Parallel Kingdom WIP (Android Game)

Parallel Kingdom is an online medieval role playing game crammed into a cell phone. Parallel Kingdom places the virtual world on top of the real world using the GPS inside your phone. Attack, dance, hug or team up with anyone around you. Setup trade routes, craft items or even show your dominance by creating your own kingdom.

Parallel Kingdom will be launched globally soon after the first android phones are released later in 2008. If you are already interested, the creators are seeking for beta testers:

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Colored Bear Throwdown (A2600 Game)

The colored bears from the land of clouds every once in a while tire of caring and sharing and want to “throw down”!

This is a 2 player game only.

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Arctic Landtran (RC 1) (A2600 Game)

Drive your transport truck on the frozen road, through both day and night, fighting bad weather, avoiding cracks and slippery patches in the ice and dodging oncoming trucks and caribou crossing the road–all the while staying within the road’s boundaries. Off road driving damages and weakens the ice, eventually causing the road to shatter and collapse, with your truck sinking to the bottom of the frigid water.

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Protect-Me (Pre-Final Revision v0.9c) (PSP Application)

maxthebest updated his Protect-Me application for PSP. This application allows you to set a password on startup.


In the Installer:
-Changed the interface totally, now you have a nice one.
-Recoded most of the eboot.
-New options:
-You can now exit via the menu
-You can now uninstall the prx, and password and history file
-You can now delete the password without deleting the prx (to keep history function)
-You can reset the history (clear the file)
-Now the installer checks wether vsh.txt exist or nopt, if it does not exist:
– it creates it
– It adds ‘ms0:/…blah blah blah” so that you don’t have to do it yourself)
-The prx checks wether the good line is writen in vsh.txt, if it does not, then it adds it.
So now the installation is easier, you just put the eboot in your psp and launch it, and then activate the prx, nothing else!
-Changed ‘********’ to ‘aaaaaaaa’ because it caused some little problems.
In the prx:
-Changed ‘********’ to ‘aaaaaaaa’ because it caused some little problems.

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Locations v0.3 (iPhone Application)

Locations – a native iPhone application to watch webcam images whenever you want and wherever you are.


[new] Enhanced User Interface (e.g. smooth scrolling, but don’t scroll too fast!)
[new] Auto update webcam images on startup
[new] Save an image, send it via eMail or set it as wallpaper
[new] Preview webcamin search
[new] Page through the search results
[new] Search webcams near your current location! (Might require you to run LocateMe once after each reboot before using this feature in Locations). Thanks to Erica, Saurik and Hisper!
[fix] Performance enhancements (first run after update will take some time though!)
[fix] lots of minor bug fixes
[fix] Compatible with iPhone 1.0.2 again (Thanks to three6guy for lots of testing)

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Powder (Build 101) (NDS Game)

POWDER is a roguelike game, which is not a port of an existing roguelike. It is built around replayability and long term ergonomics, not short term learning.


Before I go any farther, I have corrected the spelling of recieve in Klaskov’s description. (Rapacity)
“Adventuring can make onE hungry…” (TemporalParadox)
Items will fall down holes and be teleported by teleport traps. (Patch by Richard Quirk)
Transparent spelled properly in Options menu (Michael Brough)
Identify spell takes effect after inventory is cleared so you won’t end up with the new name of the item clipped.
Leaving the inventory by pressing the Inventory Icon will no longer consume a turn.
The classic font has two pixel corrections (Markus Maier)
You now have a choice of five different fonts, four of which have been crafted by Markus Maier. Default is one of his – a shadowed variant of the default font.
You are now prompted to enter the dimensional portal when you step on it, avoiding issues where people didn’t know they needed to climb into it.
Loading a game that was saved with a from-disk tileset when you no longer have a valid from-disk tileset will no longer crash. (Markus Maier)
If you are petrified while possessing a creature, you automatically release possession (with system shock) rather than ending the game. (wings)
Uninitialized memory caused all creatures to be very noisy after a load, allowing you to sense them with H. (Deozaan)
In memory of Nick Sabo’s lost character, there is now an Option to Collapse the dungeon. This destroys all non-quest items on the floor of levels other than your own. Debug Info has been augmented to report your total item usage. This can be used to avoid memory problems on the GBA pending an auto-collapse mode. (Nick Sabo)
50% bonus to food value when eating corpses when you have the Butchery skill (Derek Ray)
“The spear falls into the water” now has a period at the end.
When you pray your current god is reported. (Brendan)
When you load a game or gain a level as a Cultist you will receive the behaviour hint. (Beefhaze)
Description of Soul Suck spell now uses amnesic rather than amnesiac as it is an adjective, not a noun.
A new pointed medium weapon: Rapiers. (Terje Bo)
You can now choose your gender at character creation. (Bridget Farace, Irashtar)
Amnesia inflicted from soul suckers will end a few turns after the soul sucker is killed.
New skill: Disarm.
A bad pointer cast has been removed, hopefully will compile on 64 bit platforms now. (elcugo)
The free spell slots and skill slots of creatures is no longer there hit and magic dice. Instead it is a much lower number. This greatly reduces the effectiveness of polymorphing into an Iron Golem as you won’t have enough skill/spell slots to effectively use the new form.
You can no longer use teleport control to teleport into Belweir’s Library. (Derek Ray)
Created a Wish action which is useful for debugging.
Hitting up at the top of the inventory will bring you to the bottom of the previous column, and vice versa. This lets you iterate over your inventory by only hitting a single button. (Tim Allen)
[Windows]: Updated my SDL that I distribute to SDL 1.2.13 which hopefully fixes problem people have on Vista. (Zeb)

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Powder (Build 101) (GBA Game)

POWDER is a roguelike game, which is not a port of an existing roguelike. It is built around replayability and long term ergonomics, not short term learning.


