LvR (Gameboy Advance)

Madness Interactive Test (PSP Lua misc)

Image provided by: NeodudemanNeodudeman has just completed a Madness Interactive port in Lua. You are able to move around and punch and things. There are no enemies and no weapons yet.

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CPU LCD Tweaker (GP2x Application)

godAThell just updated the CPU Tweaker. Now it adds options to modify the LCD behavior. It has been reported that some of the flickering problems can be eleminated with this. Apparently it turns out, that all most bugs of the GP2x hardware are software related.,0,0,0,8,994

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Lsokoban v0.5 (PSP Lua Game)

cgruber has updated his Sokoban game, which he has written in Lua. This version has full 29 levels and fixes a controlling bug.

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PSP News Coding Competition #2 (PSP misc)

Wraggster is having a new PSP coding competition on his news”PSP News”page. You can win a 4GB Hard Drive (for PSP?) by Datel. The competition starts today at midnight and ends on January 10th 2006.

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Gamers Galaxy Issue #2 (PSP misc)

Image provided by: UnknownGamers Galaxy Issue #2 is out. Release notes:

We’re back and out with issue 2! In this issue we announce the winner of the first Caption THis contest as well as provide you with the new image for the next contest. Again we breifly look at the homebrew scene, bring back fan favourite”Cooking with Mof”and review Armored Core International, GTA: LCS and Star Wars Battlefront 2. Plus we’ve added some new sections! Too much to list just read it and enjoy.

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Christmas Tree v0.5 (GP2x Game)

Image provided by: archive.gp2x.deAndrew Williams released Christmas Tree for GP2x. The source code is also included.,0,0,0,27,992

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WiFi Library Test v0.2a (NDS misc)

Mooney has let us know, that sgtair has updated his WiFi Library for the Nintendo DS. The release notes for this release:

Ok, an update for those of you who were stuck on ASSOCSTATUS_ASSOCIATING for the longest time… (version 0.2a [wifi_lib_test.nds]) Firstly, the new build spoofs it’s rate set (pretends to support things it can’t) in order to properly associate to APs that don’t have a low enough base rate set. Also, there have been a few other bugfixes (fixed a crash bug, on ARP timeout) What this means for you? People stuck on ASSOCSTATUS_ASSOCIATING will probably be able to connect now!, and in the case you can’t associate, it’ll tell you much sooner. Also, a note (this wasn’t gone over before) – WEP does not work in this version (also, wep has nothing to do with association, so you’ll be able to associate, just not do anything) – I’m working on it and trying to figure out what’s wrong though… More to come, whenever.

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rRootage v1.3 (PSP Game Port)

mrbrown again! His rRootage port to the Playstation Portable has been updated. Changes:

  • Fixed PSPGL’s GE init code to be more compatible across all PSPs. rRootage should work on 2.0 PSPs now.

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    MAME Williams Hardware v0.0.3 (Arcade emu for GP2x)

    Mike Dawson has updated his port of MAME to the GP2x. This release only plays games based on Williams arcade hardware such as Robotron. Thanks to GP32x for the news. Changes:

  • It has simpler file names and paths so should hopefully cause less problems.

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    Lua RPG (PSP Lua Techdemo)

    Image provided by: fchaosfchaos has started an RPG and decided to show some of the progress. There are only basics so far: moving, animation, collision dectection and teleporting to other maps.

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