NIGathans Shootuh (Final) (PSP Game)

NIGathans has released a final of his game Shootuh. The authors PSP has been stolen, so he is releasing what he is having. Thanks to cid2mizard from for the news.


* Fixed bug causing the enemy to spawn above the slow-mo meter off of the screen.
* Added a “Kill Streak” counter which counts how ever many enemies you kill before you die.
* Added an increasing difficulty based on the kill streak, every 15 kills in a row the difficulty will increase.
* Added more slow-mo power ups (I never got a chance to actually randomize this so it will always appear in the same place.)
* Fixed bug causing your bullets to home on enemies even if its paused.
* Fixed background image so the shrinking is more noticeable.
* Added a secret cheat menu. To access make sure you are in the main menu, whether you just started the game or if you paused it and pressed triangle, and press these following buttons one at a time in this order R, Left, Down, Square, Triangle. The cheats can be disabled by clicking on cheats (I never got a chance to actually create the menu so when you activate it they are automatically enabled) The cheats that have been added are:
o Hyper Speed, lets you move a little faster than normal.
o Super Homing Missiles, makes your bullets home twice as
o Infinite Lives.
o Infinite Slow-Mo.
* Fixed homing missiles so they home on enemies more reasonably. (I never got a chance to perfect this but it is better than the last release.)
* I’m sure if there are more updates but as I stated earlier I cant look at it while writing this so I’m just going to leave it at this.

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Shup Sans Nom v0.1 (NDS misc)

The members of are very active today, here comes the second release.

Shup Sans Nom is an arcade style shooter, it probably does not need further information – just go ahead and shoot everything that moves.

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Orkies Open2x Libpack (21-11-2007) (GP2x misc)

Here are the release notes:

I don’t really have any applications to test this with right now, but over the last few days I’ve totally rewritten the scripts that compile the Open2x libraries which resolves a few long standing problems (not the MOD with SDL_mixer problem nickspoon but I am looking into that – I have confirmed it is true 😉 ), updated most of the libraries to their latest versions and have added a few new ones. Anything included will most likely be included in the Open2x firmware for dynamic linking (to give an idea of how much we’re trying to cram in there).

All this stuff should find its way into SVN within the next day or two, so if you prefer to compile your own libraries, it won’t be long now 🙂 .

To use it, just extract into your toolchain directory (compiled for the gcc 4.1.1 Open2x applications toolchain, but it will probably work on DevkitGP2X and maybe our kernel toolchain). If anybody who tests this could post here with your experiences, it’d be much appreciated!

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Caprice32 PSP v4.2.0.0 (CPC emu for PSP)

Akop Karapetyan can’t stop coding/porting emulators for the PSP. Here is his new port:

Caprice32 PSP is a port of the Caprice32 emulator to the Sony PlayStation Portable platform. It’s written in C/C++ and uses GU (Graphical Utility toolkit) for rendering.

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Titan Diamonds v0.6 (A2600 Game)

In the year 2574 a lot of things have changed. Humans have colonized our solar system and the O81b “flying saucer”is the primary means of getting around town. However, some things don’t change, specifically the need for diamonds. In 2574, the largest known diamond in the solar system was found in the moon, Titan. But in the process of trying to mine it, the 2 petaton atomic bomb used was overkill and scattered diamonds across the planet and across the solar system. You are one of the many that have equipped their O81b’s with rock blasters and set off to mine for the diamonds. But watch out, the explosion also caused a lot of meteorites! Good luck diamond hunter, and get rich!


0.6 minor changes mostly. refactored some code to make it smaller. tried making playfields smaller by using pfvline and pfhline but that didn’t work. lander position during select mode raised one pixel. fixed so won’t have quake and sound if you land on your base, and fixed player 2 collision sound. falling diamond

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Motion Pong v0.1 (PSP Game)

Motion Pong actually has been developed for the “Neoflash PSP Motion Kit”. It is a simple pong-game. The difference to other pong-games are the controls.You do not move the paddle with any keys, you just move it via the Motion Kit.That means you can move the paddle by tilting your PSP.

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Baby Shaker v1.0 (PSP Game)

The goal of the game is to shake the baby without getting seen. If you are seen shaking the baby, you lose your points. You win when you get 2000 points.

This game shouldn’t be taken too serious, keep in mind it’s just a game.

This game requires the Neoflash PSP Motion Kit!!! It wont work without it.

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Visual Application v0.1 (PSP Application)

Andrea Badiali has released the first 3rdparty Nanodesktop application. This homebrew provides a calculator, a text to speech synthetizer and a WAV/MP3 graphical player.

It is based on the API of Nanodesktop library. This is a simple beta program, following versions will be released.

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LightMP3 v1.6.0 (Final) (PSP Application)

Sakya has updated his light weight MP3 payer “LightMP3”. A changelog is available in italian language on his page.

Update: 17:39:

Changelog from it’s release thread ( ):

-Added: support to kernel 3.71 and S&L
NOTE: in kernel 3.71 the bus cannot be properly set, so it’s stuck @ 95Mhz.
-Added: support to ID3v2 tag (many thanks to Xart!)
-Added: the app restores initial volume when exiting
-Added: the app saves the volume level when exiting and restores it next time is started.
-Added: Replaced the exit screen with a custom one
-Fixed: USB connection problem, no more need to copy prx from your flash0.
-Fixed: Going up one level in the file browser will select the diretory you were in (and not always the first)
-Fixed: Removed exit pressing TRIANGLE (exit only with HOME)

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Mot Mot Motus v0.1 (NDS Game)

Mot Mot Motus is a french word game (?) for Nintendo DS. It has been coded with the help of PAlib.

Thanks to once again for the news.

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