rlyeh has updated his”GPE Compressor”for the GP2x around 2 days ago. His page holds the updated binary but the news are not mentioned on the top, just downoad it using the link from 20th November. This are NOT old news, just rlyeh has been too lazy to create an own posting for it 🙂 Shame on you rlyeh! :)For all who do not know what a GPE Compressor is good for. It can compress executable GP2x files but they will still stay executable while getting smaller. Grab the new release from:http://retrodev.info/
eSwan has been updated. It emulates Bandai’s Wonderswan/Color. Thanks to PSP-Wiki for the news. This version is another test version doing something with the sound output.
Ema has now relased a version of TwinTail LDE v2.0 which support japanese characteres! You gan tet it from it’s official page. TwinTail LDE has been written using LUA and requires it’s runtime libs.
K-teto has updated his port of Gnuboy for the GP2x. Thanks to GP32Spain for the news. Changes:
Screen and controls code using rlyeh’s minilib, sound is using SDL yet. controls 100% ok with diagonals. No volume control yet. Minor fixes. Compressed with rlyeh’s gpecomp 0.2.

Image provided by: Puck2099Puck2099 released a first beta of Excult for the GP2x. Excult allows you to play Ultima 7 on the GP2x.

Image provided by: Unknowndm79 has released a demo of”Hokuto no Ken”. This demo includes one character now but he plans to expand the game with more levels and characters. Thanks to Yashamaru for the news once more – finaly somone is using the”submit news”feature 🙂http://montani.altervista.org/web/ken.htm
Brew-Review Issue #2 is a magazine for your PSP. It’s bigger than Issue 1, sizing in at 91 pages! It includes a special Hombrew’ers guide to the best games of 2005, an exclusive interview with the leader of Dark* Development. Thanks to Yashamaru for the news.http://brewreview.modshark.com/
As you can guess from the name, this is”Just Another Pain App(lication)”. It’s written in Lua and requires Lua-Player v0.15. Here are further notes:
My first LUA program…it’s a PAINT program…you can seriously get any color of the rainbow from this. At the bottom left of the screen shows your Red, Green, and Blue values (default 0). The top left shows your cursor speed. (default 64)The cursor color will be the color that comes out when you press X (combination of R,G,B values)Controls:If you don’t feel like reading it all, press x, square, triangle, or circle with a combination of other buttons to figure out what they do.Analog = move around cursorX = draw with R, G, B valuesSquare = draw Red valuesTriangle = draw Green valuesCircle = draw Blue valuesR + X = background color changes to R, G, B colorR + Square = background color changes to Red valueR + Triangle = background color changes to Green valueR + Circle = background color changes to Blue valueR + Left/Right = decrease/increase brush sizeL + X = reset cursor speed (default 64)L + R = reset cursor to center of screenL + Square = sets Red value to 255 or 0 (depending on which it is at)L + Triangle= sets Green value to 255 or 0 (depending on which it is at)L + Circle = sets Blue value to 255 or 0 (depending on which it is at)Square + Up/Down = increase red value by 10Triangle + Up/Down = increase green value by 10Circle + Up/Down = increase blue value by 10Square + Left/Right = increase red value by 1Triangle + Left/Right = increase green value by 1Circle + Left/Right = increase blue value by 1Up/Down = increase/decrease cursor speed
Ooze is a single player game, played with a Joystick plugged into the Left Controller slot. You get three chances at completing the game without allowing the ooze, or your own missile, to touch your ship. There are 10 levels to a complete game. Further notes:
I’m wanting to squeeze the best overall gameplay out of this one more time before releasing it on cart. Past efforts only involved a few testers. Hoping to get a few more this time around.Before, the levels were somewhat random, with a couple of real tough ones mixed in. This time around, I’ve decided to try a cyclic set of similar levels with a better ramp-up to the ending level 10.Additionally, the initial levels in prior versions started out really, really easy. I think that made the game somewhat boring at first, then fairly decent. This set of level parameters starts the game out at the action level, then ramps up from there. I’m hoping this has a better immersive effect than the other combinations did. You tell me!At this point, major gameplay feature changes are off the table, but changes to colors, level parameters and other minor tweaks are going to be considered. Again, lemme know what you think!
ScummVM is a program which allows you to run certain classic graphical point-and-click adventure games, provided you already have their data files. The clever part about this: ScummVM just replaces the executables shipped with the game, allowing you to play them on systems for which they were never designed!ScummVM DS is the Nintendo DS port of ScummVM and v0.5 has the following changes:
CD audio is supported using IMA-ADPCM compressed WAV files Direct file system support now works on the M3 and Supercard An on-screen keyboard to name saves Interact with the zoomed view by swapping the screens over with X Zoom in/out by holding L and pressing A or B Scroll the screen with the pen while holding L Improved the way the zoomed view follows the talking character Music support in FM TOWNS games Sound volume improved, and sound glitching fixed Left handed mode Help screen added D-pad controls in the front end Numerous other bug fixes