This is a different firmware updater for the GP2x written by Rob Brown. It let you update the firmware to 1.1.0 using the regular menu, NO SPECIAL SD-Cardis required. This release should help everyone who is having troubles updating the regular way.,0,0,0,42,1052
Edison Carter has updated his Trainer for the PSP Game”Liberty City Stories”. A few supported cheats are: Infinite Health and Armor, Set Wanted Level, Set Time, Set Weather&Spawn Anything. Detailed changes:
Added”Really High”to teleport list for Dodo gliding
Following versions are available:
US/Canada version 0.5b: CheatDevice05bUS.zipUK/EU version 0.5b:
Image provided by: HEDZXHere is a Lua game by HEDZX called”Chao Maze”. Here is what the readme says:
READMEChaomaze .5 BETA By HEDZXThis is my first ever game in Lua :PControls: D-Pad to moveCollect all the fruit or rings and the mini sonic or shadow, etc. to go to the next level.To do:More levelsmaybe mini gamesa timer to spice things updiffrent chao choiceslivesbetter obstacles :pTo installextract chao and chao% in the GAME folder of your PSP. If you want to use with Luaplayer, go to Chao folder and delete eboot.pbpand place Chao folder in Applications folder in luaplayer folder>.;4506666;;/fileinfo.html
FreePlay is currently working on a RSS reader for the PSP using Lua. This will enable useres without having the latest firmware, to be able to read RSS Feeds too. Others notes:
I’ve got a new version! The URL for the RSS feed no longer has to be hard-coded into the Lua script. It can parse a URL, grab the IP address for the domain, connect, and download a file. Actually, it can download as many files as you want, one after the next.There’s only one problem: it’s saving the HTTP header information into the file, which causes problems for both binary files and the XML parser. I’m sure it’ll be a simple fix once I look at it. The last line of the header is always the”Content-Type”line, followed by a blank line, so I can just search for the second new line after the Content-Type and that should be the start of the file!Things are looking good. My next step will be to read a .CFG file with a list of web addresses and feed titles. Then I can feed these web addresses into the download program, pass in the title, and have it save each feed individually.I’ll be away from my wireless connection from the 23rd to the 27th, so I might be slowed down a bit. Regardless, I can start working on the offline part of the program over my vacation.At the rate I’m going, you may have an RSS reader for 1.50 PSPs by the start of the new year! (But don’t hold me to that statement )In my latest version, the various feeds will be download into the (Lua Player Folder)ApplicationsRSS folder.
The recent issue of the videogaming magazineEdgeis featuring an article about the GP2x. It’s not that proper written and contains some half truths, but it’s still interesting. A guy called”Planet_M”has uploaded a scan to an free image hosting service. It can be found here:
Madelman has updated his port of Neopop for the GP2x.
Changes for v0.2
Fixed the diagonal controls Implemented an extension Cleared the cursor in the corner

Image provided by: Andrew WilliamsAndrew Williams in the house again! This is his fourth game for the GP2x called”Space Invasion”. As you can see at the screenshot, it’s a Space Invader clone. Other notes:
More of a tribute than a clone. Instructions: kill the aliens, save the planet etc. Read the readme.html file for details. (Please note this was briefly uploaded without the graphics and sound files – sorry about that!)
Drakonite has updated his Duckhunt game! Here are the release notes:
Thursday, 22 December 2005With 130 downloads in about 2 and a half days, I suppose there are at least a couple people out there that want to play duckhunt, though I haven’t heard many comments back from people who have tried it. I’ve just uploaded an update to duckhunt. I didn’t work on it as much as I was planning to this week, however since the christmas season is upon us and I doubt I”ll have time to get any noticable changes done over the weekend I decided to go ahead and post the few changes that have been made. One of the major changes is in the ducks’ behavior. Instead of the set path I had hacked together to get the first preview release done, they are now flying eradically around the screen and are much harder to hit! I was well aware that it was rather strict on how close you had to be to score a hit. I’ve loosed up the strictness a little bit so it’s now about the same as the original duckhunt. Another noticable change is the inclusion of a shot indicator — when you fire and miss there is a small animation showing where you had shot at. I had a couple requests for this and I was wondering it myself, but the original didn’t have it and I’m not sure if I like it… so I’d like to hear feedback. Plenty of other changes though I doubt any of them will be noticable. Enjoy
GamePark Holdings have released an updated firmware for the GP2x. This version adds a TV-Out utility and seems to allow SD cards larger than 2 Gigabyte to be used now, which was not possible before. More information in korean language plus download is available from:…
eSwan has been updated. It emulates Bandai’s Wonderswan/Color. New is the sound emulation! Thanks to PSP-Wiki for the news.