LvR (Gameboy Advance)

GP32 MAME Tehkan World Cup SE (Arcade emu for GP32)

Franxis has released a special edition of”GP32 MAME”which is aimed to only play the game”Tehkan World Cup”. This special edition is using some tweaks and boosts which will be made public within the next official GP32 MAME release. Of course the gamefiles (roms) are NOT provided and you have to get it by your own.

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GP32 MAME Sidearms SE (Arcade emu for GP32)

Franxis has released a special edition of”GP32 MAME”which is aimed to only play the game”Sidearms”. This special edition is using some tweaks and boosts which will be made public within the next official GP32 MAME release. Of course the gamefiles (roms) are NOT provided and you have to get it by your own.

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Jitter (16-10-2005) (A2600 Game)

seemo has updated Jitter. The aim of the game: There’s a matrix of symbols, and you have to move the joystick or press fire, according to the current symbol (colored with red). If you do the right action, you’ll skip to the next symbol in the matrix, until the matrix is over or an empty cell is encountered : When this happens, you get a score based on the length of the sequence you completed. Changes:

  • symbols are drawn using player graphics
  • shortened the pause between sequences
  • changed background colors
  • difficulty switches are used to change notes and synth

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    Col-Gems (Preview) (A2600 Game)

    Here’s a game similar to Columns, Jewel Master, or Salu’s Acid Drop. The playing field is 6×20, and the goal isto get groups of 3 or more like-colored gems in a row vertically, horizontally, or diagonally. Any time such groups are created, they will disappear and any gems above will fall down into gaps thus created. If this creates more groups of three in a row, those too will disappear in a chain reaction.Move the controller left and right to steer the current column of gems. Press fire to rotate the gems within the column. Press down on the joystick to drop the column quickly. In this version (not in the”real”game) you may push up to move the column of gems upward. Also, if you don’t like the current triplet of gems that’s coming down, you may change it by pushing up on the player two controller [again, this is a playtesting feature which will not be in the real game].The game ends whenever a set of three gems is not able to fall completely onto the screen prior to any gems disappearing. This will happen immediately if gems are piled to the top of the third column (where new gems always appear).Getting three gems in a row is worth a”base”of one point; four in a row two, five in a row three, etc. In a chain reaction, the second batch of gems is worth double, the third batch triple, etc. One gem may scored in multiple directions. For example, suppose columns 1 and 3 contain, from bottom up,”green red green red red”and a”green green green”gem is dropped between them. This will score four points for the green gems (two diagonal and two horizontal threesomes) and then another four points for the red gems (two vertical threesomes, doubled).

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    Dream CPC (Alpha 3) (CPC emu for DC)

    Dream CPC, a CPC emulator for the Dreamcast, has been updated. Changes:

  • Correct the the key mapping bug
  • Recode the file browser
  • recode the auto screen size
  • add the border color
  • correct some sound pbm : add speed + sound better
  • Change timing main loop : add speed

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    MGE Samples 1 – 3 (PSP misc)

    MGE, aka Micro Game Engine, has been ported from Mirco’s original Windows(DirectX) 2D gaming library. Currently it features:

    16 bits rendering. Manipulation virtual screens o VRAM screens areas. Defining working screen (akarender target) Sprite Drawing, with different mode, transparent, inked, etc. Sprite Banks, for sprites animations, grouping and easily manipulation. Clipping, Zoomed, Transparent copy of screens. Basic input control. Configuration XML file. Data logging, with indentation and log levels. TGA files reading (32 or 24 bits), include uncompress from gzip files.

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    Heretic (17-10-2005) (PSP Game Port)

    There has been a port of Heretic to the PSP already, but this port by sherpya claims to be faster and plays in fullscreen mode. Audio is not yet supported and buttons are not yet all mapped. If there is interest the author will add audio, full action controls and maybe multiplayer.

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    SXT Firmware BFM Beta v0.2 (PSP Application)

    The creators of this PSP Application describe this tool as”The most advanced Firmware loader ever created for PSP”and should be useful for developers and firmware hackers.

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    SXT Version Changer v2.02 (PSP Application)

    If you run this program the PSP thinks it has a PSP v1.52 ,v1.0 ,v2.0 or v7.50 firmware running.

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    Bomberman (Beta) r2 (PSP Lua Game)

    Lumo has updated his Lua Bomberman game once more. Release notes:

    updated, hope this one is working now 🙂 [no time to test it yet :(]

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