LvR (Gameboy Advance)

Industry Insider Issue #1 (PSP misc)

Image provided by: UnknownA new PSP magazine has been released…

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rRootage v1.0 (PSP Game Port)

Image provided by: dot_blankThis is NO double post 🙂 mrbrown from the forums has ported rRootage to the PSP as well. His port features a few things which Deniska’s port doesn’t have. Those features are:

  • Graphics are full 32-bit RGBA (deniska’s release uses 16-bit color). Compare the screenshots.
  • Pause using Start.
  • Toggle music using Select.
  • The entire screen is supported for gameplay (in deniska’s release the ship can’t move all the way to the edge of the playfield borders).
  • Screenshots using L+R (a bit buggy in this release).
  • Minor speed improvements that make it a bit faster overall.

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    TwinTail LDE v1.3 (PSP Lua Application)

    Ema has updated his/her text editor for the PSP. TwinTail LDE has been written using LUA and requires it’s runtime libs. Changes:

  • added png/jpg view
  • optimized speed (always 60FPS)
  • current directory came to be restored after ‘Exec LUA’
  • fixed some bugs

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    Rush Hour (NDS Game)

    Image provided by: GroquickGroquick has adapted a puzzle game called Rush Hour using PAlib. He wrote the code and his girlfriend drew the graphics. Thanks toDrunkencodersfor the news.

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    DSLair v0.1.4 Preview (NDS Game Port)

    Image provided by: UnknownDSLair is a Nintendo DS port of the game Dragon’s Lair. Thanks toDrunkencodersfor the news.

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    PSP Radio v0.37 Pre 6 (PSP Application)

    rafPSP and Sandberg have updated their internet radio streaming client for the Playstation Portable. On a sidenote: This version is a work in progress! It’s rather unuseable at the moment and should be used at own risk! Changelog:


  • (raf) Core: Logging instantiated in the heap instead of the data segment.
  • (raf) Core: Modifications to make it compatible with the latest pspsdk (r1542)
  • (raf) Playback: Corrected bug that caused app to crash when a stream failed.
  • (raf) TextUI: Made the title shorter so it fits no matter what font is used.
  • (sandberg) Updated the 3D UI so all options are fitted to the screen.

    New features:

  • (raf) TextUI: Now files defined in playlists are displayed without the path, and the extension is only shown if configured to in the config file.
  • (raf) Compiled against latest pspsdk (r1542). There should be some speed improvements, as things like memcpy are now optimized.
  • (raf) Core/TextUI: Added support to print text using pixel coordinates
  • (raf) TexUI: Removed cleaning code that was unnecessary in the options screen renderer. This should speed it up a bit.
  • (sandberg) Added support for showing the time and the battery level on the 3D UI.

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    Sega Slide v1.0 (SMS Techdemo)

    FluBBa goes Sega Master System. Release notes: SMS Slideshow – 8 December 2005 – I pixeled some pictures in 16 colors for the SMS, also on the new misc download page.

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    snesDS (08-12-2005) (SNES emu for NDS)

    snesDS a SNES emulator for the Nintendo DS has been updated.

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    RAIN r08 (NDS Application)

    RAIN (not to be confused with Raine) is an application for the Nintendo DS that helps you manage SRAM and EEPROM. It can launch NDS files too.

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    RPG World (Colecovision Techdemo)

    Image provided by: Bruce TomlinBruce Tomlin is currently working on a RPG demo for the good old Colecovision. Here are the release notes:

    Okay, I guess I should go ahead and show off the ColecoVision project that’s had me grumbling about the TMS9918 lately.

    Yes, the text is just stupid engrish filler right now. I’ve been mostly working on the map stuff so far. My next plan is to try to get items working. Thanks to the limitations of the TMS9918, items will probably have to replace the entire map tile that they’re on, since I’ve used three sprites (actually four, but the fourth wasn’t needed) just for the wizard at the middle of the screen.

    The house graphics were the most recent thing I did. I used to have”better”looking river tiles, but then I looked at a screen dump I had of a FF1 town and realized it was simpler to just make the river a full tile wide. It helped a lot with the 2-color limitation, and with the bridges, too.

    Don’t anyone get your hopes up on seeing this finished any time soon. There’s a LOT of work involved in getting one of these things together.

    When running on MESS, for some reason the game graphics will sometimes glitch. One character cell of the border lines will get the wrong color table information, and sometimes it won’t draw half of a tile. I’ve never seen these glitches happen on the real hardware.

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