Before I go any farther, I have corrected the spelling of recieve in Klaskov’s description. (Rapacity)
“Adventuring can make onE hungry…” (TemporalParadox)
Items will fall down holes and be teleported by teleport traps. (Patch by Richard Quirk)
Transparent spelled properly in Options menu (Michael Brough)
Identify spell takes effect after inventory is cleared so you won’t end up with the new name of the item clipped.
Leaving the inventory by pressing the Inventory Icon will no longer consume a turn.
The classic font has two pixel corrections (Markus Maier)
You now have a choice of five different fonts, four of which have been crafted by Markus Maier. Default is one of his – a shadowed variant of the default font.
You are now prompted to enter the dimensional portal when you step on it, avoiding issues where people didn’t know they needed to climb into it.
Loading a game that was saved with a from-disk tileset when you no longer have a valid from-disk tileset will no longer crash. (Markus Maier)
If you are petrified while possessing a creature, you automatically release possession (with system shock) rather than ending the game. (wings)
Uninitialized memory caused all creatures to be very noisy after a load, allowing you to sense them with H. (Deozaan)
In memory of Nick Sabo’s lost character, there is now an Option to Collapse the dungeon. This destroys all non-quest items on the floor of levels other than your own. Debug Info has been augmented to report your total item usage. This can be used to avoid memory problems on the GBA pending an auto-collapse mode. (Nick Sabo)
50% bonus to food value when eating corpses when you have the Butchery skill (Derek Ray)
“The spear falls into the water” now has a period at the end.
When you pray your current god is reported. (Brendan)
When you load a game or gain a level as a Cultist you will receive the behaviour hint. (Beefhaze)
Description of Soul Suck spell now uses amnesic rather than amnesiac as it is an adjective, not a noun.
A new pointed medium weapon: Rapiers. (Terje Bo)
You can now choose your gender at character creation. (Bridget Farace, Irashtar)
Amnesia inflicted from soul suckers will end a few turns after the soul sucker is killed.
New skill: Disarm.
A bad pointer cast has been removed, hopefully will compile on 64 bit platforms now. (elcugo)
The free spell slots and skill slots of creatures is no longer there hit and magic dice. Instead it is a much lower number. This greatly reduces the effectiveness of polymorphing into an Iron Golem as you won’t have enough skill/spell slots to effectively use the new form.
You can no longer use teleport control to teleport into Belweir’s Library. (Derek Ray)
Created a Wish action which is useful for debugging.
Hitting up at the top of the inventory will bring you to the bottom of the previous column, and vice versa. This lets you iterate over your inventory by only hitting a single button. (Tim Allen)
[Windows]: Updated my SDL that I distribute to SDL 1.2.13 which hopefully fixes problem people have on Vista. (Zeb)

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An iPhone scene thank you (iPhone misc)

Most webmasters or organizers of big projects usually get a minumum of feedback , sometimes people even get a harsh rant for their community work – exactly this happened to Ste, who manages one of the biggests iPhone repros out there.


>From: Josh xxx
>To: “”
>Subject: Your packages
>Date: Sat, 16 Feb 2008 23:51:18 -0600
>How about you quit boohooing and update your damn packages.

My reply:
“How about you (bad word) off and die, (bad word).”


No one is forcing someone to use and enjoy a free service, what is your opinion?

Discuss here: //phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=49&t=416

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NEO Spring Coding Contest 2008 (misc)

As every year, here is another “Spring Coding Contest” organized by the creators of the NEOFLASH products.

Deadline is the 20th March 2008 and GBA, NDS and PSP entries are allowed.


The No.1 : US$300 cash , OR choose anyone item from the final NEO product prize list.
The No.2 : US$200 cash , OR choose anyone item from the final NEO product prize list.
The No.3 : US$100 cash , OR choose anyone item from the final NEO product prize list.
The No.4 to No.10 : can choose anyone item from the final NEO product prize list.
The top 6 NEO Professional Reviewers (3 from NDS/GBA division and 3 from PSP division) can choose anyone item from the final NEO product prize list.

Head over to the Neoflash pages for the full “NEO Spring Coding Contest” details and good luck!

Personal sidenote:
If hughe commercial companies keep on colliding with competitions organized by non commercial pages, this might be the last one from us – as I can not keep up on such a level. Personaly I found the announcement quite rude, as it fully collides with the current PDRoms Coding Competition ( //phpbb/viewforum.php?f=59 ) but nevertheless it’s no reason for me to not announce it. The prices are a lot more than PDRoms could ever offer as non commercial page, but we have less formal rules, as you don’t need to put a “PDRoms” splash screen anywhere if you don’t like to.,4862.0.html

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Caisses v1.06 (PPC Game)

Caisses is a Sokoban clone that includes 500 levels and 14 different backgrounds and themes.


Very minor bugfix… Level 80 is now finishable

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