BuscaminasDS v1.1.2 (NDS Game)

Alber_h has updated his Minesweeper clone for the Nintendo DS.


Fixed bug that made the records did not keep well. If you already downloaded the game, find the “buscaminasDS.rec” in the directory where you installed it and delete it before using the new version.

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FreeTimeBox v1.01 (Symbian OS Application)

FreeTimeBox is a application for time displaying and time synchronization. As a evolution of FreeTimeSync, FreeTimeBox has all the functions of FreeTimeSync and fixes the bugs of it. It also can display time as the 3rd FP2 system.

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Slide Helper v1.07 (Symbian OS Application)

Slide Helper is an application for Nokia N95 and Nokia N95 8Gb with Symbian OS.


– Hangup at the closing of sliders
– Headset detection
– Callback with selected key
– Lock keypad at the closing of sliders
– Shutting down the screen lights at the closing of sliders
– Lock keypad without messages and questions
– Unlocking the keypad at the opening of sliders
– Blocking unlock the keypad at the opening of sliders
– Blocking screensaver at the opening of sliders
– English and Russian interface
– Sounds at the opening/closing of sliders
– Autostart


+ Turn on loudspeaker at the opening slider down (multimedia keys)
+ Start multimedia player at hte opening slider down
+ Backlight will turn off with system settings during call
* fix of open slider sound
* fix of callback crash with hidden caller

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Armageddon Complex v0.2 (Atari 2600 Game)

A sci-fi adventure game by jrok set on a space station filled with evil mutants and robots. Your goal will be to locate the station’s death ray and disable it before the bad guys use it to destroy mankind.

Release notes:

I went with 32K supercharger and the standard bB kernel here, so I can try to squeeze in as many variables as possible. Here’s what I have so far:

– A game world with four rooms, arranged horizontally
– Two types of playfield objects: Walls (which you bang into) and Teleporter Pads (which you use to teleport between decks)
– The Player character can move left and right, duck and use a Teleporter Pads by pressing fire when he’s standing on one.
– Two monsters roam the upper and lower decks. For now, they just move in one direction until they hit a wall, then turn around. Both monsters are “persistent” in that their position in the game map and their collisions are constantly tracked. So, when a monster bangs into a wall in the unseen room next door, he will still turn around and head back the other way.

Since this is my first attempt at a homebrew, feedback and ideas (EDT: and bug reports!) would be greatly appreciated. I’m also documenting my development process at my atariage blog, and will continue to post new mini-builds there as I go forward.

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DSwiki v0.1 (NDS Application)

DSwiki is an offline viewer for Wiki markup, for example for the Wikipedia, Wikibooks, Wiktionaries, …


– The program now expects a folder called dswiki in the root directory. All dump files should be moved into it (suggested by Sphere).
– I exchanged the main 6x12px Terminus font with a slightly higher font from the UCS-fonts collection. This will allow better typography (bold,italic) in future releases.
– The font is an real frankenstein’s monster (patches from very different sources ), but now it displays a glyph for nearly all unicode characters. Credits will be given at a later time, when I consider it stable.
– Pressing Select brings you back to the selection of the wiki (also suggested by Sphere).

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Triple Triad v1.0 (Beta) (NDS Game)

Minoru released Triple Triad for Nintendo DS, it is a card game known from Final Fantasy VIII.

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Dungeon (RC4) (A2600 Game)

Dungeon is a dungeon game for Atari 2600.

Release notes from s0c7:

F4 should work. Dungeon doesn’t use a SuperChip.

I believe I have discovered the cause of the remaining jitter. This version should (hopefully) remedy that once and for all (be sure to let me know if you see any and what was going on at the time).

Thanks to everybody who has helped root out all the little annoying glitches along the way!

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Juno First (RC2) (A2600 Game)

Juno First is intended to be an Atari 2600 port of the arcade game of the same name. Naturally the Atari 2600 version requires some significant simplifications, but the main elements are there. The visual style of the game is similar to Beamrider, but it plays quite differently.

The awesome sprite graphics were created by Nathan Strum, and the the excellent title music was created by Erik Ehrling (moderntimes99).

Release notes:

Many thanks to everyone who has been testing my game. Here is the second release candidate, which contains the following changes:
The grey high-score table is now slightly lighter (when an AtariVox/SaveKey is not used).
Pressing up/down on the joystick during the title screen will change the starting wave (unless the right difficulty switch is set to A).
The wave number speech now increases to a higher pitch.
The description of “continue mode” in the manual has been updated.

I will be very grateful for testing by people who own AtariVox/SaveKey units. For some reason the game isn’t saving the high scores when I use my AtariVox, although it works fine with my SaveKey and with Stella. I suspect that my AtariVox may have a bad EEPROM, or there is a bad connection.


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Boxiz (A2600 Game)

Boxiz is a new game from atari2600land.

Release notes:

Here’s my latest game (in a pre-proof-of-concept stage.) Basically what you do is go around the screen getting boxes (which haven’t been implemented yet) and putting them down at the bottom. Once you get down to the bottom, a new box will pop up for you to get. And, of course, there will be an enemy. The movement is kind of like Frogger, only you want to avoid the playfield as it scrolls left or right. This is a test to see if I could get player0 moving correctly (which I did.) I want to make the goal different from Frostbite, though. I got the idea for this game after reading about Zzyzzyx in KLOV.

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Pocket Digital Clock (23-09-2008) (PPC Application)

Pocket Digital Clock using Gregorian date or JalalidDate (Persian date).

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