Dingoo News
Ball Breaker v1.1 (Dingoo Linux Game)

Ball Breaker is a remake of Arkanoid, using graphics from the Atari ST version.

Discussion: http://gueux-forum.net/index.php?showtopic=219767

Thanks to http://www.dcemu.co.uk for the news!


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Abuse WIP (02-08-2009) (Dingoo Linux Game Port)

Abuse is a famous side-scrolling run and gun game originally released for DOS and Linux in 1996. It features beautiful pixel art, lighting effects, many weapons, and is a real challenge even on normal difficulty.


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MAME4ALL Dingoo v1.1 (Arcade emu for Dingoo Linux)

MAME 0.37b5 for the A320 Dingoo (by Slaanesh) based on MAME4ALL (by Franxis). This release uses Linux for Dingoo. Please install Dingux (by BooBoo) first before even trying to use this! Please see the readme.txt included in the release or this online version ( -> http://users.bigpond.net.au/mame/dingoo/readme.txt ) for details.


* Whats new in v1.1:

– Implemented Video Scaling option “Scale Horizontal”.
Useful for games like R-Type and Final Fight, etc. Other smaller resolution games will stretch out to fill the screen. Taken from MAME4ALL Wiz version (code originally from Notaz & Franxis).

– Implemented Video Scaling option “Scale Best”.
This is a generic rescale that can resize any screen down to fit the Dingoo’s native 320×200 resolution. It produces the nicest scaled display as pixels are merged both horizontally and vertically. The downside is that it may be slow.

– Implemented Video Scaling option “Scale Fast”.
This is a generic rescale that can resize any screen down to fit the Dingoo’s native 320×200 resolution. It produces the nicest scaled display as pixels are merged only horizontally. As a result the speed should be somewhat quicker than “Scale Best”.

– Implemented Video Scaling option “Scale Halfsize”.
Useful for high resolution games like Rampage and Tapper, etc. 8-bit video mode is quickest as extra pixels are just truncated. 16-bit mode does pixel merging, resulting in a nicer, but slightly slower display. Should still be quick enough for most games. This is the fastest of the scaling options.

– Implemented Volume option. Games can start at Max (DEFAULT), Medium, Low and Quiet volume settings. This was requested by my wife. 🙂

– Fixed crash bug with Pole Position with sound on.

– Fixed credit/start button bug with Galaga.

– Fixed slow down issues with Asteroids.

– Added SELECT+Y as an alternative means of accessing the MAME menu. SELECT+X still works, but I found this would often cause immediate accidental keypresses within the menu. I use SELECT+Y now.

– Switched toolchain/libc to gain increase in speed. Vector games run faster and most other games have a small increase in speed.

– Source code coming soon.

News source: http://a320.freeforums.org/mame4all-dingoo-v1-1-released-n-m-t928.html


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Ball Breaker v1.0 (Dingoo Linux Game)

Ball Breaker is a remake of Arkanoid, using graphics from the Atari ST version. There is no music/sound for the moment.

Discussion: http://gueux-forum.net/index.php?showtopic=219767


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GP2Xpectrum v1.7.2 (Spectrum emu for Dingoo Linux)

Spectrum emu for Dingux.


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Kobo Deluxe v0.5.1 (Dingoo Linux Game Port)

50m30n3 ported Kobo Deluxe to Dingux.

Kobo Deluxe is an enhanced version of Akira Higuchi’s game XKobo for Un*x systems with X11. Kobo Deluxe adds sound, smoother animation, high resolution support, OpenGL acceleration (optional), an intuitive menu driven user interface, joystick support and other features. Recent versions also add a number of alternative skill levels with slightly modernized gameplay. Kobo Deluxe uses SDL for graphics, sound and input, which makes it possible to build and run the game on pretty much anything. [Description from it’s official page at http://olofson.net/kobodl/ ]


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Dodgin Diamond II (27-07-2009) (Dingoo Linux Game Port)

Dodgin’ Diamond 2 aims to be an “old school” arcade game with low resolution graphics, top-down scrolling action, energy based gameplay, and different weapons with several levels of power.


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Nofrendo (28-07-2009) (NES emu for Dingoo Linux)

zear comes up with a port of Nofrendo, a NES emulator.

There is no sound in the current release, because it slows down the emulation.


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Powermanga (28-07-2009) (Dingoo Linux Game Port)

Powermanga is an arcade 2D shoot-em-up game with 41 levels and more than 200 sprites.


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ColeCOO v1.0 (Coleco emu for Dingoo)

ColeCOO is a NATIVE ColecoVision emulator for Dingoo by alekmaul!

Thanks to alekmaul himself for the news.


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