DEMOTEV (20-11-2008) (GC Demo)

DEMOTEV is a GameCube demo by GranDFrère.


With DEMOTEV, I wanted to associate light and texture, because in fact I knew the light by using vertex and display textures, but I could not combine the two. This is where the VTE: The VTE can combine ( “mix”) color information or not with a texture and / or combine texture with a texture (multitexturing).

It also plays well with the color and alpha of a textured surface with color and alpha of a colored surface. Background: alpha is the degree of transparency or opacity of a color. It can make 16 combinations (Stage) but only a multitexturing 8 textures. But it is enough.

In short, using operators, parameters, type of matrix, sources texture coordinates we do what we want the texture. As with Open GL. This demo is not multitextures and want a reason to use this possibility. I had already made a demo showing a cube with different textures simultaneously, but it was not multitextures as I had announced. I was wrong.

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Scrolling (20-11-2008) (GC Demo)

Scrolling is a GameCube demo by GranDFrère.


With Scrolling, I had to manually create the characters leaf small squares method “old school”, and noted the coordinates of all vertices. I also made a routine that calculates all the normal averaged for the Light (ie more than normal in a table).

At the beginning it should be a scrolling, but it has become over time an auditor modeling characters. That is why it is a “rotation character”, “transparency” and “display vectors” that shows the normal.

You can also manipulate the camera you see that light is before the character and act from behind it.

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REminiscence v0.83 (Wii Game Port)

REminiscence is a re-implementation of the engine used in the game “Flashback: The Quest for Identity” made by Delphine Software and released in 1992.


– Added sound, but laa-aa-aag

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BibleQuiz v0.4 (Wii Game)

BibleQuiz is an open-source quiz game. Test your knowlegde about the bible.


– Added highscore screen
– Highscore is stored (in xml format) on the SD card
– Added credits screen
– Added help (minus button) screen
– Added 10 music tracks
– Use freetype library as font render engine for screen (sub) titles.
– Content update:
* Added 170 english questions (8 topics)
* Added 100 dutch questions (4 topics)
* Added spanisch translation.

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Hold Plus v3.4 (PSP Application)

Torch has updated Hold Plus, it’s a Battery Saver Plugin for PlayStation Portable.


Fixed a problem caused by a faulty Hold switch in some PSPs. This made the CPU remain underclocked even after turning off the Hold switch.

The problem is the Hold switch doesn’t consistently return a pressed state. It sometimes rapidly fluctuates between an Off and On signal. If this fluctuation occurs within one iteration of the main program loop, it causes problems. Its not humanly possible to toggle the Hold switch so fast, but a loose connection can 😛

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DronS v1.4 (NDS Game)

DronS is a 3D Tron style game.


+ Added mirror of the whole arena on the ground.
+ Mirroring got it’s own menu
+ Added “Player left!” message
+ You can change the distance between you & the wall you have to be for speeding-up
+ Multi-Langual support, [Now I just need translations…]
+ Czech translation added [translated by Programix ]
+ Spanish translation added [translated by FraGMenT ]
+ German translation added [translated by n00bey ]
* Now the car is loaded just out of one model and then rotated… (Last time there were a model for each way xD )
* Color values are displayed in percent now
* Changed the rumble a bit
* Some small changes in the server here and there
* Merged many if-clauses … if(bla) if(lol) if(wtf) return true; -> if(bla&&lol&&wtf) return true;
* Fixed the check for existance of configuration files…
* Menu scrolls now, because the old menu over the whole screen died on longer entries
* CPUs are now shown 2 in one row to save you from endless scrolling
* Fixed the “Player joined” message, as it also told you that someone joined if he left
* After Playing online you’re getting back your configuration
* In onlineplay youre now playing with YOUR color
* Wohay, the game actualy is quite on its limit… I have to reduce maximal lines to 255 to prevent horrible laggs
~ Tanks to GuSec, Cas & everyone else who tested the server with me-
– LAN Play removed because it is too much work to keep the online-server that small it can be run while playing
– Player limit set to 10 [Performance reasons… It was just too much ]
– Removed the keyboard code~ (Since its not used anymore)

Thanks to for the news!

