DOSBox for S60 (05-03-2009) (DOS emu for Symbian OS)

DOSBox is a DOS-emulator that uses the SDL-library which makes DOSBox very easy to port to different platforms.

This is the Symbian S60 port of the DOSBox emulator for devices running S60 3rd edition feature pack 1 (or later).


implemented key input premapper: see released premapper.txt and dosbox.conf for details – fixed virtual mouse issues: vmouse generates event at the aproximate rate of 50Hz sensitivity setting now works (setting of 100 moves one pixel per event, recommend 200 as default) – enabled fpu emulation: x-com now works (you can click the globe)

Thanks to for the news.

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Calcohol v0.3.4 (Symbian OS Application)

An real-time open source alcohol absorption and metabolism simulator for S60 3rd edition mobile phones. Can plot BAC graphs, predefined drinks, sobering-up time estimation and much more!

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RGCD Issue 5 (misc)

RGCD is a new downloadable CD-ROM based magazine containing the very latest retro reviews, features and developer interviews, providing its readers with an essential one-stop resource for all their retro gaming needs. RGCD’s main focus is on the new releases for 8/16-Bit computer platforms, but we also dedicate a good percentage of our reviews and feature space to retro look-and-feel PC-based remakes and independent games, so if that’s what you’re into then you are in the right place.

Release notes:

RGCD Issue #05 / On The Road Again!
5th March 2009 by James Monkman

It wasn’t supposed to be available online until after the weekend (we’re officially releasing it at the Byte-Back retro gaming event on the 7th), but I’ve finished packing and had a few hours to kill today – so here it is two days early, the long awaited 5th issue of RGCD!

We’re back on the road with RGCD tomorrow, driving up to Stoke-On-Trent with approximately 300 other retro enthusiasts to spend two full days drinking, socialising and playing on a huge variety of vintage and modern gaming systems, and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a tiny bit excited. Our RGCD stall will feature (from my collection) a rare 4160 STE complete with modified PSX controllers, PC optical mouse and a hard disk full of games, a CD32 with keyboard and PSX controllers, my (somewhat retro) desktop PC for showcasing modern indie games and a C64 with MMC-RR cart and, you guessed it, PSX controllers. We’ll also be selling C64 cartridges (including two new titles not available from our shop), back issues of RGCD and a handful of Atari ST(E)/Falcon specific adapters allowing you to replace your battered old joysticks with PS2 dual-analogue pads (with built in mouse support)…

…As some of you may already know, we’ve been busy behind the scenes working with Paul Willingham and Alison Challis to create PSX adapters for our favourite 16/32-Bit machines; Paul has created one specifically for C= hardware (including the CD32), and Alison has developed an adapter designed for the Atari series – although both also work with several other consoles/home computers and there’s a degree of crossover. We’re in the process of negotiating and setting up shop entries for these, so check back soon for an update and if you’re at Byte-Back this weekend come and try them out for yourself!

We’re also just about to launch a CD32 side project (which we’ll also be working on at the event) – again, more details on this will follow soon.

Anyway, I really hope you enjoy the issue and I’ll be back with more news and updates next week.

Thanks to James Monkman, the publisher himself, for the news!

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HyBBoX v1.0 (NDS Game)

Spanish NDS homebrew game by Almamu and Master Sonic.

Thanks to for the news.

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LSUSB v0.1 (Wii Application)

LSUSB si amall program used to dump SUB descripters for USB devices.

Thanks to for the news.

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ONScripter (Wii misc)

ONScripter is an opensource cross-platform clone of the NScripter Visual Novel engine. The original ONScripter was written by Opagee the fork that supports the English language is maintained by Haeleth.

Thanks to for the news.

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GRRLIB v4.0.0 (Wii misc)

GRRLIB for GX RGB Renderer Library provides lots of nice functions for programming beginners.

Thanks to cid2mizard / for the news.

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KITE (WIP) (A2600 Game)

Simon started his second VCS game project. This time it’s about kiting! Find out more at the work in progress thread.

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FacebookIM v1.16b (PPC Application)

FacebookIM is a simple Facebook chat client for WM6.


* added selectable new message alert sound
* minor adjustments for various winCE versions

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wFacebook (RIP) (PPC Application)

The developer of wFacebook, which was a new WinMo Facebook application, has stopped development.

Here is his quote:

DEVELOPMENT HAS STOPPED! Microsoft released a Facebook application which far surpasses anything i could have done. Please use that app for all your facebook addictions. It does not have Facebook chat but you can use Palringo for Facebook Chat. I’ve been using it for about a week now and LOVE IT! Thank you for all your support. It was a good learning experience for me!

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