Pocket PC News
DoubleSkill is a simple and brain-damaging game – You have to control, at the same stylus, the bottom bar and the top ‘raquette’… Use the Stylus or the Pad to do so. If one of the 2 balls falls, it’s game over!
Shift is a dynamic puzzle game that doesn’t require the stylus to play, making it ideal for quick games in the metro or the bus.
Form groups of 3 or more blocks with the same color and they will disappear.
– Bigger smartphone screen size (now hides taskbar)
– Fixed taskbar bug on smartphones
– Rotated keys to work better on 320×240 smartphones
– Added ‘Back’ key to exit when playing
This a a little program to create Wayfinding Lists for Buses on http://www.vrr.de
– Added Program Icon with Vista Style
– Added HTML Templates for Show “Fahrpläne”
– Added Real Showing Screen of “Fahrpläne”
IPSMS is a tool for sending SMS via SMS77, SMSBug, Voipbuster (nonoh, sparvoip, voipstunt, webcall Direct, VoipWise, 12voip, dialnow, justvoip etc…) and your cellular network provider.
– added: SMS counter
– added: show remaining free contingent of SMS for network providers on main screen
Gear up for the challenge of the century with Eggstreme – Sizzler Supremacy. The Eggs have finally got it right this year…
The Eggs have always been a civil race. Easy going and law abiding (although known to crack under pressure occasionally). But this Easter, things are going to change…
The Eggatrons have invaded to establish a new order. Help the Eggs fight back – to reach supremacy – to restore their position in the albumen. All Eggs, black, white, small, big, dotted and even slightly cracked will have to unite to combat this evil. Your fellow yolks need you in the scrambling sizzle that has erupted.
The adventure has just begun.
CEPhotoViewer is an extremly tiny “Photo Viewer” for Pocket PC’s.
Release notes:
I have created a small photo viewing application that I wanted to publish to the world. Key features are
– Native C code. No dependencies on .NET or any other library
– Tiny (just 25Kb)
– Full screen photos with gestures and hot-spots
– Slide-show mode
– Nice transitions (you can see them all in the slide show mode)
I have tested this on my GPS (CE 4.2) and PDA (Hermes) and it works quite well.
– Slide left to go to next photo in list (You can also use the wheel down for this)
– Slide right to go to previous photo list (You can also use the wheel up for this)
– Slide up to go to last photo in list
– Slide down to go to first photo in list
Hot Spots
– Top left to open a specific folder. Folder navigation is done by sliding up and down and select the to select
– Bottom left to open a specific photo. Again, you can slide up or down or go to a specific folder
– Bottom Right to start/stop slide show mode. Slideshow is 3 seconds. You can change the config file to specify different interval
– Top right to exit
– Right edge of screen to go to next photo in list
– Left edge of screen to go to previous photo list (You can also use the wheel up for this)
– Bottom edge of screen to go to last photo in list
– Top edge of screen to go to first photo in list
CEPhotoViewer saves its configuration in CEPhotoViewer.cfg in the same folder as the exe. This file contains the last open folder and the slide show timeout
– On startup CEPhotoViewer looks for any JPG/BMP/GIF images in the program’s folder. Else it prompts you to select a folder. Once selected the config file is created and subsequent runs, it will automatically pickup that folder
– CEPhotoViewer uses native microsoft DLL to load a image. Depending on the speed of your CPU, this loading might be slow. Photos resized to the correct size (under 640×480) load pretty quickly. Large (2MP+) photos take a couple of seconds to load. Perhaps someday I will include native JPG loading codeDone
– CEPhotoViewer is built for ARM CPUs only. I can build for other CPUs but dont have a device handy
Looking forward to your comments. Im also working on finishing a MP3 player and a launcher (more appropriate for GPS devices)
This a a little program to create Wayfinding Lists for Buses on http://www.vrr.de
– Added Config functionality
– Fixed some little Bugs
– Added MenuBar with Descriptions
– Added QuickList of Städte/Haltestellen
necris.developer released an update to his “BinaryClock” application.
fixed 12/0 hour bug
swaped position of seconds and hours
ThumbCal is a customizable fingerfriendly calendar application for Windows Mobile Pocket PC’s. You do not need your stylus anymore to navigate through months and years, tasks and appointments or to quickly create or delete them.
ThumbCal is free for personal use.
As of now there is no changelog available – the release thread with the announcement of v0.5.1 is here -> http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=373971