LvR (Gameboy Advance)

libmpg (NDS misc)

libmpg is a free library for decoding mpeg-2 and mpeg-1 video streams. It has been released under the terms of the GPL license.

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fmsxDS v0.05 (MSX emu for NDS)

fmsxDS is a MSX emulator for the Nintendo DS. More information on it’s official page (japanese).

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TwinTail LDE v1.6 (PSP Lua Application)

Ema has updated his/her text editor for the PSP. TwinTail LDE has been written using LUA and requires it’s runtime libs. Changes:

  • added keyword hilighting (test) – became slower 🙁 – any ideas for optimize?
  • modified pad service to time based

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    eSwan v0.08 (WS/C emu for PSP)

    eSwan has been updated. It emulates Bandai’s Wonderswan/Color. Thanks to PSP-Wiki for the news.

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    F.O.S.K v0.22 (PSP Lua Application)

    Image provided by: mrnF.O.S.K. is the Fast On-Screen Keyboard-based TEXT EDITOR requiring only two (!) keystrokes to enter any character. Changes:

  • square button printed as Rect,
  • printing in dispText corrected by removing”%s”(see forum on Luaplayer 0.15)
  • browser : oldPad added, so it is no more so sensitive
  • ttf.. first trial ->really slow (see forum on Luaplayer 0.15)
  • ttf vs. Standard font switchable manually in index.lua
  • Battery status in % added with changing color

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    The Ur-Quan Masters v0.1 (GP2x Game Port)

    Loki666 released a first version of The Ur-Quan Masters for the GP2x. It is an open source game based on Star Control 2.

  • Here is a quick and dirty port of UQM 0.4.0 (still very buggy, I know)

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    GP2PSX v0.16 (PSX emu for GP2x)

    Zodttd has updated GP2PSX, a Playstation emulator for the GP2x. New in this version:

  • PSX rootcounter timers have been simplified allowing for further optimization of timings.
  • Speed increase of almost 2x in some games.
  • Due to speed increase, frameskip 0 is now the default.
  • Back to the old GPU now with a 3D engine working.
  • Better compatibility.
  • Alpha blending enabled in the GPU

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    Fuse-gp2x v0.001 (Spectrum emu for GP2x)

    A port of Fuse for the GP2x has been released by bosteen.

  • It is a early port of Fuse, a spectrum emulator. I am still working on it, and I am aware of many problems with it but let me know if it is a problem that doesn’t involve the joystick getting stuck, the lack of volume control, poor UI for selecting files, tape errors, or auto-snap failures.

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    DrMDx v4.3 (Megadrive emu for GP2x)

    Reesy has updated DrMD for the GP2x. It is a Sega Genesis/Megadrive emulator. Changes:

  • Everybody’s noticed problems when saving data. It seems you need to call the sync() function after writing to a file in order to force linux to finish writing the file. People were losing data because they switched off their GP2X before Linux had written the data to disk. I have now made sure that any fwrite commands are now followed by sync() so we should be ok from now on.
  • Noticed a bug in my code that will crash the emulator if you try to scan more than 512 roms. Never been a problem before as the GP32 only had 128MB cards. The rom limit is still 512 roms but now the code will stop and display a message informing you that you have too many roms. In the next version I’m planning on a new file browser that will allow you to browse to any directory, this is why I don’t want to spend too much time updating the current browser system.
  • Change the menu colour scheme.
  • Removed code that updates the gamma of the menu when you change the gamma menu setting as its a waste of time and looks crap. The gamma setting now only affects the games.

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    MAME GP2x (Alpha) Black Tiger Edition (Arcade emu for GP2x)

    Franxis has started porting his GP32 MAME emulator over the the GP2x. This first alpha build is a single arcade emulator, emulating the game”Black Tiger”.

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