Pocket PC News
ThumbCal is a customizable fingerfriendly calendar application for Windows Mobile Pocket PC’s. You do not need your stylus anymore to navigate through months and years, tasks and appointments or to quickly create or delete them.
ThumbCal is free for personal use.
– tasks/appointments editable
– configuration menu (language/skin/taskbar/week no. configurable)
– some speed improvements
– added many features to day view (you can now slide to the prev/next day)
– minor bug fixes
– days of next and prev month now visible in month view
– multi day appointment now clickable also between start and end
– Please notice: There are some differences between 0.4x and 0.5x language and skin files. Would be cool if you could provide the new language files again. 😉
This is a little tool for your Windows Mobile based phones (Compatible with WM5/WM6 but not WM2003) which will cycle ur today background or theme after a set interval of time. It has a lot of features and options that you can discover by reading the text below. And you can even use this options to achieve something other than changing wallpapers as well but that depends on your imagination. 😉
i)Theme Color Detection has been improved a lot. Should work much more accurately now.
This a a little program to create Wayfinding Lists for Buses on http://www.vrr.de
In this early version the html routines are mainly implented and the GUI will get more user friendly to configurate it your way!
GeoTerrestrial GPSToday offers a mind-boggling array of intuitively accessible features hidden behind a unique and clever interface.
GPSToday installs as a today-screen plugin on your Windows Mobile internet-enabled device. At the most basic level, it keeps your GPS hardware primed whenever you need it. But that is only for starters. In general, it will significantly enhance the utility you derive from your device. Check the home page for a (nearly) full list.
Now optionally set the device to autonomously wakeup before attempting a perioidic fix!
Now optionally prevent the device from going to sleep when running the GPS in persistent mode.
Tap the address area in the today screen to display geo-coordinates and time of last fix.
Find an address on the map.
Too many contacts? Now you can find a specific contact on the map.
Now international users can conserve battery strength by disabling the street address display on the today screen, so as to always see geo-coordinates.
Single tap from today screen to copy the geo-coordinates to the clipboard!
Now you can set a map position as you current GPS position
Configure GPS sensitivity vs. Accuracy
Now configure the minimum battery strength below which GPSToday will automatically turn off periodic quick fixes.
PocketGravity is a gravity/physics program for PocketPC’s.
– Circle and box plotting
– Drag ‘n Drop, angle changing
– Cloning
– Advanced joints
– 100 undo/redo levels
– Save/Loads, share your scenes with your friends
iFonz is a clone of iPhone interface, with a lots of customization and a fully graphical design and animations
for Windows Mobile 5/6 completely writed in .NET.
– Correct error when you start a program and rotate the screen and after return in iFonz and go to error
– Add number of icons for row in Portrait and Landscape in settings
– Add number of bottom bar icons in settings, now u can set 0 icons for bottom bar
– Increase the number of icons for page to 20
– Resolved some bugs and increased speed of launch programs
– Restyled the Settings form
– Correct dimension of Operator name, now dont go over the time
– Now you can customize all the graphics in “gfx” folder
– Correct In & Out of icons from page
– Correct some graphics bugs
– Correct error with calendar, if you dont see the numbers of appointments, in your device this not work for now
– Now you can enter in settings directly from the link iFonz Settings in the programs menu
– Correct problem with Load Themes which create error in registry creation (old saves work correctly)
– Add in themes menu the item Default Settings to delete all previous settings and reset iFonz to initial settings
GPS2Clipboard gets the GPS position data and copy them to the clipboard from where they can be pasted to any application with a paste command (for example an SMS or e-mail editor).
As different programs may use different GPS data formats GPS2Clipboard can format them as sexagesimal, fractional, decimal and as a Google Maps link ready to be pasted in an Internet Browser or a Google Kml placemark ready to be used by Google Earth.
Moreover, GPS2Clipboard show visually the quality of the GPS signal to help in obtaining a good position data.
Planet Hively is a “musicdisk” released for plenty of platforms, such as Pocket PC.
Official page of the creator group “IRIS” – http://www.irishq.dk/
GPS2Clipboard gets the GPS position data and copy them to the clipboard from where they can be pasted to any application with a paste command (for example an SMS or e-mail editor).
As different programs may use different GPS data formats GPS2Clipboard can format them as sexagesimal, fractional, decimal and as a Google Maps link ready to be pasted in an Internet Browser or a Google Kml placemark ready to be used by Google Earth.
Moreover, GPS2Clipboard show visually the quality of the GPS signal to help in obtaining a good position data.
S2P is a stylus-free MP3/WMA player application. It simply lets you browse your music files & play.
– fixed the issue that S2P did not start due to some problematic ROM/OEM