LvR (Gameboy Advance)

PyBrush (16-11-2005) (GP2x Phyton Application)

barnesy has released a new version of PyBrush, his PyGame drawing program. The new main features are:

  • Load images – You can now load images from anywhere on the SD/NAND, then draw all over them.
  • Save images – There’s a new onscreen keyboard for entering filenames
  • Undo – Lets you undo up to ten actions.
  • Phyton for the GP2x is required.

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    Debian Vs Pimientos 2x v0.1.1 (GP2x Game)

    Hectorblanco has updated”Debian Vs Pimientos 2x”. It’s a kind of object shooting game for the GP2x. Here is the original changelog in spanish language:

  • El sistema de renderizado de texto ha sido portado a la libreria SDL_ttf.
  • Al hacer pausa, se muestra un fondo negro debajo del texto de PAUSA.
  • Las posiciones de la espiral de Debian en los extremos han sido afinadas un poco.
  • Los Cr?tos ya estan disponibles, aunque tienes que verlos enteros, pues no deja aun cancelarlos (nota para la siguiente version).
  • Mejorado el movimiento de los pimientos.

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    MPH Firmware Launcher v1.3.6 (PSP Application)

    The”MPH Firmware launcher”allows to launch a firmware from the PSP’s memory stick. The firmware must be in file format and not in eboot.pbp format, for convert a firmware eboot.pbp in file, use the psardump02a tool. Use the tool at own risk! Release notes:

    I have just finished the last version of firmware launcher which allows to play video (MPEG4 and AVC) with firmware 2.00 launched (2.50 bug).

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    Drunken Coders Coding Competition (NDS misc)

    The final prizes of the Drunken Coders Coding Competition are decided. Here is the original post from DC:

    Natrium has donated $50 to the pool, and Peter has donated another $20 and what the hell I will add another $30 so we have $180 dollars in prize money and some other good prizes to spread about.We are still accepting donations of any sort. If anyone has access to cheap T-Shirt manufacture I could use about 8 or 10 T-Shirts made for compo entries (Ideally I would like to give everyone who enters one but who can afford that? :).

    The competition ends on 1st January 2006!

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    CheatDevice v0.4 for LCS (PSP Trainer)

    The PSP Trainer for”Liberty City Stories”has been updated and now even works for PSP’s with firmware 2.60. A few supported cheats are: Infinite Health and Armor, Set Wanted Level, Set Time, Set Weather&Spawn Anything. Detailed changes:


  • Your car is indestructible, always steaming, smoking, or on fire
  • No reload
  • Support for firmware 2.6

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    PSP HTTPD v0.1 (PSP Lua Application)

    Elxx has released a web sever application for the PSP.

  • What this does is basically let you download files from your PSP using your wireless network connection. You can browse through the files on your web browser, as if you’re surfing a website. HTML pages will even be displayed and rendered correctly so you could run a website off your PSP

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    Acnos Energizer (Beta) (PSP Lua Game)

    alatnet has released a public beta of his programming class project”Acnos Energizer”. It’s a puzzle game written in Lua.…

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    Lua Sudoku (Alpha 2) (PSP Lua Game)

    dkla has updated his japanese board/puzzle game conversation of Sudoku written in Lua. Changes:

  • “New Puzzle”now picks a grid from over 200 valid puzzles (all generated from gnome_soduku). Thanks to Benoit Favre for submitting the”New Puzzle”code!
  • A new selectable”Show Candidates”option shows the possible choices for the current cell in a fun and irreverent manner…
  • Fonts are still bitmapped, but the code is in there for TT fonts. Uncomment the code and see for yourself. 🙂
  • Graphic tweaks and cleanup

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    PSP Millionaire v1.10 Patch 1 (PSP Lua Game)

    PSPMillionaire has released a patch for the most recent version of the addictive homebrew game PSPMillionaire v1.10. This patch fixes a bug with Single Player. When you lose the check given is for the amount of the last question you answered correctly instead of dropping down like you’re supposed to. This is fixed.If you downloaded version 1.10 then replace the script.lua file with this one to fix the bug. No need to download the whole game again when this is a simple fix until the next release.Thanks to PSPUpdates for the news.…

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    rRootage v1.5 (PSP Game Port)

    This is a port of Kenta Cho’s addictive PC shooter, rRootage. Press Start to begin a new game. Use the analog or directional pad to steer the ship, use X (or Triangle) to fire, and use O (or Square) to activate your Special. Changes:

  • Call _init() in libSDL_main’s main() if it wasn’t already called and make sure that the startup constructor doesn’t access kernel mode on 2.0 PSPs.
  • rRootage now works on 2.0 PSPs under Fanjita’s EBOOT loader.

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