LvR (Gameboy Advance)

HakuNeko v1.4.2.06 (Pandora Application Port)

HakuNeko is a Manga Downloader, now ported to Pandora by ptitSeb.


* Update to latest sources (1.4.2)
* Update to wxWidget 3.0.3

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Barony: Cursed Edition v2.0.7.02 (Pandora Game Port)

Barony is a 3D, first-person roguelike. The goal of the game is to descend to the bottom of a dark dungeon known as the Devil’s Bastion and destroy an undead lich named Baron Herx, who terrorized the peaceful town of Hamlet in life and is now harboring a curse against the land from beyond the grave. To aid you in your quest are friendly humans who have been eeking out a rough life within the dungeon for generations, as well as any friends you can bring with you in real life: Barony is the first of its kind as a first-person roguelike in that it fully supports cooperative multiplayer for up to four players.

You will need the game data from the full game to play this PND. Either put the GoG version install (for the Linux or Windows version) inside appdata/barony, or put all the installation files inside the game subfolder.

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Wizard of Wor (02-02-2018) (NES Game)

Thom works on an unofficial port of Wizard of Wor for the Nintendo Entertainment System.

Release notes:

Wizard of Wor WIP: Worrior and monster collision detection fully implemented (both worriors and monsters able to shoot and kill each other, with appropriate points rewarded.) There still is at least one lingering bug with the laser code. But for now, I need to optimize all the bounding box checking code to gain back much needed cycles as the game slows down when everybody is on screen and shooting. Can’t have that. Computer is playing blue.

And now, I need to take a break from new features, to drastically optimize the bounds checking code, as I am doing lots of multiplies and divides all over the code for ostensibly similar or same values. (at least I think), I need to do the calculations once, and just use them per frame, and that should free up more than enough cycles to finish the game play implementation.

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Plague (25-01-2018) (A2600 Game)

In Plague you are the famous and misunderstood plague doctor of the middle ages, collecting herbs and at the end, duel a battle with Death itself. Since the initial release earlier this month, this is the third update so far. Jump… run… and protect!

Plague Update - 2018-01-25

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The Retro Hour EP107 – The Ultimate Video Game Music Panel (misc)

The Retro Hour is your weekly dose of retro gaming and technology news, views and interviews from the UK.


David Wise, Rob Hubbard and Graeme Norgate join us at All Your Bass music festival for the ultimate video game music panel!

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Gruniożerca 2 (WIP) (NES Game)

Gruniożerca 2 is a puzzle-platformer for the NES developed by Łukasz Kur & M_Tee between November 2017 and January of 2018.

In it, you control Grunio, pet and guinea pig mascot of, on a quest to find his owner, gaming personality Dark Archon, who has gotten lost in the depths of their overly complex cellar.

Luckily, Grunio’s chew toys have been strewn all throughout the house, the cellar being no exception. So, help this piggie place blocks, swing squeaky hammers, push stools, press switches, collect keys, devour carrots, leap, climb, teeter, and tumble his way through 24 dark, dingy, and drab basement doors.

A digital release of the game will be released in the next few days, coinciding with the deadline for the NesDev Competition.

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Untitled Isometric Survival Horror v0.41 (WIP) (NES Game)

Orab Games are heavily working on their project Untitled Isometric Survival Horror for the Nintendo Entertainment System.

Untitled Isometric Survival Horror V041

Current notes:

In v.041, I have added a lot of features. What you can’t see is that I have compressed all of my backgrounds with RLE. I have also added some simple background collisions to all rooms that you can navigate to. I have a lot of the first floor built with my early screen graphics, however, the hallways need some more programming, as you will be able to tell in the video. As of now, you must pass through a hallway twice before going to the next as this is how the Index Table is laid out in the code. I hope to have a remedy for that soon.

The room changing routine is mostly working, I still have some work to do on those, mainly placing doors. As of now, only the Right Exit works properly and only the Upper Right exit in Hallways.

Some other features added include:
-Fade out routine
-2 options for controls, Standard and Diagonal. Standard is Up,Down,Left,Right on the Dpad while your character moves in a diagonal. Diagonal controls means are you have to push Up-Left on the Dpad to move UpLeft on the screen.
-Cleaned up my palette code so that I can change colors more efficiently.
-Made a beta title screen for a place holder.

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Weka Invaders v1.0 (Master System Game)

Waimanu slips into his next adventure with Weka Invaders. Mid of December 2017 Disjointed Studio made sure that Master System lovers were not bored during christmas and new year. But who says this game is just limited to this time frame?

Waimanu should shoot metal blocks and wekas that might be hiding in them. Some blocks also can hide power-ups which can give Waimanu new features such as temporary multiple-fire or increased speed. Also he can shake the floor he’s on, making all the weka on them fall under, if he’s got enough ‘shakes’ left (he can find more shakes hidden in blocks). Each and every Weka should be removed before the times runs out.

A friendly reminder: The game is still work in progress.

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The Retro League Podcast – Episode 422 – Rip-off Tycoon (misc)

The Retro League Podcast features discussion about the latest retro gaming news, re-releases, community developments and reviews of our favorite games.

This week:

This week the Retro League is all out of bubble gum, but we’ve got an investment opportunity that’s very unlikely to return your money. We’ve got audio + data CD’s that won’t work in modern computers and some very good news for Sega CD collectors. The guy who claimed to get an impossible score decades ago has finally been hit with the banhammer in this episode.

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Miedow (Cheril’s Nightmares) v1.0 (NES Game)

Bad dreams are sometimes part of storylines. Same goes with Miedow (Cheril’s Nightmares) by The Mojon Twins.

After walking into the shrine, Cheril falls asleep. In her dreams, a voice commands her to find her daughters. You can push some blocks around, as well as statues. Move statues to pedestals to proceed. Find keys to open locks. Shoot orbs to
light them!

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