Hyena v1.02 (NDS misc)

Hyena is an AudioGame player for multiple platforms. Inspired by the AudioBooks, Hyena allows game-books to be played with only sound and just one button.


* Scans the AudioGames/ directory for game-books, and gives a choice on which to load.
* Detailed the .gamebook file specifications at
* Integrated information on how to play the games.
* Better error messages if files are missing.
* Removed crashes due to memory fragmentation.
* Removed .xml format in favor for plain-text.

Release thread:

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iFile v0.15 (NDS Application)

Using iFile is very simple, all you have to do is put the according “.nds” file in your flashcard/linker and through it’s menu, load the program, once done, use the up and down arrow to select the file/folder. Use “A” to open and “B” to go to the parent folder.


*Fixed the typo (Folrder xD) (thanks to Josiah for telling me about this)
*Canceling renaming was broken, now fixed (Thanks to Gh0st for telling me this)
*Raised the number of files permited to show to 600 (Hope that’s enough -.-”)
*Added check for deleting folders( if something goes wrong he’ll warn you!)
*Fixed a bug that ocurred when entering the first folder in the card’s root!
*iFile now says happy birthday 😀 (When the right time comes of course XD)
*Source now under GPL License v3
*Can now create folders! 😀 (may be buggy)
*By Pressing “A” when keyboard on screen, it’s the same as pressing enter
*Added check for successfull folder creation
*Now supports multi extension files (ie: is now identified as an image =D)
*Fixed an extension bug (case is now ignored when checking file extensions)

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MobileChat v2.21 (iPhone Application)

MobileChat is tan AIM instant messenger application for the iPhone.

Release notes:

Localizations (English, Italian, French)
UTF8 Character Support
Conversation Themes
Added WiFi Keep-Alive option
Added XMPP Options for Plain Auth and TLS
Added MSN “HTTP Method” Option
All protocols allow you to specify the server and port now
Changed Network Detection
Fixed iPod Touch chat bubbles
Added sound files
Correct handles line breaks
Fixed HTML stripping
Fixed text size detectiong
Fixed clear history crash

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PinHockey v0.2 (NDS Game)

Relavak Labs updated their first Nintendo DS homebrew game “PinHockey” to v0.2.


Added Dual Screen field with moving paddles and various options
Added Booster and Spin Booster obstacles
Added “Win At” options
Added one puck/two puck option
Updated underlying Box2D library to version 2.

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Tris v0.5 (iPhone Game)

Tris is yet another Tetris game for the iPhone.

This project is intended as an example both of general programming practices within the iPhone frameworks and of attractive interface and effective interaction design for the iPhone platform.

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PuzzleManiak v0.1 (iPhone Game)

PuzzleManiak is a port of the marvelous Simon Tatham’s Portable Puzzle Collection on Nintendo DS. All 27 games are ported on NDS: Tents, Dominosa, Mines, Bridges, Light Up (aka Akari), Pattern (aka Picross), Net (aka Netwalk), Untangle (aka Planarity), Sudoku (aka Solo), Galaxies, Slitherlink (aka Loopy), Blackbox, Mastermind (aka Guess), Map, Filling, Solitaire (aka Pegs), Sixteen, Fifteen, Slant, Rectangles, Netslide, Samegame, Unequal, Flip, Inertia, Twiddle and Pyramid (adaptation of Cube).

Alex has now released a first PUBLIC and OFFICIAL version for the iPhone, but with only three games included so far – compared to the Nintendo DS release.

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Chuzzle (iPhone Game)

Chuzzle is a game similar to “Zoo Keeper”. This is NOT a skin for iZoo.

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PVCS Reloaded v0.3 (A2600 emu for PS2)

PVCS Reloaded attempts to bring PVCS 1.3 (Atari 2600 emulator by BraveDog) back to life! It now
supports following devices:

:. Memory Card
:. USB Devices
:. HDD

This version was converted to PS2SDK/GsKit by bootsector.

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Wolf4SDL DC (DC Game Port)

fackue released a new port of Wolfenstein 3D for Dreamcast.

Further information:

I figure with the release of openTyrian I’d go ahead to release what I have thus far.

This is the first release of a the newest Wolfenstein 3D port, Wolf4SDLDC.

VMU code is based on c99koder’s DreamZZT and OneThirty8’s sdlWolf.

Credits goto Antioch for the LCD graphics.

It currently features:
– Sound
– Controller
– Keyboard
– Saves

Controls are:
Dpad – movement
A – shoot
B – strafe
X – open
Y – run

Figure ’em out

Due to German law we can not post further information on this (the game is still banned).

Thanks to for the news.

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Small Game (04-03-2008) (PSP Game)

hotrocker and spike021 updated “Small Game”, which is a small physics game.


After a certain score is obtained(We will let you find that out for yourself) you will start to add health for every kill made.

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