LvR (Gameboy Advance)

Beats of Rage v0.02 (GP2x Game Port)

Canuda10 has updated his port of”Beats of Rage”for the GP2x.

  • it fixes some problems with the controls

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    Strat-O-Gems Deluxe (18-12-2005 r2) (A2600 Game)

    supercat has released a new beta of his Columns like game Strat-O-Gem.

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    CheatDevice v0.5 for LCS (PSP Trainer)

    Edison Carter has updated his Trainer for the PSP Game”Liberty City Stories”. A few supported cheats are: Infinite Health and Armor, Set Wanted Level, Set Time, Set Weather&Spawn Anything. Detailed changes:

    v0.5 release notes:This version lets you change your CPU speed between 222MHz and 333MHz. You can also see your battery level, voltage and temp. This feature is not available on firmware 2.6. The syscalls are all mixed up on 2.6 and it would be prohibitively difficult to discover the CPU and battery stuff on 2.6. You won’t see a difference at 333MHz except when the refresh rate slows down with too many cars on the screen, then it won’t slow down as much. Someone should figure out the difference in battery life between 222MHz and 333MHz.Video Recorder records an animated GIF at 8 frames per second. I’m not sure if this works better at 222MHz or 333MHz. It’s a little different on each. The CPU time starvation on 222MHz might be a good thing tokeep the game from progressing during the snapshot.Don’t forget to press DOWN+X to stop your video before taking the memory card out!The GIF file generated is uncompressed. To compress it, load it into anything that can load animated GIFs and then save. Compression reduces the filesize by better than 50%. Always compress the GIF before posting on the web, and limit the length of your recordings to keep the size reasonable!The Heavy Motorcycle cheat determines the mass of motorcycles when they are first created, like when you open the garage or when you first see one in traffic, so you need to turn it on before opening the garage or finding a motorcycle you want to ride. Once a motorcycle is created, its mass property is set. Other motorcycles on the road will also be heavy, but for peds, their motorcycles burst into flames at the slightest touch of another vehicle. If you don’t want this, get yourself a heavy motorcycle then turn the cheat off so new motorcycles will be normal.With this cheat, you are the heaviest thing in the universe and in every collision, the other vehicle has to do all the moving to get out of the way. If you shove a car into a wall, it has nowhere else to go so it’ll squirt up into the air like the Yardie Lobo in my video.If you don’t turn on Your Car Is Indestructible, you get a cool flame effect when you crash into walls.

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    MagiJig v0.01 (GP2x Game)

    nickspoon has released his second game on the GP2x. MagiJig is a difficult logic puzzle where you must activate shapes in the right order to get them all up to level 10. This version only contains one puzzle, but at some point the author will create a puzzle generator, so you will be able to play as many as you like.

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    Selector v0.2 (GP2x Application)

    Image provided by: kounchkounch has released a little tool which allows file associations to different executables on the GP2x. This means you could connect all *.gbc extensions to the recent GNUBOY2x release. Whenever you enter the selector and select a GBC file, it will be opened automaticly with the associated program.

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    Beats of Rage (20-12-2005) (GP2x Game Port)

    Image provided by: UnknownThe beat’em up game”Beats of Rage”has been ported to the GP2x.,0,0,0,40,1039

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    Spider Solitaire v1.02 (PSP Game)

    Spider Solitaire is a card game for the PSP written using Phyton. The files provided are for 1.5 PSP’s, although the author has been informed that it can work with 2.0 PSP’s yet. Changes are:

  • Added Undo/Redo
  • Added Save Game
  • Fixed bug where a row does not complete if it is completed by a Deal.

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    Bomb Jack (19-12-2005) (GBA Game)

    Image provided by: NrxNrx has updated his Bomb Jack port for the GBA. The gba rom and the source code of Bomb Jack are available on Nrx’s webpage. Thanks to Nrx for the news. New in this version:

  • Game’s state saving: you can switch off your GBA without losing your game
  • Control of the background’s brightness
  • Improvement of Music Jack: you can now add several songs to the ROM!

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    Breakout Mania DS (18-12-2005) (NDS Game)

    ninogenio has finaly completed his work on”Breakout Mania DS”. Here are his release notes:

    heres the game complete after quite a bit of work ironing out the bugs and skinning new gfx on it it now has. m3 support. gbamp support with a quit option to jump back to boot loader. sound fx. motion blurring. new graphics. runs at a steady 60fps. and so far no noticed bugs. i think its turned out quite good for a first ds game enjoy.

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    Animal Crossing Trainer v0.02 Beta (NDS Trainer)

    This is a trainer/cheater application for the commercial game”Animal Crossing”. More information on it’s page. Thanks toDrunken Codersfor the news.

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