LvR (Gameboy Advance)

libmpeg2 Demo (NDS misc)

libmpeg2 is a free library for decoding mpeg-2 and mpeg-1 video streams. It is released under the terms of the GPL license.

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BlueCube2x v0.9 (GP2x Game)

Image provided by: GP32SpainOzius released a Tetris clone for the GP2x.

  • BlueCube is just another simple (and silly) tetris clone 🙂

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    ScummVM (15-12-2005) (GP2x misc)

    Image provided by: GP2x.deNK has released a port of ScummVM for the GP2x. ScummVM is an interpreter that allows you to play Lucasarts’ back catalog of point and click adventure games on modern computers. Thanks to for the news.

  • This is ported from scummvm-kor and dumb version in

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    Debian GNU Boy (15-12-2005) (GB/C emu for GP2x)

    Sonic-NKT found out that the arm-compiled Debian version of GNU boy runs on the GP2x. Thanks to GP32x for the news.

  • Its the same like the other gb emulators currently around, but it features sound and is smaller. Thanks to Debian for compiling this Version of Gnuboy and Thanks to r_sync for his gnuboy Config.

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    Gp Lady Killer v0.6.1 Beta 1 (GP2x Game)

    Image provided by: GP32xA first version of Gp Lady Killer for the GP2x has been released by Puck2099.

  • At the moment there are not sounds or music, but I will add them in next versions.
  • As this is a first beta, it is possible that it contains some bugs (in fact, there are some slowdowns that I had no time to fix because of lack of time), so I would ask you to report me any bug you can find in order to fix it

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    Tilematch v0.4 (GP2x Game)

    Miq01 has updated his game Tilematch for the GP2x. It is puzzle game similar to”Zoo Keeper”. Thanks to GP32x for the news. Changes:

  • Music and sound effects (!!!) [thanks to Theoddbot, Woogal and Puck2099]
  • Synchronous file writing (to prevent hi-scores from not being saved)
  • Added”LOADING…”screen
  • Small visual improvements
  • During game, the second time the action button is pressed on the same tile, deactivates that tile
  • Cursor highlights after selecting a tile
  • Cursor positioned at (3,3) after starting game

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    Rise Of The Triad Concept-Demo v0.01 (PSP Game Port)

    deniska has released a proof of concept, that”Rise Of the Triad”is portable to the PSP. It’s in extremly early stages and crashes after 30 seconds, but it’s a beginning. He’ll continue his work on this part after his vacation. This Concept-Demo features full screen support, sound and full speed emulation.

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    rRootage v1.4 (PSP Game Port)

    mrbrown has updated his port of the abstract shooter”rRootage”once more. Here are the changes:

  • Fixed the Psyvariar crash that only happened to 1.50 users.
  • Fix GL_LINE_LOOP in PSPGL. Graphics are improved.
  • Add the performance meter from PSPGL (commented out).

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    Tetris for PSP 2.01 (PSP Game)

    Image provided by: PSP 3DPSP 3D have ported the first game to be used with the PSP 2.01 firmware. You can consider this as FIRST homebrew for this firmware version. Here are further release notes:

    That’s right. From Hello World yesterday, to Tetris today. We at PSP 3D have successfully ported the first 2.01 game EVER. Thanks to Fanjita for the tips and for the wonderful GTA hack (props to all the people who helped him too). In the next few days, expect this and more games to be ported to 2.5 also (if and when we get SYSCALs working).

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    PSP Millionaire v1.10 (PSP Lua Game)

    Image provided by: PSPMillionairePSP Millionaire is a game based upon the gameshow”Who Wants to be a Millionaire?”. It now features 1050 questions for your gaming entertainment!,0,0,0,12,1942

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