Guyfawkes has updated his card game”Higher Or Lower”. Get the new version from great GP2x download archive linked below.,0,0,0,25,989

Image provided by: barnesybarnesy has released a simple drawing program to the public. You’ll need theoddbot’s Python and Pygame package to run it. It has most of the standard drawing tools you’d expect from this kind of program. See the readme for a full list of what it can do.
NesterDC SE is an Nintendo Entertainment System emulator for the Sega Dreamcast. It is based on NesterDC 7.1 most recently worked on by Takayama Fumihiko.
mr brown once more with an updated version of this ported shooter game rRootage. Changes:
Disable antialiasing (support appears to be missing in PSPGL). The graphics are noticeably improved. Fix a problem with boxes not being drawn correctly.

Image provided by: GuyfawkesGuyfakes has released a GP2x port of his own game PSP game”Higher Or Lower”. Here is what he said:
I have released my first homebrew game for the GP2X. Its a quick port of a game I wrote in a few hours on the PSP. I wanted to port this to the GP2X as its quick to port and I wanted to get used to using SDL. This game is slightly changed for use on the GP2X, there are less cards on screen (10 instead of 16) and the on screen guide is not shown on the GP2X. Other than that its the same game. I might port a few of my other games to the GP2X in the near future, maybe Bunny Traps and/or Memory.
Mike Dawson has released a port of MAME to the GP2x. This release only plays games based on Williams arcade hardware such as Robotron.
mrbrown has updated his port of rRootage for the PSP. The changes for this shooter game port are:
Fix screenshots for 1.0 and 1.5 users. Pause the game when Home is pressed.
Ema has updated his/her text editor for the PSP. TwinTail LDE has been written using LUA and requires it’s runtime libs. Changes:
fixed ‘Get HTTP’ plugin bug added shortcut to change keyboard mapping added new keyboard mapping named ‘RapidTail’ letter frequency based mapping numbers become easier to input than other mappings
Reesy released a first version of DrMD for the GP2x. It is a Sega Genesis/Megadrive emulator.
Yeah I know this is the first version released for the GP2X but I’m keeping the GP32 version numbers as it stops me getting confused. Plus all you DrMD newbies can see all of the history of DrMD and have some idea how much work has gone into it ( again this is a blatent hint that you should donate! ) Ok this is the GP2X version, it does everything the GP32 version does but it does it smoother and faster 🙂 This is just ya basic port, there are no optimisations yet. The next few versions will see performance improvements by making use of the GP2X’s hardware a bit more.
Matt Jesson has released a port of B-EM for the GP2x. Thanks to GP32x for the news.
The is a port of the B-EM BBC Micro emulator. It doesn’t modify your GP2X in any way (all libs are static). It was written using SDL.