Lazrhog has released a port of MAME to the GP2x. This release only plays games based on Pacman arcade hardware
Loki666 released an updated version of The Ur-Quan Masters for the GP2x. It is an open source game based on Star Control 2.,0,0,0,26,1001
TRaFuGa has released another Fenix today called Tilt.

Image provided by: UnknownThis game is a mini rpg based in the ocean, your hero is an octopus who needs to travel through dangerous waters infested with lots of enemies. The octopus can use a small amount of spells for help. More spells are learnit with experience and when you kill some of the monsters (the game begins with one spell).…
TRaFuGa has released the final version of his soccer/pong game PES. The game requires the Fenix libraries/files too.

Image provided by: UnknownMK13 is a cardgame for the GP2x by PotA.,0,0,0,37,1028
Hermes released a PC Engine emulator for the GP2x. Thanks to GP32Spain/ for the news.
Based on the work of Marat Fayzullin (Hu6280), Alex Krasivsky (Hu6280), BERO (fpce), hmmx (XPCE), rlyeh (GPX2 Minimal Library)
The”MPH Firmware launcher”allows to launch a firmware from the PSP’s memory stick. The firmware must be in file format and not in eboot.pbp format, for convert a firmware eboot.pbp in file, use the psardump02a tool. Use the tool at own risk! Release notes:
The firmware launcher shows now the browser (firmware 2.50 only) and he is more stable with video playing (firmware 2.00 only), see readme for all modifications. Source available.
rafPSP and Sandberg have updated their internet radio streaming client for the Playstation Portable. On a sidenote: This version is a work in progress! It’s rather unuseable at the moment and should be used at own risk! Thanks to PSP-Updates for the news. Changelog:
(sandberg) Core: Updated to use socket headers from the new pspsdk. (raf) TextUI: Fixed bug where localfiles where getting truncated as they were displayed. NEW FEATURES
(raf) Core: Removed local LibPSPNet; using pspsdk’s pspnet now. (raf) Core: Added new LocalFiles screen. (raf) TextUI: Using new screens by semtex199. (raf) TextUI: Added configuration items to cfg file to configure the list’s titles.
Matt has released a new version of his Picross game for the Nintendo DS. Release notes:
This is mostly just the bugfix version that I promised like two weeks ago. There’s also 25 new puzzles, plus I fixed times not saving properly and the issue with duplicate puzzles that everyone was getting. I also cleaned up the code a lot, so I’ll try and release the source when I’m done with that, because, well, open-source is rad.