LvR (Gameboy Advance)

MAME Pacman Hardware (18-12-2005) (Arcade emu for GP2x)

Lazrhog has released a port of MAME to the GP2x. This release only plays games based on Pacman arcade hardware,0,0,0,27,1026

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The Ur-Quan Masters v0.2 r1 (GP2x Game Port)

Loki666 released an updated version of The Ur-Quan Masters for the GP2x. It is an open source game based on Star Control 2.,0,0,0,26,1001

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Tilt (18-12-2005) (GP32 Fenix Game)

TRaFuGa has released another Fenix today called Tilt.

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Pulplife v0.4 (GP32 Fenix Game)

Image provided by: UnknownThis game is a mini rpg based in the ocean, your hero is an octopus who needs to travel through dangerous waters infested with lots of enemies. The octopus can use a small amount of spells for help. More spells are learnit with experience and when you kill some of the monsters (the game begins with one spell).…

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Pong Evolution Soccer (18-12-2005) (GP32 Fenix Game)

TRaFuGa has released the final version of his soccer/pong game PES. The game requires the Fenix libraries/files too.

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mk13 v0.1 (GP2x Game)

Image provided by: UnknownMK13 is a cardgame for the GP2x by PotA.,0,0,0,37,1028

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GP2Xengine v1.0 Beta (PC Engine emu for GP2x)

Hermes released a PC Engine emulator for the GP2x. Thanks to GP32Spain/ for the news.

  • Based on the work of Marat Fayzullin (Hu6280), Alex Krasivsky (Hu6280), BERO (fpce), hmmx (XPCE), rlyeh (GPX2 Minimal Library)

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    MPH Firmware Launcher v1.3.7 (PSP Application)

    The”MPH Firmware launcher”allows to launch a firmware from the PSP’s memory stick. The firmware must be in file format and not in eboot.pbp format, for convert a firmware eboot.pbp in file, use the psardump02a tool. Use the tool at own risk! Release notes:

    The firmware launcher shows now the browser (firmware 2.50 only) and he is more stable with video playing (firmware 2.00 only), see readme for all modifications. Source available.

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    PSP Radio v0.37 Pre 8 (PSP Application)

    rafPSP and Sandberg have updated their internet radio streaming client for the Playstation Portable. On a sidenote: This version is a work in progress! It’s rather unuseable at the moment and should be used at own risk! Thanks to PSP-Updates for the news. Changelog:


  • (sandberg) Core: Updated to use socket headers from the new pspsdk.
  • (raf) TextUI: Fixed bug where localfiles where getting truncated as they were displayed.


  • (raf) Core: Removed local LibPSPNet; using pspsdk’s pspnet now.
  • (raf) Core: Added new LocalFiles screen.
  • (raf) TextUI: Using new screens by semtex199.
  • (raf) TextUI: Added configuration items to cfg file to configure the list’s titles.

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    PicrossDS v0.3a (NDS Game)

    Matt has released a new version of his Picross game for the Nintendo DS. Release notes:

    This is mostly just the bugfix version that I promised like two weeks ago. There’s also 25 new puzzles, plus I fixed times not saving properly and the issue with duplicate puzzles that everyone was getting. I also cleaned up the code a lot, so I’ll try and release the source when I’m done with that, because, well, open-source is rad.

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