LvR (Gameboy Advance)

SDL Test Program (GP2x misc)

Release notes:

This is a little program that I originally wrote to test out some of the SDL functions and extra Libraries such as SDL_TTF, SDL_Image, SDL_Mixer to see if they are working correctly with my dev setup.No idea if it will be of any use to people but it makes a nice little first program to compile and test your dev setup and also to maybe learn how to setup a program to run on the GP2X and PC. I will add this to my GP2X User Guide on the next update.,0,0,0,46,1047

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Cocytech (GBA Games)

Image provided by: Ghost LeinadGhost Leinad has released another version of his multi-game collection Cocytech. Here are the release notes:

this is a little file about the games about the intro… seems to be fine, (little artifacts every once in a while) ++++++++++ there’s a welcome screen at the beginning, but show nothing else than squares, just press A or START ++++++++++ then is another welcome screen 😛 press A ++++++++++ about the menu…it works fine, I have to add the images for the games 5&6, though. you can move between games with LEFT&RIGHT and choose the game with A or START ++++++++++ about”CUADRADO MAGICO”(1st game) you can choose where to put the number with the PAD, and stamp the number with A first, you’ll see a screen saying”

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O-Type (GBA Game)

calimero06 is working on a classic 2D side shooter in the style of R-Type. At the moment there are 2 different enemies, an endless level and two different weapons (B button to swap) with 6 levels of powerups. Don’t expect a great playability yet. The ingame music and sound were taken from various sources. This game has NOT been tested on real hardware yet.

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Neopop GP2x v0.1 (NGP/C emu for GP2x)

Image provided by: GP32SpainMadelman has ported the Neo Geo Pocket (Color) emulator Neopop to the GP2x.

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PSP-1006 and 1007 Downgrader (Beta 2) (PSP Application)

SonyxTeam have released the second beta of their Downgrader for PSP-1006 and PSP1007 models. Release notes:

SonyXteaM is proud to present you their new downgrader for psp 1006 and 1007 (BETA)!!Yeah you heared it’s finally out ! it’s been developped by Yoshihiro from SonyXteaMand here are the instructions !This as been TESTED on psp-1001 and psp-1004 however we are not responsible for the eventual damageRelease notes:We figured out that the error 80000025 is a system config error and that the system configurations

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Callisto v0.1 (PSP Game)

fraglab have released their high quality shooter Callisto to the public. This is the initial release! Thanks to weak for the news.

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PDFView Beta 4 (GP2x Application)

Theoddbot released beta four of his PDF Viewer for the GP2x. Thanks to GP32x for the news.

  • It’s about time for an official release of pdfview, the PDF Viewer for your GP2X. It’s still pretty rough around the edges at this stage and the rendering is pretty slow, but it does let you almost any PDF on your GP2X.

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    Kill Your FM Issue #4 (PSP misc)

    Image provided by: killyourfm.comKill Your FM is half offtopic, as it’s a PSP magazine dealing with music, but still it’s something for your PSP. Release notes:

    82 packed pages of quality music journalism and awesome aesthetics, including:-Interview w/ Derek Sivers, creator of Thieves: Prophets In The Cathedral Of Rock?-FM Killers: Pandora&15 Megs Of Fame-1920’s Jazz vs. Modern Day Hardcore: More similarities than you think!-Happy Birthday! The MP3 Turns 10-A Popular Donkey, Episode III (and a whole lot more)And of course, excellent indie rock, hard rock, and hip hop tracks from the bands we feature! Free, and legal.

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    Joystick Demo (GP2x Techdemo)

    This is a”Joystick Demo”which shows data on-screen. The binary date is a bit older but it’s a newer version and has been released today. Changes:

    [06:53:22][rhk] I added the button number of the last pressed button.

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    FileView (GP2x Application)

    “FileView”is a file browser with hex view. The file viewer and hex viewer can be embedded into other programs. This prod is a bit older, but it has not been mentioned anywhere yet and has been fresh released even if the binary date is the 1st December 2005 🙂

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