Rise of the Triad DS v0.4 (NDS Game Port)

You are part of an elite group of operatives called HUNT (High-risk United Nations Taskforce), and you must stop a maniac cult leader from killing millions of people. While scouting a remote island, you are suddenly surrounded by enemy troops with guns blaring. In the distance you see your boat–your only chance to escape–explode into matchsticks. In front of you is a huge fortress monastery, and your only chance to stop the madness. You are e quipped with awesome, high-tech weaponry like heat-seeking missiles, split missiles, and the Flamewall cannon, which leaves a trail of charred skeletons in its wake. You’ll also find magical instruments and weapons so incredible they defy description.


* The registered version is now supported. You must supply your own DARKWAR.WAD, DARKWAR.RTL, and DARKWAR.RTC files.
* Customize Keyboard screen now displays names of DS controls, for easier remapping.
* Note: I made a minor change to the default control mapping; delete your CONFIG.ROT file and the game will auto-generate a new one.

Thanks to for the news.

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Chain Reaction v0.1 (NDS Game)

Chain Reaction is a new early game by Virtua Peanuts.

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News record in August 2007 (misc)

Dear visitors,

The PDRoms staff can be proud of themself – the alltime record of 450 news from February 2006, has been broken. Last month we had a total of 457 news items.

The main response for this massive boost of news is the very active iPhone homebrew community! Anyway… homebrew coders, keep your work up!

Kudos and warm regards to all homebrewers out there!
Kojote & Team

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Vrm v0.2.1 (PSP Application)

Playstation Portable Vrm is a flasher application for PSP.

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QQ Manto v0.5b (PSP Game)

This game is largely inspired by Line Rider. Although there’s no way to “win” the game, the point is to try and create interesting and fun patterns of lines for a blob to ride through.

Thanks to for the news.,4579.0.html

By with 0 comments v1.00 RC2.1 (NES emu for iPhone)

Another update of


[nervegas] Dropped back to old toolchain (new one hosed Zelda 2)

By with 0 comments v1.00 RC2 (NES emu for iPhone) is a Nintendo emulator for Apple’s iPhone. uses a modified version of the popular InfoNES emulation core to mimic the 6502 processor in a Nintendo Entertainment System, allowing you to play ROM dumps of games designed for the NES console. ROM dumps are files containing the dumped instruction code from a physical cartridge. In many cases, you are legally entitled to posess a ROM dump of any game that you presently own. ROM images for NES are widely available online, or with the appropriate hardware, you can dump them yourself directly from the cartridge. started as a fork of iPhoneNES v0.01, but has been completely rewritten to run very fast, and with many additional features including full sound, game genie codes, saved games, battery-saved ram support, and full screen support.

Changes since v1.00 RC1:

[nervegas] Added suspend for incoming call, graceful exit for power off
[nervegas] Removed “Allow Suspend” option, too complicated with sound
[nervegas] Changed on-demand installer text to be more coherent+restart
[nervegas] Added Swap A/B Preference
[nervegas] Tapered off buttons in full screen / landscape mode
[nervegas] Cleanup of full screen code, fixes for buffer overruns
[nervegas] Fixed some games not appearing right in full screen
[nervegas] New icon to experiment with
[nervegas] Fixed sound looping issues (e.g. Zelda, Faxanadu, etc)

NOTE: Use vibrate mode to avoid losing sound to Mail/SMS

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Boomshine2x v1.02 (GP2x Game)

Boomshine2x is a relaxing game where the aim is to cause a chain reaction of explosions to complete each level.

Author release notes:

I finally got round to updating Boomshine2x yesterday. Now it has some new optimisations to increase speed slightly and reduce slowdown in the later levels, and a new type of shapes, with its own scoreboard that can be selected from the options menu. You can cycle through the different scoreboard on the high scores screen using L and R.,0,0,0,27,2229

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Shippy 1984 (GP2x Game Port)

Shippy 1984 is a quick and dirty port of Shippy84 ( ) to the GP2X.

Picture stolen from,0,0,0,30,2314

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Viewer4DM v0.92 (GP2x Application)

Viewer4DM is a text viewer with bookmarks and other functions. It can also play MP3’s while reading.,0,0,0,8,2049

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