Rocket Command (A2600 Game)

Image provided by: UnknownStoryline: Iterrestrial beings are erupting from the earth’s core in an attempt to take over the surface! As the rocket commander, you have installed a battalion of rockets at the top of the volcanic crater. Where the magma beings are launching their craft. It’s up to you to destroy these molton enemies before they launch into the sky. [Description taken from the MG 2005 page]

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TCGS Car (28-10-2005) (PSP Game)

Image provided by: UnknownThe author of”Tail Tale”has release a new game.

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Heretic v0.2 (PSP Game Port)

sherpya has updated his Heretic port once again. The release notes:

Update, sound support added is not very smooth, but not so bad 🙂 (I think I’ll need to implement a sort of noise shaper since samples are 11khz 8bit), also a bit faster since I’ve enabled -O3 on the compiler (before was crashing with opt>01 since there is an incompatible gcc optimization)

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4k-Intro (29/10/2005) (PSP Demo)

Shinen has released a demo for the PSP.

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PSPPOP (29/10/2005) (PSP Appliaction)

Curly has relased an email downloader for the PSP. It will download the email messages in an eml format readable using Outlook Express.

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WonDerS v1.1 (WonderSwan emu for NDS)

I’ve released an updated version of my WonderSwan emulator for the Nintendo DS. I have added a ROM Loader, so now it is possible to add your own ROMs into it.

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Alternate Frontend for MAMEGP v0.02 (GP32 Misc)

zaq123 has updated his alternate Frontend for MAMEGP. It has the possibility to filter games and display screenshots. Thanks to GP32x for the news.

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ReboNDS (28-10-2005) (NDS Game)

ReboNDS is a puzzle/action game in which you have to fill a playgound area isolating balls. To reach the goal, you have to draw horizontal or vertical lines. Any closed area without ball inside it will be automatically filled. Hence, this game is another version of the various X-bounce, K-Bounce, Win-Bounce, and so on… Some of the graphics wre created from scratch, some others use parts of icons from the Linux world.The current version is still under development. Sources are available for coders who are looking for ideas and solutions to problems.Currently, highscores are again not recorder. However, microphone is finally available. If you blow enough in the microphone or if you speek strong enough, then it will cancel the possible line currently drawn, just in cas you notice that the line will be cut by a ball 😉 I wil generalize the use of the microphone in the cases where ther eis only one possible action (like, end the highscores view…) Sounds have been added and numerous bugs have been fixed.

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HuE v0.62pre1 (PCEngine Emu for PSP)

E has updated his PCEngine emulator for the PSP. He doesn’t state what he has changed.

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Strat-O-Gem (27-10-2005) (A2600 Game)

Strat-O-Gem (formerly Col-Gems2600) is a Columns / Jewel Master like game for the Atari 2600. Changes:

I adjusted the colors in this one, changed the title screen, adjusted the difficulties, and added a few new features to improve playability. Also, different levels now have different gem designs.Please give me feedback on all of those changes.New features:-1- The game now shows the next set of gems-2- The game now draws a foul line below the third row.-3- You may switch the current set of gems for the”next”set any time UNLESS either set is the”bomber”gem. If there’s something you don’t need yet, you can thus save it for later up unless/until you reach the end of the level (after each set lands, the set you just swapped with the”next”set will become the current set; push up on the joystick to swap it again). While you’re doing this, though, your”next gem”display isn’t useful for letting you know what’s coming.-4- Changed the sound when a bombergem hits bottom. Not sure I like this one any better, though.I still need to work out what I want for the game over and level-select logic, but the game itself is pretty much done. Problem is I spend more time playing than coding.

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