subgrids (called”regions”). Each row, column, and region must contain only one instance of each numeral. No math is involved, but completing the puzzle requires patience and logical ability. Other release notes:

    Here is my first semi-functional release of a Sudoku program written in Lua. I just noticed a few Homebrew and commercial Sudoku releases recently, so I thought I’d let this out into the community in the hopes it may grow into a group Opensource project. Anyway, this is a PSP version of those simple yet addictive Sudoku puzzles. Written in LUA, LuaPlayer is required to play this game (version 0.15 or higher). LuaPlayer can be downloaded for free at I welcome any questions/comments/suggestions/programming help from the Lua development community. Please contact me at dkalin@ gmail . com

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    MPH Firmware Launcher v1.3.5 Beta (PSP Application)

    MPH Firmware Launcher allows to launch a firmware from the memory stick. The firmware must be in file format and not in eboot.pbp format, for convert a firmware eboot.pbp in file, use the psardump02a tool. Changes:

  • Minors modifications, allows to choose firmware folders with configuration file.

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    Debian Vs Pimientos 2x v0.1.0 (GP2x Game)

    Image provided by: GP2x.deHectorblanco has released his first GP2x Game. Thanks to for the news.

  • Here is my first game for the GP2X. Is a conversion of a game that I made for Windows/Linux some months ago using SDL.
  • Is an arcade in which yo must kill peppers using the Debian logo as ship and the gnu head as a weapon.

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    Sudoku v1.0 (GP2x Game)

    Image provided by: tomotomo bring the great logical/puzzle game Sudoku to the GP2x. Enjoy!

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    DSChess v0.2.1 (NDS Game)

    DSChess is a chess game for the Nintendo DS. It builds upon a very strong open source chess engine called Fruit 2.1 by Fabien Letouzey (now commercial: The engine was changed to meet the requirements of the DS. The interface is quite simple but functional.

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    2 Ch Browser Test v0.35 (PSP Application)

    2 Ch Browser Test has been updated. As the page is in japanese, no further details.

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