Time Baby v8c (PSP Application)

Art has updated “Time Baby” once more.


– Improved Colour Changer screen allows smoother control, and greater range of colours.
– Code fix to keep solar monitor working in world time clock mode.
– Various code fixes

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Jack and the Beanstalk (Build 1) (A2600 misc)

atariland2600, one of the restless coders at the webboards, is working on a new project, called “Jack and the Beanstalk”.

The very first binary file which has three screens of the village to go through is out. Help designing level 1 screens would be greatly appreciated.

If you want to follow the development of an Atari 2600 game you might follow the release thread carefully.

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Incoming v1.0 (Beta 6) (A2600 Game)

Ben Larson released a new Atari 2600 homebrew game to the public.

Here is what he wrote:

After many years of being sidetracked doing other stuff (getting married, moving, grad school, getting java certified, taking up other hobbies, getting sidetracked ‘playing’ rather than programming), I decided to get back to do some atari 2600 programming and finally finish my ancient and dusty game ‘Incoming!’ once and for all. I’m committed to finishing it this time around.

So without further ado, here’s the latest beta version. I’ve added moving clouds, reworked the tank graphics to give it a little more cartoony feel, made the wind more realistic (i.e. using a real X-vector deceleration now instead of just modifying the initial X vector), fixed some bugs, etc.

Personally I think the wind is a bit too strong now, but you guys can tell me what you think. The computer AI isn’t all that sophisticated and seems to struggle now in high wind / high elevation situations…


P.S. also, sorry for no PAL version yet. i’m sorry, es tut mir leid, lo siento, and je suis desolee.

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Blue Screen of Death (A2600 misc)

“Blue Screen of Death” bounces the Windows flag around the screen for a while, and then eventually you get “the blue screen of death.”

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Delta Force Sniper v0.5 (A2600 Game)

Fort Apocalpyse has updates his Atari 2600 game “Delta Force Sniper”.


* done – Variable speed: Speed up the cursor until it gets close to the target, then slow it down slightly for more precision. It’s how Sega made House of the Dead 3 work without a light gun.
* done – level 2 and higher (but no jacket) – Headshots: I found I was aiming right between where the eyes would be, even if it cost me more time. I think it’s a human instinct. If you can kill the guy by shooting anywhere else, make a head shots only stage, where the bad guy has a vest.
* done – level 3 and 6 – Selectable variation: One bullet game: Make it count.
* done – level 5 – 7 – Selectable variation: Wind. Fight the elements – try to steady your hand.

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Dapes v1.5 (PSP Lua Application)

Shaolan has updates his painting application “Dapes”. It requires the LUA-Player.

Thanks to for the news.

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DSOrganize v3.2 (Alpha) (NDS Application)

The guys at were lurking on #dsorganize @ where DragonMinded left the request to test a new version of DSOrganize, which is currently in Alpha stage.

Download from:

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Chuck Norris Fact DS v0.5 (NDS misc)

A new version of “Chuck Norris Facts” for Nintendo DS has been released. There are totally 4435 facts.

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PSP-HUD v1.0 (PSP Application misc)

This is a plugin for PSP CWF 3.71M33 that displays some basic info on screen (CPU speed, battery status and local time).

Installation: put hud.prx in seplugins directory on your PSP memory stick and append ms0:/seplugins/hud.prx to vsh.txt and game.txt files.

Usage: default configuration is to show CPU speed, battery percent left and local time in bottom right corner. Press NOTE to access configuration menu.
When you exit menu configuration will be automatically saved in ms0:/seplugins/hud.cfg

Known problems: display is best shown in bottom left or right corners, I don’t know why it won’t work in upper corners just as good as in bottom ones.

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Sabes Contar – Triangle Edition (PSP Game)

Count Triangles… that’s it!

Thanks to for the news.

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