Skinz Sudoku v1.20 (PPC Game)

Mollusk has updated his game “Skinz Sudoku”. It’s a marvellous Pocket PC Sudoku game, which shouldn’t be missed.


– Speed optimisations
– Save improvements (now saves the time I had forgotten to add… shame on me…)
– Improved grid coloring (should react better in all situations)
– Faster boot time
– Fixed Write mode mini-number bug
– Screen light should stay on now

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DSOric v1.0 (Oric emu for NDS)

Alekmaul has finally released his awaited Oric emulator for the Nintendo DS.

Thanks to Alekmaul himself for the news.

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Titan Diamonds v1.1 (A2600 Game)

Fort Apocalypse has updated his game “Titan Diamonds” once again.


now you don’t move, you only shoot when firing. much less frustrating.
note ships bounce off each other properly from 1.0 on.
map changes.

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colloQ v0.10 (iPhone Application)

This is a modified version of mColloquy, the IRC client inspired by Colloquy for MacOS. It comes with lots of fixes and changes compared to the original mColloquy which does not seem to be updated anymore.

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Odyssey 2 v1.05 (Odyssey 2 and Videopac emu for GP2x)

Odyssey 2 is a Odyssey 2 and Viedopac emulator fot the Gp2x. Now including ROM selector and Virtual Keyboard.


V1.05 Added F200 Support.,0,0,0,5,1840

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PSPMSX v1.2.4 (MSX emu for PSP)

Here is a new version of PSPMSX the MSX series Emulator for PSP.


– Add missing keys such as HOME, GRAPH, STOP
(Thanks to symBioT for the bug report)
– Auto joystick fire mode, press RTrigger+X to switch it on/off
(useful for games such as 1942)
– Add several new hotkeys :
. settings such as fps, render mode, auto fire speed
can now be directly modified inside the emulator
(no need to enter in the settings menu)
. quick save / quick load current state
(no need to enter in the main menu)
– Bug fix in the low battery watchdog
– Analog pad can be used in the rom file requester
– RTrigger/LTrigger keys can be used in the keyboard
settings menu to navigate between Normal, LTrigger
and RTrigger compose mapping.

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Alternative VSHMenu v3.5 (PSP Application)

News from Red Squirrel:

What’s it?
It is an Alternative VSHMenu that has ALL same functions of the M33 VshMenu and other utilities such as the possibility to change the background color, to power off and to sleep the console, to activate and to disactivate M33 VshMenù from dashboard or to make screenshot of XMB!
Press HOME (by Default) in XMB to start the Alternative VshMenu!
Press CIRCLE (by Default) in Menù to close it.

N.B.: Do not flash this plugin erasing M33 satelite.prx! In this case Alternative VSHMenu does not work!

v3.5 changes:
-Changed the disposition of menu lines to avoid to occupy all PSP screen height.
-Added a function to enable/disable M33 Network Update.
-Now when VSHMenù begins, the button “Shutdown PSP” will be selected as the first. In this way the process of PSP turning off, reboot and standby is quickly.
-Added 2 new versions of the PRX: one of them is the Italian translation (by Red Squirrel) and the other is the French Translation (by Britix).

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FreeRadio v1.7 (PSP misc)

FreePlay presents FreeRadio – a completely serverless radio player portal for Firmware 3.80.


Added support for custom plugins. Included an example – a two-channel equalizer that displays beneath the ‘stop’ button. For an example of how plugins work, open X:radiopluginsequalize r.plugin in your favorite text editor.
Plugins are self-contained JavaScript files, so if you’re any good with that, you can easily make your own plugins. FreeRadio will automatically load any plugin files stored in the X:radioplugins folder with a filename ending in ‘.plugin’. The only requirements for a plugin are ‘load’ and ‘start’ functions and a variable named ‘started’. The rest is up to you.
Plugins are only loaded in the Shoutcast, Stream, and Playlist views; this is because rest either don’t play audio or might not always look the same (since podcasts and RSS can use HTML).
The web browser and bookmark links now open in a new tab, rather than the current one.

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Super Mario Galaxies v0.71 (NDS Game)

cid2mizard, our newcomer coder from france, released an updated version of his Super Mario themed shooter “Super Mario Galaxies”. This release is actually just a tiny bugfix release.

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Zoids Quest 2x v0.0.1.2 (GP2x Game Port)

namco updated his port of Zoids Quest, a 2D platformer.


– added music
– written code for diagonal bias, but I don’t think it works – might work on the F-200’s though
– Zoid now moves faster.

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