LvR (Gameboy Advance)

Memory Explorer (GP2x Application)

MemoryExplorer, as you can associate with it’s name, is a MemoryExplorer/Viewer for the GP2x. It has a small bit of on-screen documentation, and is somewhat dangerous to use.It’s probably possible to erase your nand if you mess with the wrong locations.*WARNING* this program can brick your GP2x if you aren’t careful.

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PSP Galaxy Issue #3 (PSP misc)

Image provided by: gamersgalaxy.netIt’s Christmas time, and PSP Galaxy is back with their third issue!Inside you’ll find an exclusive interview with Tate Interactive, the developers of Kao Challengers, as well as reviews for Prince of Persia: Revelations, PoPoLoCrois and Kao Challengers.

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madplayGP2x (GP2x Application)

madplaygp2x is a command line mp3 player. Run it as a stand alone application or run it in the background while your game/emulator/application is also running.,0,0,0,6,1045

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Gnuboy2x v0.4b (GB/C emu for GP2x)

K-teto has updated his port of Gnuboy for the GP2x again. Release notes:

I don’t have a webpage right now, so… tracking the changes is difficult, i know. But when gnuboy2x 0.3b was just added to the news here, 0.4b was out already. And here you have it, with better sound, faster screen code and many bugfixes. And more important, HARDWARE SCALING for full screen gameboy madness, yeah, you like it b*tch.

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Beats of Rage v0.04 (GP2x Game Port)

canuda10 has updated his port of”Beats of Rage”once more. It’s a 2D side scrolling beat’em up game which is a tribute to”Streets of Rage”. This version fixes a lots of problems and is worth a try! A bor.pak file is required and not supplied with the archive. Further notes:

Version 0.04Graphics corruption when left/right clipping sprites corrected.Still some graphics corruption when drawing effects (for example character shadows). Appart from these small glitches,I think it should be fully playable now. Please report any other bugs found.,0,0,0,40,1039

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Colony7 (20-12-2005) (A2600 Game)

Image provided by: CybergothCybergoth has released the second public version of his upcomming game Colony7 for the good old Atari 2600. Release notes:

Well, it’s still not really playable, but very close now: You can already shoot things

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MPH Firmware Launcher v1.3.7u3 (PSP Application Patch)

The”MPH Firmware Launcher”allows to launch a firmware from the PSP’s memory stick. The firmware must be in file format and not in eboot.pbp format, for convert a firmware eboot.pbp in file, use the psardump02a tool. This patch by miemt11 is adds minor changes to make everything a bit more comfortable. Changes for the patch:

  • 1: Update with the latest 1.3.7(Final Version) source to resolve the WLAN problem
  • 2: Press O to quit, before emulation start
  • 3: support the new mphfl.inf structure config

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    Fighting Game Test (PSP Lua misc)

    soulphalanx us working on a fighting game coded in Lua.

    An early alpha of a fighting in progress just some basic moves like punching and kicking, intro and victory pose only one character for now others will be added later – got lots to do

    Thanks to wraggster for the news.

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    PSPainXmas 05 (PSP Intro)

    Image provided by: mICrORelease notes: and NewOlds wishes to all PSPs users a merry christmas and a happy new year.We would like to thanks, to all the people who make the PSP the best portable system and all the people who work on homebrew with the only interest of make the PSP bigger and bigger. Thanks a lot to all of you. Special Thanks to: HexDump, Weak, Fanjita, mrbrown, Fisionboy, Zack, Muradas, calopez, rmedtx, xennia87, Majes, Samer, ethernity, squall18, Wraggster.

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    Solitare v1.0 (PSP Lua Game)

    Image provided by: Pradeep KumarPradeep Kumar has just released his first Lua game – Solitare v1.0. Release notes:

    This is my first PSP Lua game written in LuaPlayer V0.15. This game is very similar to Solitare in windows. Please report any bug or feature request.To do list:————-Add autoreturn of cards (right click in windows game)optimise mouse speed/accelerationAdd more background / deck

    Thanks to Yashamaru for the news again 🙂

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