LvR (Gameboy Advance)

MAME Green Beret v0.0.1 (Arcade emu for GP2x)

Mike Dawson has now released a stand alone MAME version which emulates the game”Green Beret”. You can download it from his page.

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Raw2x v0.3.1 (GP2x misc)

RAW is a re-implementation of the engine used in the game Another World. Original RAW was made by Gregory Montoir. This version is a port of this engine for the GP2X Console. You need the original game files of Another World to make it run.

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TwinTail LDE v2.0 (PSP Lua Application)

Image provided by: EmaEma has updated his/her text editor for the PSP. TwinTail LDE has been written using LUA and requires it’s runtime libs. Changes:

  • Good bye TrueType
  • Added skin
  • Added font service

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    CheatDevice v0.5a for LCS (PSP Trainer)

    Edison Carter has updated his Trainer for the PSP Game”Liberty City Stories”. A few supported cheats are: Infinite Health and Armor, Set Wanted Level, Set Time, Set Weather&Spawn Anything. Detailed changes:

    v0.5a: Frames per second meter added to coordinates display

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    Interview with Fanjita (PSP misc)

    Fanjita, maker and maintainer of the popular Eboot Loader for firmware 2.0, has recently shared his thoughts on programming, the PSP scene, and more.

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    2 Ch Browser Test v0.41 (PSP Application)

    “2 Ch Browser Test”has been updated. It’s a browser for the PSP. The homepage is in japanese.

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    Beats of Rage v0.03 (GP2x Game Port)

    canuda10 has updated his port of”Beats of Rage”again. It’s 2D side scrolling beat’em up game which is a tribute to”Streets of Rage”.

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    MPH Firmware Launcher v1.3.7u2 (PSP Application Patch)

    The”MPH Firmware Launcher”allows to launch a firmware from the PSP’s memory stick. The firmware must be in file format and not in eboot.pbp format, for convert a firmware eboot.pbp in file, use the psardump02a tool. This patch by miemt11 is doing the following:

    u2 version:1: L+R+SELECT to load the real/hardware original Sony UMDu1 Version: (FW 2.00 and 2.50)1: reduce overall eboot size by 30KB2: L+R+START to quit emulation (as requested)

    The original author is MPH not miemt11!

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    Stellar Fortress v0.02 (A2600 Game)

    TROGDOR has updated his game Stellar Fortress which is a remake of”Star Castle”. Changes in this release:

    New in this release:

  • Cleaned up the Vblank, display, and overscan timers so exactly 262 scanlines are used.
  • Added a low pulsing sound in unison with the shield visual pulse. This will either add an ominious feeling to the game, or be really annoying.

    To do:

  • The original game required 2 shots per shield section to destroy it. Since this is impractical given the color constraints of the 2600, I’ll probably just add more single shot shield rings. I’m thinking 6 rings should work.

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    Duckhunt (19-12-2005) (PS2 Game)

    Drakonite has released his remake of Duckhunt for the Playstation 2 to the public. Thanks to Drakonite himself for the news. Here are his release notes:

    If you can’t tell I’ve been a little too busy to update my site lately, and the big project I’ve been wanting to announce isn’t ready yet… However I have a nice surprise for everyone! This is the beginning of a quick clone of Duckhunt I’ve created over the past couple days. It’s not very robust (guncon has to be in port 2, etc), it’s no where near complete, and there are likely a few bugs, but I wanted to get this out to see what type of reaction it gets. I had planned to make a nice parady of Duckhunt, including some changes I know everyone wants to see to the original game, while making it look and feel as much like the original as possible to aid in the parady.. however if no one has a guncon and is going to play it I won’t bother doing that much work. I’ll be judging the response I receive from this preview release to decide if I’m going to finish and polish it all up, or patch it up and call it good… But if you have a PS1 compatible guncon, Enjoy!

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