LvR (Gameboy Advance)

TwinTail LDE v1.7 Beta (PSP Lua Application)

Ema has updated his/her text editor for the PSP. TwinTail LDE has been written using LUA and requires it’s runtime libs. This beta version of 1.7 handles TrueType.

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Fuse GP2x v0.1.1 (Spectrum emu for GP2x)

Fuse GP2x is a port of the Spectrum emulator Fuse to the GP2x by bosteen. Changes:

  • Volume control should now work as expected.
  • Controls should feel better to use.
  • Bringing up the keyboard or the keybinding dialog should now not slow the emulation. (There is still a sound glitch though when it first is brought onscreen.)

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    Super Methane Brothers v1 (GP2x Game Port)

    Image provided by: UnknownAn amazing port of Super Methane Brothers to the GP2x has appeared! Trap baddies in a gas cloud. Suck into your gas gun. Throw against a wall to destroy them. This game is a nice Bubble Bobble replacement w-ith lots of extras.,0,0,0,35,1023

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    Debian Vs Pimientos 2x v0.1.2 (GP2x Game)

    hectorblanco has updated his shooter”Debian Vs Pimientos”. Here is the original changelog in spanish language:

  • El sonido ya es funcional, usando SDL_mixer
  • Controles mejorados. Se puede disparar a la vez que mover la espiral Debian. (Gracias a Puck2099)
  • La ventana de creditos puede ser parada en cualquier momento pulsando el bot??A’.
  • Corregido un fallo que podia causar el cuelgue del juego al acabar una partida e intentar empezar una nueva.

    (Update) English changelog:

  • Sound now working. Using the SDL_mixer provided by theodbot.
  • The control has been improved. Now you can shoot enemies while moving the spiral. Thanks to Puck2099
  • The credits screen can be closed pressin the ‘A’ button.
  • Fixed a bug that could freeze the game (and the gp2x) after finishing a game, when you try to star a new one.

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    Space Battles (Final 2) (A2600 Game)

    Dave has released his first Atari 2600 game to the public. Here is what he said:

    Hi, my name is Dave and after reading the tutorials here and looking at code samples I have coded my first game. It’sa simple rail shooter with 18 enemies. I have three game options Normal Play, Steerable Missiles and No Shields. Shields are available in options 1 and 2 by pushing up on the joystick. The shields can take a limited number of hits before heating up and exploding your ship. There is a limited fuel supply for each level, but it can be partially replenished by catching the white bombs from the enemies. Red enemy bombs cause your ship to explode, unless your shields are up. Each completed level increases you available ships by 1 to a maximum of 6. The enemy speed increases every level, but resets to default speed after every 6 levels. When you fire and hit an enemy convoy it explodes, the survivors spin and cannot be damaged again until you hit a different enemy. Any feedback is appreciated. Thanks, Dave

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    eSwan Sound Test 2 (17-12-2005) (WS/C emu for PSP)

    eSwan has been updated. It emulates Bandai’s Wonderswan/Color. Thanks to PSP-Wiki for the news. This version is another test version doing something with the sound output.

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    eSwan PCM Sound Test (17-12-2005) (WS/C emu for PSP)

    eSwan has been updated. It emulates Bandai’s Wonderswan/Color. Thanks to PSP-Wiki for the news. This version is obviously a test version doing something with the sound output.

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    PSP-HTTPD v0.2 (PSP Lua Application)

    PSP-HTTPD is a basic PSP web server, powered by LuaPlayer 0.15. What this does is basically let you download files from your PSP using your wireless network connection. You can browse through the files on your web browser, as if you’re surfing a website. HTML pages will even be sent so you could run a website off your PSP. Release notes:

    Check the first post of this topic, I’ve updated the server to 0.2. File transfers should be over twice as fast as before now. Please report the speeds you’re able to attain, and report any bugs here, as always.


  • Chunk size no longer internally set as 1024
  • Default chunk size increased from 512 to 1024
  • File transfer error correction improved considerably, transfer rates of 20KB/s + usable now without frequent corruption
  • MIME type checking no longer case-sensitive, so files such as test.HtMl will still display
  • File size added to files in directory view
  • When browsing a directory with an index.htm file, the index.htm will be shown instead of directory listing

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    Smileys (PSP Lua Game)

    Release notes from montrob:

    well here it is my first LUA game. I don’t know if its worth posting but i will anyways. its basically a guy shooting basketball. (square- dribble) (circle- shoot.) (start – exit) i did it all in one day so dont excpect antyhing spectacular. theres lots more features to come, and ill probablay make a better game soon. oh and MAJOR thanks to slasher for helping me learn what to do and helping me.

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    PSP 1006 and PSP 1007 Downgrader (Beta) (PSP Application)

    Yoshihiro and SXT are proud to bring you the first downgrader compatible with the psp-1006 and psp-1007 hardware! (the previous versions didn’t work with asian psp-1006 and 1007 psp as the 1.50 eboot didn’t want to run). Release Note: This is still a BETA version as it remains untested as we speak.It might brick your psp so be extremly careful!!

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