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WiiDoom v0.4 HBC (Wii Game Port)

Steve Corey updated his port of PrBoom to the Nintendo Wii. PrBoom is a cross-platform version of the classic 3D first person shooter Doom from id Software.


Thanks to everyone who responded to my request for testers. We’ve verified that this new package works great with the Homebrew Channel, so I’ve updated the zip file and put it out on the Google Code site (it’s still 0.4, since only the packaging changed). Thanks to everyone giving me such detailed info on the issue, I got it fixed much faster than I thought I would.

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Powernoid v1 (PSP Game)

Powernoid is a Breakout clone by Art.

Release notes:

This is one of the few GAME programs I have written, and by far my favourite. Powernoid V1 was written in less than two days. I always loved a particular Breakout clone that I played on the Amiga CD32, and that is the public Domain game that I found on a magazine cover CD which inspired this PSP Breakout/Arkanoid clone.

The sort of powerups in this game is sort of what I had in mind for “Power Pong”, a game I released way back, but I didn’t really implement any, so it remains an ordinary Pong game with pretty graphics.

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Visual Boy Advance GX v1.0.5 (GBA emu for Wii)

Visual Boy Advance GX is a Game Boy Advance / Game Boy emulator for the Wii and GameCube based on VBA-M and Visual Boy Advance v1.7.2.


Here’s a new release of Visual Boy Advance GX – 1.0.5. This version is a collection of minor changes and bugfixes. Amongst other things it includes working SDHC support, and wiimote power button support. Note that the settings file location has changed.

Note: I’m looking for a talented graphics artist to help design a new menu system for FCE Ultra GX, Visual Boy Advance GX, and Snes9x GX who has experience designing icons, layouts, etc. If you’re interested, please contact me.

– SDHC works now
– Frameskipping tweaks
– Fixed snapshot loading issue
– Full widescreen support
– Changed scaling
– Zooming fixed (thanks eke-eke!)
– PAL timing changes – EURGB60 mode forced
– Wii – Added console/remote power button support
– Wii – Added reset button support (resets game)
– Wii – Settings file is now named settings.xml and is stored in the same folder as the DOL (eg: apps/vbagx/settings.xml)
– GameCube – Added DVD motor off option
– GameCube – Fixed GBA loading issue

Plenty of GBA homebrews can be found at – for GB and GBC homebrews you may visit


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FCE Ultra GX v2.0.7 (NES emu for Wii)

Tantric has released a third version of his continued port of FCE Ultra GX a NES emulator for both the Nintendo Wii and GameCube. This new version addresses some sound issues from the last version and fixes compatibility with the Qoob Pro chip on GameCube consoles.


Here’s a new release of FCE Ultra GX – 2.0.7. This version includes a major rewrite of the video code. There’s now filtered, unfiltered, and original modes, similar to Snes9x GX. There’s also a bunch of new features, including rapidfire buttons, turbo speed, video zooming, cropping, widescreen, SDHC, wiimote power button support, etc. Note that the settings file location has changed. A big thanks to eke-eke and KruLLo, who helped with this release.

Note: I’m looking for a talented graphics artist to help design a new menu system for FCE Ultra GX, Visual Boy Advance GX, and Snes9x GX who has experience designing icons, layouts, etc. If you’re interested, please contact me.

– Special thanks to eke-eke & KruLLo for contributions, bugfixes, and tips
– Video code rewritten – now has original, unfiltered, filtered modes
– Zoom option
– 16:9 widescreen support
– Full widescreen support
– SDHC support
– SD/USB hot-swapping
– A/B rapid-fire
– Turbo option
– Video cropping (overscan hiding) option (thanks yxkalle!)
– Palette changing fixed
– Fixed audio ‘popping’ issue
– Wii – Added console/remote power button support
– Wii – Added reset button support (resets game)
– Wii – Settings file is now named settings.xml and is stored in the same folder as the DOL (eg: apps/fceugx/settings.xml)
– GameCube – Added DVD motor off option

Plenty of NES homebrews can be found at //files/nes/


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