Pocket PC News
iContact is an all-inclusive finger-friendly contact manager for Windows Mobile PocketPC phones. It’s easily skinnable, intuitive, and replaces the standard Windows Mobile contact chooser.
made “left” and “right” buttons work better with iDialer
made “dial” use iDialer, if it’s installed
made “Manage Contact” and “Edit Contact” return to details, and actions go back to list
Fix weird bug with show summary, w/ default email account
Added long click in titlebar = exit program
Replaced Control Panel icon with a (hopefully, more stable) one
Discussion: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=395829
Manila 2D Application Launcher is exactly what it says, an application launcher to be used with Manila 2D. Basically, this replaces the folderview.exe in your Windows directory.
CapSure is a screenshot prog for PPC’s.
-VGA ready – tested in emulator
-faster load time
Slide2Unlock2 (S2U2) is a simple lock/unlock application which has the iPhone style slide unlocking. It can be used as a screensaver while you don’t use your device. And it’s has a CallerID function.
S2U2 Customizer is just a initial test to know the responses. Currently changes only to Digital Clocks & Arrows plus an option to backup the current theme & restore the previous theme is available.
Task Facade, previously known as Dynamo 3, is a cool, animated task manager for your PocketPC 2003/05/06 device. Say goodbye to boring text lists of running programs and instead manage your programs by sliding in images of all your running applications onto your screen. For each program on your device an image is saved and when you click the hotkey they all zoom onto your screen. Simply click the one you want and it will increase to fill the screen. Quickly seeing all the running programs is far more efficient than having to read through a text-based task list so Task Facade can make task switching a much faster, and cooler, experience.
Task Facade also allows you to quit programs from inside the image view meaning that it does everything your old text-based program manager could do.
As well as just looking generally cooler, Task Facade offers far more customization than before and allows the whole application to be controlled using either your PDAs hardware keys or the stylus.
3.7.7 /2008-11-05/:
# fix: wakeup feature will work absolutely stable: if you switch it off in the config, it will be switched off when launching Facade next time 100%. So don’t be afraid of using it!
# fix: can be installed on WM5
# default wallpapers in the config.txt changed to be 320×240 (qvga). it seems like most of us are still qvga. vga users please change the settings (change ‘320×240’ to ‘640×480’)
# minor fixes and structural changes
Manila 2D Application Launcher is exactly what it says, an application launcher to be used with Manila 2D. Basically, this replaces the folderview.exe in your Windows directory.
This tool is useful for determining the status of the network and various foreign hosts, tracking and isolating hardware and software problems, and testing, measuring, and managing networks.
[beta-5] (04-NOV-2008)
– added functionality to save your current settings
MissedCallReminder adds the missing “missed call” and “missed sms” reminder to WM 6.
1.1 release
Application menu
Minimize to taskbar on apply
Test vibrate option
Clear reminders option (Please note: this removes ALL reminders generated by the application, it does NOT remove missed call/unread sms items generated by WM)
Fixes a bug that made the application generate reminders when not needed
Task Facade, previously known as Dynamo 3, is a cool, animated task manager for your PocketPC 2003/05/06 device. Say goodbye to boring text lists of running programs and instead manage your programs by sliding in images of all your running applications onto your screen. For each program on your device an image is saved and when you click the hotkey they all zoom onto your screen. Simply click the one you want and it will increase to fill the screen. Quickly seeing all the running programs is far more efficient than having to read through a text-based task list so Task Facade can make task switching a much faster, and cooler, experience.
Task Facade also allows you to quit programs from inside the image view meaning that it does everything your old text-based program manager could do.
As well as just looking generally cooler, Task Facade offers far more customization than before and allows the whole application to be controlled using either your PDAs hardware keys or the stylus.
3.7.5 /2008-11-04/:
# bugfixing
Notepad Mobile is a “text editor” for Windows Mobile. It allows you to open text (.txt) files and other text based files (.xml, .bat, .log, etc.)
Its main features being high speed, small size and compatibility with most devices running DOTNET Framework.
Release notes:
Yes. I know why the error is there. This is not an error. You are providing the filename as command-line parameter. But your file name contains spaces, hence it should be enclosed within quotes.
E.g. /Internal Storage/my file.txt should be opened as Notepad.exe “/Internal Storage/my file.txt” and see it will work!
I can do a workaround fix, but that would make it non-standard. I will tell you why…
All command-line parameters are separated by spaces.
e.g. Notepad.exe param1 param2
Now, all programs use the first parameter as file name. But, when your filename contains spaces, it is split into two or more parameters. And that causes the error. Hence, to open your file, your parameter should appear within double quotes.
So, for opening a file, say, /My File.txt, your command will be.
“/Notepad.exe” “/My File.txt” (assuming that both files are in root folder)
PS: Please don’t mind if I went in so much details. But I explained for people who would not know anything.
However, If you suggest that I should “merge” multiple parameters and check whether it is a valid filename or not, then I can do it. But as I said, that would be non-standard 🙂 . I have attached a file with this change done.