LvR (Gameboy Advance)

Neo Spring Coding Contest 2006 (misc)

The developer of the NEO flashcards are holding a new competition. The deadline is 20th February 2006. Allowed are PSP and NDS entries. There are many prizes, so be sure to throw an eye at the rules.,37.0.html (NDS),38.0.html (PSP)

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gp2x VBA v0.1 (GBA emu for GP2x)

Domm released his port of VisualBoyAdvance for the GP2x.

  • This is a straight port of VisualBoyAdvance SDL. It isn’t very fast and there is no sound. Most of the time it rounds around 6fps. You can tweak frame skipping and other settings in VisualBoyAdvance.cfg.

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    Plasma Defence Commander v0.60 (GP2x Game)

    Plasma Defence Commander is another game by Andrew Williams. The goal of this game is to use plasma cannons to defend your city. This version is adding sound effects to the game.,0,0,0,27,950

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    PeP Viewer v0.5 (PSP Application)

    pensoffsky has released PeP Viewer v0.5 to the public. It’s basicly a picture viewer for the Playstation Portable featuring those things:

  • bmp, jpeg, png, … support
  • adjustable scrollspeed for the analogstick&digipad
  • bookmark system
  • music player for .ogg files

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    Acnos Energizer (Beta 2) (PSP Lua Game)

    alatnet has updated his puzzle game Acnos Energizer. According to the author this version comes with”major improvements”. More detailed information is supplied with the attached readme.txt.…

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    Fall Down (DC Game Port)

    Moondoggie1968 has released a port of Fall Down (he doesn’t state out which”Fall Down”exactly). This is what he said:

    Here’s a quick and dirty port I did tonight, this is a great game and thought I’d share for those of you who have a dreamcast.

    Been playing this game on PC emulators for a while and it’s always great. Turns out it works great on the Dreamcast Atari Emulator too, although there is some lag the faster the game gets but worth a look.

    looking forward to playing this great game on some real hardware real soon once I get my eprom burning station going.

    Click the above link to download it since I can’t attach it.

    Let me know what you think.

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    WPong v0.1 (GP2x Game)

    Wild[Kyo] has also released a Pong game for the GP2x few days ago… This doesn’t need further explanation 🙂

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    Pong v0.60 (GP2x Game)

    Andrew Williams also updated his Pong game for the GP2x. As his previous release, this is adding sound effects.

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    Christmas Tree Game v0.60 (GP2x Game)

    Andrew Williams has updated his Christmas Tree Game which now adds sound effects.Aim of the game:To play the game, move the hand using the stick, watch the power gauge on the left carefully and use any of the D-pad buttons to shoot the light bulb. You have to hit all the sockets on the tree to win. The trick is that the bulb must be moving very slowly for it to catch on the socket, so you have to judge the power on your shots carefully. In the absence of working sound, you’re stuck with a nice graphical effect when you win. Less than about 60 seconds to complete the game would be a good time… Press Select to end the game.

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    CPU LCD Tweaker v1.2 (GP2x Application)

    CPU LCD-Tweaker is a tool which let you adjust the CPU speed of your GP2x and also modifies the LCD behavior. This should be the last major release according to the authors.,0,0,0,8,1000

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