Pocket PC News
Egress is a application which can display your favorite RSS feeds directly on your PocketPC.
Fixed bug where trailing characters would cause parse of feed to fail
Fixed item custom sort dialog
Podcasts are no longer written to PocketIE’s cache which was causing out of storage space errors
Podcast downloading was not respecting “Only when cradled” setting
Screen will no longer inadvertantly scroll to the side when dismissing up item context menu
Thanks to http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/ for the news.
G-Alarm is an alarm clock with a special mechanism to wake you up. Before the alarm clock stops you need to guide a ball through a labyrinth.
ThrottleLock is a pattern based lock application, fully skinable and with multilanguage support.
– Now softkeys issue is definetly solved 😉
GSlide, “Generic Slide”, is simply a explorer with a kinetic slider interface.
To install just drop the folder into your Programs folder. It works wherever you place it.
– Updated with some nice custom actions for copy and delete.
– Also updated the API so that its a piece of cake to make new cool plugins.
Discussion: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=421034
Auto Lock (CSDEVCTRL) is another auto locking program which utilizes the Windows Locking for partial locking (phone related keys are active) or complete locking (no keys are active).
v3.28 – Added option for Power off and lock only if Today is shown (+Fixes of course).
ThrottleLock is a pattern based lock application, fully skinable and with multilanguage support.
– Battery metter
– Now runs on background. The app will keep running on background after the first start up so the locking is almost automatic. You can place a shortcut on WindowsStartup so that your device locks even when startup (more secure). To allow freeing memory the app will respond to Hibernate message performing a full close, this will happend only if the device is not locked when resources are requested.
– Some bugs solved like two instances startup or graphical issues when voice mail or MMS where present (i forget to attach the png’s for this last two cases X-D).
– Included German and Swedish translations. (thanks to aldur and T-dome).
MSCEInf is an application to examinate data inside a CAB file.
– This dll is now in the ListView (Properties – Context Menu – and Drag and Drop are allowed on this DLL)
– The SETUPDLL is marked in red
– An icon is shown in StatusBar to show its presence
– The Hint of the StatusBar specifies its presence
PocketCAS is a free interface to the open-source Computer Algebra System giac/xcas.
xcas enables you to quickly solve complex algebraic problems, e.g. symbolic and numeric integration and derivation of non-trivial functions, solving differential equations etc. It has also a huge support for problems of linear algebra, like solving linear equation systems, multiplying and inverting matrices, finding eigenvalues (and eigenvectors, of course) and much more. If you do statistics or number theory, you will like xcas’ great functionality in those areas, too!
Added images for the following functions: x^(-1), x^y, e^x, sum, product
Improved images for the following functions: sqrt, integral, pi
Some internal optimizations regarding the XML keyboard. Please tell me whether you notice changes in performance and memory consumption (good or bad)
Greek keys and keys for single-letter variables for easier variable input (located in the “helper” section)
Added more mathematical symbols to the keyboard rather than mere text. This benefits WM 2003 users especially, as they now get some icons rather than mere text buttons.
Improved options for keyboard font sizes (different font sizes for individual sections and buttons)
text size of many keyboard buttons has been improved for even better usability
Slide2Unlock2 (S2U2) is a simple lock/unlock application which has the iPhone style slide unlocking. It can be used as a screensaver while you don’t use your device. And it’s has a CallerID function.
– fixed the bug that ShowAppointment could not display any appointment on some devices again.
(But one user reported that the appointments will be displayed as if they are one day later. As I cannot reproduce the error, no solution yet.)
– fixed the issue that S2U2 will not be on focus when device wakes up.
– some minor bugs fixed.
Hou Ming’s File Explorer Extension addresses all the missing features that should have been included in the Windows Mobile stock File Explorer.
Discussion: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=422008